Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

Li Zailie's idiot owes himself three auction opportunities, and there is an authentic piece of Jie Jin!

Although the two didn't sign the contract, the Li family was not in charge of him, and he couldn't spend hundreds of billions of dollars like Hayes, but it was okay to corrupt him by tens of billions!

How can Jiang Fan let him go!

So just after the auction ended, Jiang Fan asked Zhao Xiaochuan to order someone to find him!

Now that I heard that Li Zailie was found, Jiang Fan suddenly stepped on the gas pedal and the car sped toward the city faster!

And just over a hundred meters behind Jiang Fan's car, a BMW 740 is closely following him!

In the car, a man with half of his face burned by the fire, with a crazy smile, followed Jiang Fan to death!

This person is Yang Qiu!

After leaving the No. 3 Ruins, he was looking for a chance to swallow the grand master, and finally in Citi State, he successfully assaulted a grand master elder of the Morgan family!

After successfully being promoted to Grand Master, Yang Qiu's confidence soared, and he couldn't wait to find Jiang Fan for revenge!

However, the strength of the Morgan family is unusually strong, and there is even a rare mysterious pupil ability in the family!

Unlike Diana's pupil technique, that ability person could actually see what happened to someone through some methods!

Although this kind of ability has not reached the level of the ten plagues ability, from a certain perspective, it is already very against the sky!

This superpower is even the treasure of the Morgan family!

In order to find out the cause of the death of the elder, the Morgan family directly used this supernatural power, and finally discovered the existence of Yang Chou!

However, the power of the Ten Plagues is indeed terrifying. Even if it is that power, he only saw that Yang Chou killed the elder, but the method used was vague!

But this is enough!

Yang Qiu was chased by the Morgan family all the way, although it was dangerous, but for him, it was undoubtedly a tempering!

He even killed several great masters of the Morgan family and successfully reached level sixteen!

Returning to China, Yang Qiu immediately wanted to find Jiang Fan to seek revenge with pride!

After learning that Jiang Fan would be attending the auction of strange objects, he immediately followed!

After killing Yin Jae-jung last night, he once looked at Jiang Fan from a distance, but immediately, he was shocked!

The kendo master Yue Jianhan next to Jiang Fan seemed to have discovered himself!

Perception is even more towards yourself!

Yang Chou was shocked!

Never thought that Yue Jianhan had grown to this point!

He immediately used the devouring ability, and after swallowing the opponent's perception, he didn't dare to stay, so he hurriedly left!

He couldn't enter the strange auction afterwards, so he simply hired a paparazzi and stayed outside!

Just now, the paparazzi sent a message, and he immediately followed Jiang Fan all the way!

But from the Bentley behind Jiang Fan, he felt a faint fear!

So I didn't dare to take a shot until Jiang Fan left the airport again and found that the Bentley was not there. He couldn't hold back anymore, and he would take a shot when he caught up with Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan! The **** hatred of my Yang family, today I will get it back from you ten times a hundred times!!"

Yang Chou smiled more and more ferociously, his eyes were bloodshot!

The two cars are getting closer!

Seeing that he could catch up with Jiang Fan within a few tens of meters, Yang Chou's eyes suddenly flashed a fierce light!

But at this moment!


An extremely bright streamer, almost like a missile, suddenly hit Jiang Fan's car in front of it!


Jiang Fan's car flew up suddenly, still in the air, it had exploded into a ball of fire!

Yang Qiu was stunned!

what's the situation?

Could it be that I have reached the point where I can kill Jiang Fan with my will?

Am I so fierce? !

But he reacted immediately!

Jiang Fan was attacked by someone else!

Yang Qiu was overjoyed!


Jiang Fan, this bastard, is simply retribution for evil!

But after so much, plus the benefits that Night Demon once gave him, he is no longer the second generation ancestor of the past!

He kept driving the car tens of meters away, then stopped, and then directly looked through the rearview mirror to look at the situation behind!


The wreckage of Jiang Fan's car, with blazing flames, fell heavily to the ground!

And only then did three men and women with arrogant faces appeared in the sky!

Two of them are the master of Fen Haizong, Shuixiu, and her subordinate, the elder of Fen Haizong, the fifteenth-level Shuiying!

And the last one was the man who was at the auction venue, together with the sleeves, who always turned his back to everyone!

This man seems to be only in his twenties, but in his eyes, he seems to have experienced the vicissitudes of life!

He is wearing a black robe embroidered with stars. On that robe, all the stars are bursting with dazzling light!

There was an explosion just now, plus three people appeared in the sky, everyone on the road was shocked!

"What is this for?"

"Make a TV show?"

"Fuck! What a big handwriting!"

"Are you big! It's such a big deal on the road, Nima's looking for death!"

"Yes! Those who are above the coercion! Which film and television company do you **** belong to!"

Several drivers were furious and yelled!

Seeing that these ants were so rude, Shui Ying suddenly looked fierce:

"court death!"

She is waiting to be shot, but at this moment!



Among the burning car wreck, a pair of big hands suddenly stretched out!



The big hand suddenly used force, and in the piercing sound of steel tearing, it directly tore the twisted car wreckage!

In the next moment, a handsome man with a gloomy face had already strode out of the flames!

The flames soaring to the sky didn't even scorch the corners of his clothes!

This person is Jiang Fan!

The crowd was completely stunned!

They all opened their mouths and looked at Jiang Fan with an incredulous face!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Is this special filming?! What special effects are so awesome?"

"Awesome Chinese movie! How did it do it?"

"Don't be so stupid! This is not filming at all!"

"The cars are distorted like this. Which studio dares to play so hard!"

"So, this little brother is not even afraid of car explosions?"

"So handsome!"

The crowd is babbling!

And Jiang Fan is already staring at the sleeves!

"Why attacked me?"

"Huh! I think Haizong wants to kill, still need a reason?"

Sleeve smiled proudly!

Jiang Fan's face became more and more gloomy:

"Are you not afraid of the rules of the strange auction?"

"Joke! We cultivators can't even control the heavens, even a small mortal rule wants to control us?"

The sleeves are full of contempt!

Jiang Fan was silent, but the gloomy color on his face was gradually disappearing, but a smile appeared:

"Haha... well, great!"

next moment!


Jiang Fan's figure suddenly appeared on the opposite side of Sleeve!

"not good!"

The face of the always silent man changed, and he suddenly raised his hand and put a water curtain-like gas mask directly in front of the sleeves!

However, as soon as the man raised his hand, Jiang Fan was already flashing again, and he grabbed Shuiying's neck!

Even with Shuiying, he suddenly withdrew more than ten meters away! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this Press it down for me) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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