God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1800: You have a misunderstanding of my personality

At this moment, Jiang Fan thoroughly figured out the question he had previously puzzled!

No wonder the auctioneer of Feng Nian is such a super strong with the limit of 19th level!

No wonder the punishment for Voodoo is so severe!

No wonder none of the Tianding Tenji that was supposed to have appeared!

No wonder, no wonder...

As for the old man, his strength is probably no longer inferior to Tianding Shi!

After thinking about all this, Jiang Fan didn't give birth to calculated dissatisfaction for the first time, but was filled with a relief of comfort!

Oh shit!

I was actually fooled once too!

However, it was fun to be tricked!

As if feeling Jiang Fan's relaxation, the old man turned his head and smiled at Jiang Fan.

There was a kind of encouragement and kindness in that smile.


The price of ten trillion yuan finally shocked everyone!

Of course, let alone ten trillion, one trillion, that old man can even shout out!

Anyway, acting, shouting and not spending money!

As for those foreign devils, when will they be able to realize that they have been tricked, then there is no certainty!

The auction of strange objects came to an end, and Lin Guodong sent a message to Jiang Fan from a distance, and then quietly followed the old man.

And until he left, Jiang Fan unexpectedly discovered that behind Lin Guodong, there were still two people who looked like ordinary people and did not breathe at all.

Only when the two of them smiled kindly at him, Jiang Fan vaguely understood that even if the strength of these two people is not as good as that of the old man, I am afraid that they are not much worse!


Jiang Fan spit out a foul breath, and Jiang Fan smiled:

"It's over, are you ready to receive it?"

Zhao Xiaochuan laughed and laughed!

Even Yue Jianhan's mouth grinned!

Knowing that the Jade Seal of the Kingdom was just a play, all of them were relieved!

And immediately after that, they were all excited by the upcoming harvest!

One thousand sixty-four billion!

No matter who gets such a large number of astronomical figures, he will definitely laugh until his mother can't recognize it!

Soon, under the leadership of Zhao Xiaochuan, Jiang Fan and several people have already walked out of the box!

There are two doors in the box, in addition to the time when you come, there is also a direct access to the venue.

If you want to get a lot, you have to walk through the venue.

But a few people just came out, they met Hayes!

The other party obviously just walked out, the two sides met, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled:

"Elder Hayes, thank you very much!"

Hayes' mouth twitched, but he still barely showed a smile:

"Haha, it's nothing, Mr. Jiang, now that the auction is over, when will I go to the airport to collect blood?"

"Go after receiving the lot!"

With a contract, Jiang Fan must arrive at the airport within twenty-four hours to let the George family take blood!

"Haha, okay, then I'll be waiting for Mr. Jiang at the airport!"

"Good talk!"

The two bid farewell, and Hayes was the first to leave the venue!

At this time, Yu Zhengming also came over, and the two smiled at each other. Unlike the hypocrisy of Hayes, this smile was full of sincerity.

Yu Zhengming sighed:

"I didn't expect the last scene to be a drama!"

"Yeah, even I was almost ashamed."

"It's fine if Zhibao is fine, Jiang Fan, I'll be waiting for you in the capital!"

"it is good!"

Yu Zhengming left, and the others also made a few polite words, and finally all left.

At this moment!

"Jiang Fan!"

Another low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan glanced sideways, and it turned out that the dust came on his own initiative!

"Jiang Fan, you made me believe you before, now?"

The dust has a bad tone.

"Don't worry, isn't it just removing scars? I have a hundred ways!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

A move in the dust's eyes:

"When does it begin?"

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that my scar removal method is a hundred times stronger than that **** beauty lotion, but it takes time to dispense the medicine!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, let me ask you, do you want it yourself or someone else? You must tell the truth!"


"Understood, ten days! But for these ten days you have to follow me. I will take a little blood from you every day as a medicinal primer. After ten days, even if you have scars on your butt, I promise that it will become white and tender again. It can be broken by blowing!"

Dust trembled all over, and she didn't know whether it was agitated or angry. She gave Jiang Fan a deep look:

"do not lie to me!"

"That's right, have I deceived anyone?"

"Hehe, save this to death, or someone like Hayes can say it!"

"It's okay, it's normal for you to have a misunderstanding of my personality. After a long time, you will know!"

Jiang Fan laughed and walked out of the venue first!

Soon, a group of people have arrived in the collection room on the next floor.

An entire floor was emptied here, countless treasures were all numbered, quietly placed on display columns, and all the service staff who came and went were polite.

But if you look carefully, all these service personnel are actually above level ten!

At this moment, many guests took their lots under the leadership of the service staff.

Under Zhao Xiaochuan's leadership, several people soon came outside a box with the word "six" written on it.

And at the door here, there is actually a master guarding!

And it's not just Box No. 6, but the rest of the boxes are all like this!

Open the door with an invitation card, and a huge room with luxurious decorations suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The sofa, coffee table, and bar are all available in the room, and there is even a bathroom. The point is, there is a small reception room!

The few lots Jiang Fan got were quietly placed on a huge stone platform at the end of the room.

In addition to the Holy Grail, the Demon Crystal, and the corpse, including the silver flask of Dionysus, the Horn of the Devil, and the map of Avalon that were photographed by the George family before!

Only the Xuanguang furnace and the golden plate of the sun **** photographed by the Zhou family have yet to arrive.

Looking at these babies, a group of people couldn't help but raise their mouths!

Although the actual number is 164 billion, if these lots are added, the number is far more than that!

And at this moment!


The door of the room was suddenly slapped.

Jiang Fan opened the door, and suddenly saw Thurmond with a bad face!

Without saying a word, Jiang Fan took Thurmond directly into a small reception room inside!

The moment he entered, Jiang Fan's expression was full of grievances:

"Bishop Thurmond! You have to call me the shots!"

Thurmond was stunned!

He came here with the intention of asking the teacher!

You Jiang Fan is a believer in our Bright Council!

But when the jade seal of the country was auctioned off, my dear, that look was as if I was about to kill Lao Tzu!

Your kid is unfaithful to my lord!

But seeing Jiang Fan's aggrieved look, he suddenly became puzzled!

"what happened?"

"When filming the last thing, those big families all targeted me under the agitation of the Zhou family!"

"For you?!"

Thurmond looked dumbfounded!

"Yes! The Zhou family said that I am ambiguous with the Guangming Council. Those big families let me participate in the auction. They are backing them and want to see if I am a believer in the Light! If you don't believe me, you can investigate the communications sent to me by the various families Record! I swear to God that they will all take the initiative to give me money and let me actively bid!"

"Zhou's family!!"

Thurmond was directly angry!

Jiang Fan's remarks are well documented, and even if you want to fake it, you can't do it!

"Master Bishop, you have to call me the shots!"

Jiang Fan was even more aggrieved, tears are coming down!

Thurmond's mouth twitched, this is China!

I still have a problem with self-protection in this place. How can I give you the shot?

But if that's the case, and Jiang Fan's heart is chilled, the loss will be great! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1800 Your Personality to Me Misunderstanding) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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