Jiang Fan had just arrived downstairs in Fengnian when he saw Arthur leaning on a Bentley Continental and looking at himself coldly.

"Hi! Mr. Arthur!"

Jiang Fan said hello with a smile!

Arthur's face was cold and silent.

Jiang Fan didn't care:

"Let's go, go to the airport!"

Forty minutes later, the group has arrived at Huayang International Airport!

And Hayes has long been waiting here!

When he saw Jiang Fan, he was overjoyed!

Only Jiang Fan himself!

He didn't even call anyone from Yu's family!


"Mr. Jiang! We..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Arthur who was following Jiang Fan!

In an instant, Hayes' entire face turned blue!

"Jiang Fan! What do you mean?"

Hayes spoke coldly.

This bastard!

Actually called Arthur!

Needless to say, the two must have made the transaction privately!

Arthur clearly came to protect him!

Jiang Fan was surprised:

"What do you mean?"

Hayes knew he was gaffe, and immediately made a haha:

"Mr. Jiang, we need to draw blood, there are outsiders, in case we learn your secret..."

It's ok!

There is only one Arthur, not a big problem!

And Arthur can be wooed!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"You said this, it's not for him to draw my blood, he just came to see the excitement! Elder Hayes reacted so strongly, does he want to do something to me secretly?"

"How is this possible! We are friends!"

"I think so, my friend!"

The two laughed very friendly!

"Then, Mr. Jiang, please!"


Soon, the group had arrived near the George family's private jet!

But just as he boarded the ramp, Duncan took the initiative to meet Arthur!

"Mr. Arthur, go out for a chat?"

Arthur moved his eyes, looked at Jiang Fan, and then at Hayes and others. He vaguely understood something!

The corner of his mouth twitched, and a sneer at Jiang Fan, then he nodded at Duncan:

"it is good!"

Jiang Fan just asked himself to follow, but he didn't say he wanted to do anything else!

If the George family kills Jiang Fan, it will be easier for him to retrieve the map of Avalon!

However, Jiang Fan ignored them and just looked at Hayes:

"Elder, where's your machine? Let's get started!"

"Haha, no problem! Mr. Jiang, come with me!"

Several people entered the plane, Jiang Fan suddenly saw Alves sitting on a sofa, gently shaking a glass of champagne!

And Andy calmly faced the direction of the cab and made a gesture!

Only Gilbert carefully took out a blood sampling device and put it on the table.

"Mr. Jiang, let's start!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Fan sat down at the table, stretched out his arms, with a calm expression on his face, and even took the initiative to insert the needle into the vein!

The proactive and cooperative attitude has surprised the entire George family!

This kid is really unprepared!

Soon, five hundred milliliters of blood has been collected!

The contract between the two parties is also officially completed!

Jiang Fan pulled out the needle and waved to Hayes with a smile:

"Then Elder Hayes, bye bye!"

"Hehe, don't worry, Mr. Jiang!"

As Hayes said, he actually walked to the gangway, directly blocking Jiang Fan's path!

At the same time, the aircraft's engine suddenly roared!

The whole plane has even begun to head towards the runway!

"Elder Hayes, what do you mean?"

"Haha, it's not interesting, Mr. Jiang, we just want to invite you to the George family as a guest!"

By this time Hayes had completely torn off the mask, and said with a grim look!

Jiang Fan is still a smiling face:

"I have something to do and don't want to go."

"That's not for you!"

As Hayes spoke, Alves didn't know when he had appeared behind Jiang Fan, and a big hand was pressed on Jiang Fan's shoulder!

The breath of the nineteenth level is almost suffocating!

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Elder Hayes, I appreciate your kindness, but I really don't want to go."

"Jiang Fan! Don't pretend to be stupid! You should know very well that at this time, you say nothing!"

Hayes had a cruel expression:

"Do you really think you killed Eugene and Bishop, as well as so many people in our George family, would we let you go so easily?"

"Don't dream! Boy, if you offend our George family, there is only one dead end!"

"Don't expect Arthur to come and save you. Duncan is already negotiating with Arthur!"

"Speaking of which, this map of Avalon will probably make Arthur an ally of our George family!"

"As for you, you are waiting to be sliced ​​and studied in our laboratory!"

Hayes said, spitting, full of pride!

Until he finished speaking, Jiang Fan nodded impatiently:

"Fine, I know, but how are you going to take me back?"

"Idiot! We were on the plane, of course it was a direct flight to Citigroup!"

Gilbert couldn't help but speak.


Jiang Fan clapped his hands:

"But what if the plane breaks down?"

"Idiot! Our plane has just been inspected and there is absolutely no problem!"

However, Jiang Fan pointed out the window:

"Are you sure? I don't want to hit you, but you didn't notice that the plane stopped since just now?"

"what did you say?"

Everyone was taken aback!

Qi Qi looked out the window, only to realize that the plane had stopped without knowing when!

Andy suddenly looked at the cab!

"what happened!"

The driver was dumbfounded:

"This, this, I don't know what's going on, the plane just stopped leaving..."


Andy furious:

"Don't check it now!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The two drivers performed a quick self-check, but Andy and the others got cold for no reason!

Obviously, I checked it before, and the plane is obviously good!

Even the fuel tank is full!

But with so much effort, how could something go wrong!

And Jiang Fan, why is he so calm?

Looking at the busy driver, Jiang Fan opened his mouth with a smile:

"Elder Hayes, I will ask again now, how do you plan to take me back?"

It was obviously the same problem, but at this moment, Hayes didn't know why, a piece of sweat came out of his forehead!

Jiang Fan is too calm!

And it seems that he already knew that the plane would have a problem!

The question is, how would he know?

Could it be that it was all his ghost?

If this is the case, then he is not unprepared, he is prepared!

"Jiang Fan..."

Hayes' complexion changed, and he suddenly looked at Alves:

"Kill Jiang Fan! After the body is divided, go back by water!"

As soon as his voice fell, Alves suddenly flashed murderous intent in his eyes!

But at this moment!


A storm of aura suddenly fell from the sky!

This aura was so amazing that even Alves ignored Jiang Fan and looked directly in the direction of the gangway!

And the next moment!

"Several people, have you forgotten... the rules?"

Accompanied by this gloomy voice, a man has strode into the cabin!

This person is indeed the auctioneer of Feng Nian, Wan Dian! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1810 tears my face) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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