God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1806: Faceless facing Jiangdong elders

Xiang Yu's eyes flashed with killing intent, and he took a long spear from a Han army, inhaled suddenly, and then aimed at Han Xin, who was far away, and threw it fiercely!


A sharp and unparalleled scream suddenly resounded through the audience!

The spear looked like a shooting star, pierced a hundred people along the way, and went straight to Han Xin!

Han Xin's **** **** out of fright, and suddenly somersault fell under his horse, finally avoiding the shot!

It's a pity that the bones of his warhorse that were bombarded by a spear are gone!

This immediately shocked everyone!


Xiang Yu roared again, and led the remaining cavalry to break through!

It's just that I was delayed so much just now, and I was already trapped in the Han army with a hundred horses!

The rest followed Xiang Yu to continue to break through!

Jiang Fan was at this time, so he repeated his technique!

When Xiang Yu crossed the Huaihe River, the sky was bright, and only Baiqi was left beside him!

And behind them, Liu Bang's general, Guan Ying, is leading thousands of cavalry in pursuit!

After that, there was an army of hundreds of thousands led by Han Xin!

Seeing that a group of his men were tired and tired, Xiang Yu couldn't help but want to make them slightly trimmed, but the crowd shook their heads one after another:

"My lord, you can't stop, otherwise, once the Han army catches up, all previous efforts will be lost!"

Xiang Yu nodded, and the group went straight to the Yin Ling!

It's a pity that there was a heavy fog at this time, but fortunately an old farmer appeared in front of him!

Xiang Yu Tima went over:

"Lao Zhang, where is the direction of Wujiang?"

The old farmer seemed a little frightened, tightened his hat, and pointed to the left:


"Thank you!"

Xiang Yu nodded, and led people to go straight to the left!

It was not until they disappeared that the old farmer took off his hat and revealed a handsome face!

This is surprisingly, Jiang Fan!

He had already overlooked the surrounding terrain from high above, and the position he pointed out to Xiang Yu was a swamp!

"Don't blame me for being cruel!"

Jiang Fan sighed faintly and glanced at his backpack. There was actually full of corpses there!

Hundreds of them!

Xiang Yu rushed all the way with more than a hundred riders, and he didn't know how long it took, the surrounding fog gradually dissipated, but at this moment!


Suddenly there were two exclamations behind him!

Xiang Yu hurriedly reined in his horse, but found that the horses of the cavalry behind him were all trapped in the mud!

He stared at his surroundings, and his heart was shocked!

This is actually a swamp!

"Great King! The old farmer teased me just now!"

Several cavalry angered!

Xiang Yu's face was pale, he turned over and got off his horse, and directly dragged out all the horses that were in trouble!

"My lord, what should I do?"

Xiang Yu was silent for a moment:

"go back!"


Chu Jun never asked why, as long as Xiang Yu had his life, they just did it!

A group of people rode their horses back again, but they had just arrived at the intersection before, and they did not expect that the cavalry led by Guan Ying had already been killed!

Xiang Yu rushed to the front and headed east. When they climbed up a hill, they found that there were only twenty-eight riders left!

Xiang Yu gave a wry smile, then suddenly looked up to the sky and sighed:

"Heaven is going to kill me, it's not a crime of war!"

He looked at these tired cavalry, and suddenly laughed:

"Masters, let this king lead you to win three more games!"

"it is good!"

"The soldiers are divided into four teams, converge on the east side!"


A group of cavalry rushed down!

The Han army under the mountain were all shocked!

And Xiang Yu had already taken the lead, directly piercing a Han general at the forefront!

As if a tiger entered the flock, a group of Han soldiers who killed were terrified!

Xiang Yu rushed from left to right, and as expected, he even cut the three generals and the banner of Guan Ying!

In Chiquan, Yang Xi wanted to attack, but Xiang Yu slapped his horse with a loud shout and ran out for several miles!

Xiang Yu laughed wildly and headed straight to Wujiang with the remaining cavalry!

I don't know how long it took before a misty river suddenly appeared!

Xiang Yu looks overjoyed!

"Haha! Lords, we are here!"

He looked back, but when he saw the scene behind him clearly, he was stunned.

Behind him, at some point, there was no one.

The ones he wanted to take back were all...dead.

Eight thousand Jiangdong children, he is the only one left alone.

At this moment, Xiang Yu's heart was also dead.

"Overlord! Is that overlord?"

At this moment, a call suddenly came from a distance from the surface of the river.

Xiang Yu turned his head and saw a man coming by rowing.

"Overlord! It's really you! I'm the pavilion of Wujiang, Overlord, please cross the river!"

Wujiangting grew up overjoyed!

It's a pity that Xiang Yu didn't respond, just staring at the rushing iron cavalry rolling from a distance!

Cross the river?

What face do you have to cross the river?

Back to Chudi, how do you deal with the parents and relatives of Haoerlang?

I took them out by myself, but failed to take them back. I am so incompetent, what do I do when I go back?

That's it, that's it!

Xiang Yu dismounted and patted Wu Qi lightly:

"Good horse, go go!"

He smiled at Ting Chang:

"Take my horse across the river, you have no face and face Jiangdong father!"

Xiang Yu said, untied the cloth strips on his body, gently put down Yu Ji, then untied the big cloak behind him, and put it on Yu Ji's body. Then, he stepped on a stone and silently looked at the Han army that was getting closer and closer. !

It's near, it's near.

Even with Xiang Yu's eyesight, he could see clearly that it was not Guan Ying who led the team, but Han Xin!

Ah! I underestimated this kid back then!

Had it not been for his command and let his army go deep into the encirclement, he would not have been defeated so miserably!

Can defeat me in the frontal battlefield, such a great man, and deserved to go down in history, so he will be left with his life!

Xiang Yu thought silently, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

How about even in the face of thousands of troops?

He is still the overlord of Naxi Chu!

In this world, if you still want to kill someone, you can kill someone!

Xiang Yu slowly got up, and suddenly grabbed the spear!

Seeing Xiang Yu's comeback, the countless people on the opposite side trembled all over!

They all stopped a hundred meters away from Xiang Yu!


Xiang Yu suddenly laughed!

I just stood up and scared them like this!

"Don't be afraid, Liu Ji, I have been defeated, how about coming out to relive the past?"

A dead silence among the army!

After a long time!

Suddenly a female voice with a bit of bitterness sounded!

"The overlord has fate, I dare not follow it!"

With the appearance of this voice, the army directly gave up a path!

Immediately afterwards, a man and a woman have rode out!

That man was very cautious, it was Liu Bang!

But that woman was gorgeous and unparalleled, and her pair of phoenix eyes gave people the feeling of not being angry or presumptuous!

"Heh, Lu pheasant? It's rare!"

Xiang Yu smiled slightly!

"Overlord, don't come unharmed!"

Lu pheasant spoke coldly, but although her voice was cold, she couldn't conceal the excitement!

She looked at Xiang Yu with an unspeakable feeling in her eyes!

Xiang Yu nodded, but instead of looking at her, he looked at Liu Bang!

"Liu Ji, I've been defeated, what are you afraid of?"

"Ha ha."

Liu Bang laughed twice, but shrank back subconsciously!

At this moment, Xiang Yu suddenly looked fierce!

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