God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1801: Sit on the ground and divide the spoils

After thinking about it, Thurmond finally decided to spend money!

"Ahem, Jiang Fan, I can see your loyalty to my lord, so let's, the council will give you five times the compensation!"

Jiang Fan sighed;

"It's not a question of money, it's dignity! Bishop Thurmond, they are clearly provoking parliament!"

"Hehe, you are right, the glory of my lord will inevitably be spread here in the future! How about... seven times?"

"Well, for the sake of my lord, what's the matter with patience for the time being!"

Jiang Fan is awe-inspiring!

"Ha ha……"

Thurmond laughed twice, and then suddenly looked excited:

"Jiang Fan, the Holy Grail..."

As early as when Thurmond knocked on the door, Jiang Fan had already packed everything except the corpse of the gods and the crystals of the devil into the backpack. Now that he turned his hand over, he had taken out the Holy Grail!

With the Holy Grail in hand, Thurmond was trembling with excitement!

Saint John's Holy Grail!

Counting this one, the council has five holy grails!

As long as you can find the Holy Grail of St. Foren again, the six Holy Grails can activate that holy relic!

Although it is only activated and cannot release its power, it will also benefit the Council of Light!

Yes, it is said that there are only three holy grails in the Council of Light, which are just smoke bombs released by the Council of Light!

And this matter, except for the Pope and the Archbishop, including the Inquisition and the Knights do not know!

"Jiang Fan! If you do a good job, the funds will be credited to the account at the latest twelve hours!"

"Thank you, Bishop Thurmond!"

Jiang Fan looked excited!

Thurmond was not wordy, picked up the Holy Grail, turned and left the box.

Seeing his leaving back, Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the murderous aura in it flashed away!

"Long Yan!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.

"Brother Fan, what's the matter?"

Long Yan walked into the small reception room and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Fan took off a ring on his hand and handed it to him!

That ring, amazingly, can convert all energy into dark attributes, the obsidian ring!

"Follow up. Once this guy leaves Huayang, find a chance to kill him and bring the Holy Grail back!"

Long Yan was startled:

"Kill him?"


"But Brother Fan, if you say it's not good in the future, there will still be places to use him!"

"I am too important to the Council of Light. Never worry that no one will praise me! But if you want to dominate a bishop, there are not many opportunities!"

Long Yan's eyes lit up:

"Dark Council?"


Jiang Fan's eyes were gloomy:

"These two are so courageous, they actually dared to covet my China's Supreme Treasure. Since they are so leisurely, I will let their battle come soon!"

Long Yan was full of excitement!

As a Chinese, especially the former leader of Longqi, he has long been unhappy with those companies!

Brother Fan let him do it, it was happier than making money!

"Understood! Brother Fan, do you want me to also include the people in the Dark Council..."

Long Yan's eyes were full of murderous aura!

"If you have a chance, do it, but people from the Dark Council must not leave the body!"

"Understood! Only if you are missing, you can put the blame on it!"

Long Yan smiled and left quickly.

Jiang Fan walked out of the small reception room, and Zhao Xiaochuan immediately greeted him:

"Mr. Jiang, the man in the white suit just now looks like a member of the Bright Council?"

"Well, partner!"

Zhao Xiaochuan ignored those, just rubbed his hands in excitement, and then carefully took out a dragon card with a black dragon pattern on a white background:

"Mr. Jiang, this harvest..."


The two sit on the ground and divide the spoils, which is called a comfort!

This time the two people cooperated, not counting the promise of the Council of Light and Solomon's Key, they made nearly 100 billion!

However, Jiang Fan spent 30 billion on the corpse of the gods, and Zhao Xiaochuan bought those things at a cost price of almost 5 billion!

Originally, Jiang Fan wanted to count the 30 billion corpses on his own head, but Zhao Xiaochuan was sensible, knowing that without Jiang Fan, those things would not be able to make so much, so he took the initiative to share half of it!

The two shared more than 32 billion each, and Zhao Xiaochuanya was about to laugh!

And Jiang Fan made more, plus the promises of the two powers, this time he made nearly 200 billion!

And with the baby photographed on hand, there will only be more!

Even Jiang Fan couldn't see his eyes with a smile at this moment!

But unfortunately, at the auction, from beginning to end, Li Zailie's **** did not appear!

You know that the two of them made a bet before, and Li Zailie had to photograph three things for him!

However, the two only agreed verbally and did not sign a contract or anything, but with Jiang Fan's ability, as long as you find this kid, you are not afraid that he will not pay!

They have just finished dividing the spoils here, and the knock on the door has sounded again!

Jiang Fan opened the door and saw Pampas wearing a big hat, looking around sneakily.

Seeing the door opened, he stepped in immediately!

Jiang Fan didn't talk nonsense, and brought him into the small reception room, and then directly took out the Demon God's Horn!

When Pampas saw this thing, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand!

But seeing Jiang Fan's smile, he honestly withdrew his hand.

He took out a golden card and put it on the coffee table again, and Pampas said with a smile:

"Mr. Jiang, this is the 64 billion promised you!"


Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction and raised his chin to Pampas.

Pampas was overjoyed and finally picked up the Devil's Horn!

As soon as this thing started, tears of excitement filled his eyes!


Finally got it!

As long as you bring this thing back by yourself, not only the Steward Steward will be overjoyed, but even the Bloody Duke will have to reward himself!

That idiot Angus was destined to be completely stepped on his feet!

Do not!

Not only that, but Jiang Fan promised that Angelina will be her own spy in the future. It is only a matter of time before Angus will be killed by her internal response!

But soon, his imagination was interrupted, and Jiang Fan pulled him back to reality with a single sentence!

"Dear Lord Duke of Pampas, even though the things are in hand, don't forget our agreement!"

Pampas trembled all over, his face collapsed!

His face was full of bitterness, and after a long time, he nodded:

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you and lead Grasia Rabos out!"

"Well, waiting for your good news!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

Pampas left, Jiang Fan was about to pack his things and leave here, but at this moment!


The door was knocked again!

Jiang Fan opened the door, and suddenly saw the expected person——


"Mr. Jiang, hello."

Arthur's expression was very cold, and there was an undisguised high in his eyes!

Although he was saying hello to Jiang Fan, he still made people feel the slightest contempt in his tone!

For the long-standing Arthur family, his ability to speak to Jiang Fan on his own initiative is already a kind of charity!

Jiang Fan is very upset!

This kind of pretense is that he has not done ten thousand and eight thousand, so it is just a face of embarrassment:

"What's wrong? Something?"

Arthur frowned:

"Don't you invite me in?"

"Hehe, my darlings are all in it, what if you want to do something else?"

Arthur frowned deeper, and his tone was full of contempt:

"Jiang Fan, that little of your stuff is all **** to me!"

"well said!"

Jiang Fan directly gave a thumbs up:

"I just said, that **** Avalon is really worthless rubbish!"


Arthur's face changed abruptly!

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