In normal times, my hair is scattered, all caused by killing the enemy, but today, it is a dead end and sad!

Coupled with the Chu Ge constantly coming from outside the city, he could not help but speak:

"Strong to the world!"

"Time is not going to die!"

"It's not going to die!"

"Yes, what is it!"

With Xiang Yu singing, Yu Ji was shocked!

"My lord, when did you make this song?"

Yu Ji asked tremblingly.

"It's just that I felt it."

Xiang Yu gave a wry smile.

Yu Ji was struck by lightning, her pretty face was white!

Feeling sent!

But it was exactly the same as Jiang Fan said before!

That Jiang Fan, really came from the future!

In that case, what he said is not true!

Xiang Yu died of suicide before crossing the Wujiang River!

The deal between myself and Jiang Fan...

Yu Ji closed her eyes, nothing more!

King, as long as you can live, life will be more exciting, for you, everything is worth it!

"My lord, let your concubine dance for you!"

Yu Ji opened her eyes again and said with a sweet smile.

"Haha, good, good!"

Xiang Yu nodded repeatedly and drank another glass of wine!

Yu Ji stood up, pulled out Xiang Yu's saber, and began to dance slowly!

"The soldiers of the Han Dynasty have already left the ground, and Chu singing from all directions. The king is full of spirits, and the concubine...what a life!"

Her dancing posture is extremely beautiful, but the meaning of the song makes Xiang Yu more and more wrong!

When the last sentence was spoken, Xiang Yu's heart suddenly burst!

But Yu Ji looked at him reluctantly for the last time, suddenly lifted the sword and brushed it across his neck!

A touch of bright red exploded!

"Do not!!"

Xiang Yu's liver and gallbladder are split!

Suddenly supporting Yu Ji!

But, everything is too late!

Yu Ji was blushing, just looking at him reluctantly!

Then, slowly closed his eyes!


Xiang Yu suddenly wailed!

At this moment, his heart was empty, and the king's dominance had completely disappeared!

Jiang Fan was hidden in the dark, watching all this silently, but sighed silently.

His transaction with Yu Ji was very simple. Yu Ji killed herself, and he took Xiang Yu away!

Yu Ji is very smart, but because of love, Jiang Fan is holding her dead spot, not afraid that she won't agree!

"Yuji is dead, Xiang Yu's desire for hegemony has mostly disappeared, but...not enough!"

Hearing Xiang Yu's wailing, a group of soldiers rushed into the house!

But seeing everything in front of them, everyone was stunned!

Yu Ji, she committed suicide!

And what made their hearts cooler was Xiang Yu's eyes and temperament!

Xiang Yu at this moment, that kind of domineering aura has disappeared!

The eyes are full of despair!

"The King!"

A general suddenly took a step forward and wailed!

Xiang Yu trembled, and finally recovered a little. He looked at the door. At this moment, a group of **** generals were all looking at him worriedly!

Xiang Yu actually felt a kind of unprecedented mental fatigue!

But he is strong in spirit.

Yu Ji is dead, but these brothers are still alive!

Take Yu Ji, take them, and return to Jiangdong!

Xiang Yu held Yu Ji and stood up slowly:

"Xiang Chong, call on troops, break through!"


Xiang Yu looked at Yu Ji's face foolishly:

"Yuji, I will take you home!"

Soon, all the soldiers in the small town were assembled!

However, many people are already seriously injured and can only barely stand up. This kind of rush march to break through is obviously unable to participate!

"My lord, there are too many injured brothers, we can't bring everyone!"

On a high platform, Xiang Chong spoke helplessly to Xiang Yu.

"Then bring it too! These Jiangdong children trust me, and they have been fighting with me for years. I, Xiang Yu, will never leave anyone behind!"

Xiang Yu has a loud voice!

A group of soldiers listened with enthusiasm!

Over the years of fighting, the Overlord has indeed never given up a brother!

However, although they are homesick, they must not be Xiang Yu's burden!

"My lord! If you lead troops to break through the siege, someone must be broken, we old, weak and sick can still carry a gun and hold a sword, let us do one thing for the lord at last!"

A group of soldiers all spoke up!

"No! Today, I must take all of you back!"

Xiang Yu shouted angrily!


"The King!"

Everyone knelt down!

"you guys……"

Xiang Yu's eyes were in tears, but he knew that these people had aspirations to death!

The Chu army only fought but did not surrender, and was even more loyal.

Xiang Yu's hands trembled, and his heart was full of guilt!

Regret not at the beginning!

If you had listened to Fan Zeng's words back then, how could you have fallen into such a field!

How can you let these soldiers bury their bones in a foreign country!

He hates it even more!

Hate the villain Liu Bang!

Hate this injustice!

"Jiang Fan... Didn't you say that if I am in trouble, I will come to help me, why are you still not showing up now!"

Xiang Yu muttered silently, and finally let out a long sigh!

"Fine, Ji, I'm sorry you!"

"My lord! Wait for me and return to Jiangdong! I am waiting for the Spirit of Heaven, I wish the lord, reorganize the mountains and rivers!"

A group of soldiers shouted in unison!

"it is good!"

Xiang Yu gave a break and looked towards Xiang Chong:

"How many horses are there?"

"Eight hundred horses!"

"Order 800 cavalry, follow me to break through, let me take you back to Jiangdong!"


Eight hundred cavalry quickly gathered, Xiang Yu took the lead, tied Yu Ji's body behind him, holding the Overlord's spear, and looking at the city gate coldly:

"Open the door! Break through!"

As his voice fell, the city gate opened wide!

next moment!


With a roar, Xiang Yu suddenly killed the densely packed Han army outside the city!

The eight hundred cavalry behind him also roared at the same time:


In an instant, under the leadership of Xiang Yu, this team of Chu army was like a dragon, taking the southwest!

A group of Han soldiers were overjoyed when the city gates opened wide!

I just saw the person who rushed out clearly, but they all exclaimed!

"Not good! It's Xiang Yu!"

"The Overlord of Western Chu has come out!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Hide a shit! There are so many of us! Come here, give it to Lao Tzu—"

At first glance, the Han army leader of the little boss hadn't finished speaking!


Just as Xiang Yu's spear swept away, a burst of vigor, the little boss's head was already soaring into the sky!

The blood sprayed, and a group of Han soldiers behind were scared to death!

You can't even hold the weapon!

No one dared to stand in the way of Xiang Yu!

In the blink of an eye, the eight hundred cavalry rushed hundreds of meters!

Jiang Fan flying high in the sky looked down on all this and nodded involuntarily.

It is worthy of Xiang Yu to take the lead, this team of Chu army is murderous, and it is almost one enemy to one hundred!


Suddenly he snapped his fingers, and two finger winds instantly hit the horse legs of the two cavalry behind Xiang Yu!

For a moment!

"Hey Lü Lü!!"

The horse suddenly wailed, and even fell down with two cavalry!

The cavalry team behind is also a little messy!

A group of Han troops who had been frightened, finally reacted!

One of the generals' eyes lit up and he roared abruptly:

"The top shield lifts the gun! Kill Xiang Yu! This is the last battle of my big man!"

Jiang Fan looked intently, but suddenly realized that this general was Han Xin! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1805 ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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