God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1814: That's all money

Yang Chou, who hadn't walked far, looked at Jiang Fan from the rearview mirror in disbelief!

what happens?

Where is that scary man?

What happened to the more terrifying breath that burst out just now?

Could it be... Jiang Fan? !

He, how could he be so strong!

But his shock hadn't passed yet, and there was another even more terrifying aura, covering a radius of ten miles like a mighty sky!

Immediately afterwards, Wandian had suddenly fallen from the sky!

Looking at the surrounding scene slightly, Wan Dian frowned:

"Jiang Fan, what's the matter?"

"Ask her!"

As Jiang Fan said, he threw the sleeves directly at Wan Dian's feet as if throwing garbage!

"This is...Fen Haizong's master sleeve?"

Wan Dian was slightly startled!

"Yes, it's her! This girl attacked me with someone for no reason."

"What about the rest?"

"Kill it!"

Wan Dian’s expression is a bit weird:

"If I feel right, there should have been a nineteenth-level strong just now, right?"

"You said this?"

Jiang Fan took out the man's body and threw it out!

Wan Dian’s expression is no longer weird, but full of shock!

He looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

He had already noticed this man in the auction before!

But I didn't expect that this man would be killed by Jiang Fan!

With that said, could it be Jiang Fan that the aura that made him feel a little frightened just now?

This kid is so strong!

No, it's not just strong!

Looking at this man's body, it was definitely killed by one blow!

Even such a powerful magic weapon is broken!

With such a violent boxing power, he has never heard of him except for the one in the top ten extremes of Tianding!

The most important thing is that Jiang Fan's potential is shocking to kill the nineteenth level with the strength of the seventeenth level!

But Jiang Fan was all smiles:

"Mr. Wan, the other party is going to kill me. I defend myself. Isn't it a violation of the rules?"

"Naturally not!"

Wan Dian nodded, with a solemn expression:

"The other party actually dared to violate the rules of the auction. Feng Nian will definitely give Mr. Jiang an explanation for this matter!"

"You are polite! Well, by the way, can I take these people away?"


If it's a sleeve, that's fine, but a man's golden core is nineteenth!

Take it back and give it to Yuguangzi and the others. It's a proper supplement!


Wan Dian hesitated for a moment!

"No way?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"No, it's not impossible. Mr. Jiang can take care of the corpse by himself, but this sleeve is so rampant, it is very likely that someone is behind it. I am wondering if Mr. Jiang can let me take it back and ask about it!"

"Oh, no, I'll ask myself!"

Jiang Fan chuckled.

"Well, I will have someone come to pick you up right now. As for the rest of Huayang's Fenhaizong, we will help Mr. Jiang deal with it!"

"Thank you!"


Wan Dian is about to leave, but at this moment!

"and many more!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.

"What else is there, Mr. Jiang?"

"Um, finish them, the magic weapons and storage bracelets on their bodies...hehehe!"

Wandian almost fell down!

Good guys!

You are so cruel!

Thanks to me, I have to take the initiative to deal with it. If this is to give you a vengeance, you are afraid that if you kill someone, you will have to take the person into a pig?

"Ahem, don't worry, Mr. Jiang, after processing, everything belongs to you!"

"Haha, thanks!"

Jiang Fan's eyebrows are open and smiling!

Wan Dian never stopped, turned around and left!

Yang Chou, who watched all this silently, clenched his fists tightly!

"Jiang Fan..."

He gritted his teeth and muttered, but suddenly found that Jiang Fan was looking to his side!

Yang Chou was startled, he didn't dare to stay anymore, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator and left quickly!

Ten minutes later, an Audi has steadily stopped beside Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan casually threw the sleeves on the car and got into the co-pilot directly!

Soon, the car came to the Haitang Hotel!

And Zhao Xiaochuan and others have already been waiting here!

The point is, besides him, there is a faintly radiating aura next to him, who is actually stronger than that male cultivator!

"Mr. Jiang, are you okay? Didn't it hurt?"

As soon as Jiang Fan got out of the car, Zhao Xiaochuan asked hurriedly!


No one dared to make trouble in the previous auctions, and now this evening, three groups of people have jumped out to make trouble for Jiang Fan!

After receiving the news of Wandian throughout the harvest, he was simply furious!

After a hurried discussion, I directly invited a senior figure in the auction house over!

The old man's name is Yu Tan. Although he is not as good as Wandian, he is also a nineteenth-level intermediate!

Moreover, Feng Nian had already laid a dead hand, and the instruction to Zhao Tan was that no matter who came to trouble Jiang Fan, he would kill him directly!

For Yu Tan, breaking the rules is itself a capital crime!

Moreover, Jiang Fan made a lot of income for Feng Nian this evening!

The handling fee deducted from the George family and Zhou family is almost an astronomical figure!

This is a God of Wealth!

Such a good young man, there are people who want to attack him, how can this be tolerated?

The most important thing is that you start with Jiang Fan. We have to compensate Jiang Fan for the sake of Feng Nian's face!

Is this kid so easy to compensate?

That's all money!

"Mr. Jiang, old man Yu Tan, next you will be in Huayang, and you will be accompanied by the old man throughout the whole journey. No matter who it is, I don't want to trouble you again!

The old man's murderous opening!

"Haha, thank you, Mr. Yu!"

A few people returned to the room soon!

In the room, Yue Jianhan was guarding the corpse of the gods honestly!

Seeing Jiang Fan's return, he immediately spoke respectfully:



Jiang Fan nodded, and threw the sleeves to the ground!

Knocking his head to the floor, the sleeves suddenly groaned and woke up leisurely!

However, when she saw the few people in front of her and the look in their eyes, she suddenly trembled!

Jiang Fan's expression is calm, but Zhao Xiaochuan's and Yu Tan's eyes are like eating people!

Actually dare to break the rules of harvest, this is to slap them in the face!

And after finding someone to collect evidence on the spot, including the woman's previous words, they all knew exactly!

"I think Haizong wants to kill, but still need a reason?"

"Joke! We cultivators can't even control the heavens, even a small mortal rule wants to control us?"

Listen, is this really human?

In Huayang, even the wealthy family dare not speak like this!

You are so **** arrogant for a little division Haizong!

The eyes of the two are getting more venomous!

Shuixiu trembled all over, but she resisted fear!

"Jiang Fan! Where's Senior Tianqingzi?"

"Tianqingzi? You mean this person?"

Jiang Fan gave a gloomy smile and threw the man's body out!

The moment he saw the corpse, Shuixiu was shocked!

Not only her, but Yu Tan's complexion also changed!


It's exactly the same as what Wandian said!

This Jiang Fan's strength is really unfathomable!

"No, it's impossible..."

Shuixiu is stupid!

I can't believe my eyes!

This is Tianqingzi!

It is the elder of the last sect!

In the entire cultivation world, those are big people who stomped their feet, and half of the cultivation world would tremble!

But now, he just died like this?

And the injuries on the corpse were so terrifying to this extent!

The most important thing is that he is dead, and the big figures in the last sect will never let go of himself!

"Jiang Fan! You, you're in a big disaster! You, I'm fighting with you!"

The sleeves screamed and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't say a word, and he threw it away with a big mouth!


The sleeves were drawn with a miserable cry, half of the big teeth were all broken into the mouth, and the astonishing face that was already swollen directly swelled again!

It's almost like the big gray wolf in the cartoon! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1814 is all money ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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