God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1811: I want to squeeze rice out of the husk

When I saw Wandian appear, Hayeston felt cold!

There is Wandian to contain Alves, with him and Duncan, I am afraid that Jiang Fan will not be able to keep Jiang Fan!

And at this time, Arthur obviously would never risk breaking the rules of harvest and unite with them!

Jiang Fan, this little bastard, he actually looked for a backer in abundance!

Hayes gritted his teeth, can't wait to swallow the river sail!

Jiang Fan seemed to be invisible, but he knocked out the palm of Alves pressed on his shoulder, and smiled at Hayes:

"Elder Hayes, I said I don't want to go, but don't worry, you don't need your invitation. One day, I will personally visit the George family!"

Jiang Fan was smiling when he said this, but I don't know why, but Hayes only felt chills in his heart!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at Alves again:

"The nineteenth level limit, tut tut, it's a pity, it's useless!"

In Jiang Fan's words, the irony is very strong!

Alves jumped at the corner of his eyes, and his whole body flashed with murderous intent, his eyes were faintly turning into vertical pupils!

Damn it!

This is the first time someone dares to provoke themselves!

But at this moment!


Wan Dian suddenly let out a cold snort!

Alves quivered his fingers and took a deep look at Wan Dian!

However, Wan Dian's face is as usual!

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Alves finally restrained his breath unwillingly, and sat back on the sofa again.

Wan Dian's breath is too weird, he really has no confidence in winning!

The point is, what if you can kill Wandian?

The plane has failed, and they simply can't take Jiang Fan away!

Seeing that the George family gave up completely, Jiang Fan waved his hand slightly disappointed:

"Goodbye everyone!"

He said, nodded seriously at Wan Dian, and finally turned and left.

The corner of Wan Dian's mouth raised a little unconsciously, but immediately sank his face again:

"Elder Hayes, this is the first and the last time!"

Hayes blushed and was about to bleed!

Wan Dian’s words are really rude, this kind of warning, in Citi, even if the families of William and Morgan are added together, they dare not say to them at all!


For the George family, this is simply a great shame!

However, he has no capital to resist at all!

Hayes took a deep breath, finally gritted his teeth and spoke slowly:

"Sorry, I understand."

When he said this, he hated Jiang Fan to death!

Wan Dian glanced at Yalves again, sneered, and then vacated!

Seeing Wan Dian leave, Hayes finally couldn't help it anymore and suddenly roared!


The George family paid such a heavy price to put Jiang Fan on the plane, but in a blink of an eye, not only did Jiang Fan run off, but also suffered a great humiliation!

"The great elder calmed down! Although Jiang Fan ran away, but fortunately he left five hundred milliliters of blood, enough for our recent research!"

Andy hurriedly comforted!

"Yes, as long as he leaves Huaxia, we have a chance to deal with him!"

Gilbert also spoke.

Hayes took a deep breath and finally calmed down. He looked at Jiang Fan's blood that had been sealed, and his green expression finally eased slightly.

But no one found out that in the blood, countless viruses are desperately swallowing the nutrients in the blood, constantly decomposing and destroying the genetic structure of the blood!

And as the blood continues to be decomposed, the virus itself is also decomposing and disappearing!

I am afraid that within two hours, this blood will turn into a pool of pure white water!

But Jiang Fan, who heard Hayes' roar, just got off the gangway at this moment!

He rolled his eyes, just snorted disdainfully!

Hayes did a good job of abacus, and Alves suppressed him. As long as the plane went into the sky, he would definitely be exhausted!

But the idiot didn't know, as long as he didn't want to, his plane wouldn't be able to fly to the sky even if it had ten engines!

All of this is because of the ability Jiang Fan obtained in the X-Men——

Metal control!

Metal Control (Elementary): By learning this ability, the host will be able to drive the power of metal to a limited extent!

Power level: Bronze

Note: This ability is a reduced version of Magnetic Field Control, and because Eric's current strength is insufficient, the host cannot raise this ability to more than ten!

Although this ability can't reach level ten, a sophisticated machine like an airplane can affect the entire airplane as long as a few wires are destroyed!

"Silly X!"

Jiang Fan turned his head and glanced at the plane coldly, facing Hayes at the door of the cabin, silently spit out the word!


As soon as Jiang Fan walked out of the airport, he saw Arthur with a gloomy face!

"Good means!"

Arthur said coldly!

Before, he thought that Jiang Fan must be more ill-tempered, but he didn't expect that not only did Hayes' plane have a problem, Jiang Fan actually found Wandian!

Jiang Fan's face was even more gloomy!

"Arthur, you are stupid, very stupid!"

Arthur was startled, but then he was furious!

"what did you say!"

"I say you are stupid!"

Jiang Fan's eyes actually made Arthur's heart tremble for no reason!

And Jiang Fan shook his head in disappointment:

"The condition I told you before was to let you kill Hayes. I just said casually. I asked you to come here because I wanted to give you a chance to make a new price with me! But your performance is too much for me. disappointed!"

Jiang Fan passed him by:

"Kill Hayes and the others, otherwise you won't even want to see the map of Avalon in your life!"

Arthur trembled all over!

While hating Jiang Fan even more in my heart, he suddenly gave birth to endless regrets!

damn it!

It turned out that Jiang Fan was just talking about it at random before!

However, because of my own stupidity, I actually made the fake come true!

But he reacted immediately!

Do not!

When Jiang Fan asked himself to kill Hayes and the others, it didn't look like a fake at all!

Is he just stimulating himself?

Give yourself a hint that if you don't listen to his orders, you will definitely suffer a lot?

But, what if not? What if it’s self-defeating?

This way he doesn't know the true and false, but it makes him even more entangled!

Even Arthur's entire face was distorted like constipation!

damn it!

If I knew this, I shouldn't have thought about relying on the George family!

This bunch of useless waste!

Arthur was full of regrets, but Jiang Fan got into the car proudly!

Indeed, he deliberately stimulated Arthur just now!

What I said casually is all nonsense!

Avalon map, even if it is changed to any power, even if it is obtained, due to the strength of the Arthur family, I am afraid that it will simply talk about some conditions, and it will be returned!

This is also the reason why Arthur did not continue to bid at the beginning!

But who is Jiang Fan?

I want to squeeze three pounds of rice out of ten pounds of rice husks!

Notoriously asking for money but not life!

Arthur's family name is useful to others, but in front of him, it is a fart!

He finally took out Arthur's life gate, how can there be any reason to let go of this kind of pawn!

And as long as Arthur did this one time, Jiang Fan could make him do it a second time!

As for Arthur's future revenge, Jiang Fan didn't take it seriously!

The car is speeding all the way!

And at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

As soon as Jiang Fan picked it up, Zhao Xiaochuan's voice came over!

"Mr. Jiang, I found Li Zailie!"The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www. wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlRead the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www. wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot. com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1811 I still want to squeeze rice out of the rice husk) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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