Jiang Fan's slap is a complete slap in the face!

She was lying on the ground with her mouth full of blood, and her eyes were full of panic now!

Seeing Jiang Fan came over again, the sleeves suddenly screamed:

"Jiang Fan, you, you actually did it with me! You are the rules of a bad auction!"

When she shouted out these words, Zhao Xiaochuan and others felt it was ridiculous!

This guy is really superb!

I disregarded the rules when I thought I had the upper hand. Now that I have finished watching the bastard, I immediately moved the rules out!

"Don't waste your efforts, the auctions already know everything about you on the highway!"

Yu Tan said coldly:

"Shuixiu, now what Mr. Jiang asks you, you'd better say what!"

The sleeves trembled all over!

That's it!

Jiang Fan slowly squatted down in front of her:

"Why do you want to kill me?"

The sleeves opened his mouth, but he smiled coldly:

"I didn't tell you, we cultivators, we kill whoever wants to kill..."


Jiang Fan snapped off a finger of the sleeve!


The sleeve suddenly let out a scream!

Even Yu Tan was startled!

What a kid!

Usually I can't see it with a smile, but when I shot it, it was really decisive and cruel!

Just as soon as Shui Xiu screamed, Jiang Fan had already pinched her other finger and broke it fiercely again!



The tears of the sleeves are coming down!

She is the supreme master of a sect!

Except for fighting when I was young, how can I have suffered such a pain for so many years!

I just feel that my nerves are going to break!

But Jiang Fan remained silent, already pinching her third finger!

Shui Xiu scared the liver and gall!

Regardless of the piercing pain, he screamed suddenly:

"I said! Stop it! I said!!!"

It's a pity that the one who responded to her was--


Jiang Fan broke her finger without hesitation!

Moreover, Jiang Fan kept breaking off all the five fingers of the left hand of the sleeve, and then he stopped!

The sleeves were so painful that he collapsed and almost passed out!

Even the lips are purple!

Only then did Jiang Fan wipe his hands with a handkerchief, and said casually:

"I have a habit of doing things and doing a full set of things. When I break my fingers, I always break one hand. Don't be surprised!"

As he said, he had already dropped the handkerchief, and smiled and pinched the finger of the right hand of the sleeve:

"Ask again, why kill me?"

Not to mention the sleeves, this time, even Yu Tan couldn't help but feel cold!

So ruthless!

The sleeves were even more terrified, and directly screamed:

"For Xuanguang Furnace! You bid for Xuanguang Furnace and let us..."

She didn't finish her words!



The sleeves made a miserable cry!

And then!

"Crack! Click! Click! Click!"

Four more crisp sounds!

The five fingers of Shuixiu's right hand have all been broken by Jiang Fan!

And the next moment, Jiang Fan had already pinched the wrist of the sleeve!

There was no expression on his face, he just spoke calmly:

"Why kill me?"

The sleeves were trembling all over, she opened her mouth, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, and suddenly wailed!

"I said! I said!"

"Yes, it's because of Dangshan Sect!"

"Dangshan Sect and Fenhai Sect are all subordinates of Shanhai Fenhai!"

"You swept the mountain sect before and turned the entire mountain sect into a slave, making the mountain and sea branch sects furious!"

"Tianqingzi is the elder of the Shanhai Branch Sect. This time I am here to ask you to cancel the contract with the Dangshan Sect, and then, kill you and kill you in order to emulate you!"

After the sleeves were finished, the whole person was like a puddle of mud, completely collapsed on the ground!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly:

"Mountain and sea divisions?"

He looked at Zhao Xiaochuan and Yu Tan, but found that they were equally blank!

Obviously this is the first time I heard the name of this sect!

Although there are many sects in the cultivation world, there are many sects, but an elder can reach the nineteenth level, obviously not an ordinary sect, it must be a super power!

There is no reason for them not to know such a large sect!

So, is it intentionally hidden?

"What is the origin of this division of mountains and seas?"

Jiang Fan asked again.

"I, I don’t know, and I don’t even know where the sect is. However, when the head of the Fenhai Sect was handed over, he told me that it was the upper sect of the Haizong and Dangshan Sect. Do everything!"

Seeing Jiang Fan frowned, Sleeve's face paled in shock:

"Mr. Jiang! What I said is true! I can make a blood oath!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"I believe you."

The sleeves were finally relieved, but the next moment!


Jiang Fan actually crushed her neck with one hand!

Until he died, Shuixiu's face was still blank!

Yu Tan took a deep breath!

This is Jiang Fan?

The work is indeed decisive and cruel, without procrastination!

Regardless of his strength, intelligence, or character, this kid is simply a top-notch existence!

It is by no means unreasonable that he can base himself in Los Angeles and let a few wealthy family members come back, and even dare not continue to set foot in Los Angeles!

As if thinking of something, Yu Tan suddenly looked at Zhao Xiaochuan, and a hint of inquiry appeared in his eyes.

Zhao Xiaochuan didn't even notice the look in Yu Tan's eyes, and now he just looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

So handsome!

It's 10,000 times stronger than the nagging old guys at home!

This is the real person who doesn't say much!

Inexplicably, he actually had an impulse to follow Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan casually put the body of the sleeves into the backpack, but he was unhappy in his heart!

The lord of a sect, he doesn't know anything!

You should ask Tianqingzi for questioning!

But that Tianqingzi must die!

The 19th-level powerhouse, even if he abolished him, he still won't have any hole cards. If he blew himself up again, it would be great fun!

But besides them, another person is very likely and also knows the division of mountains and seas!

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth raised, and he looked at Zhao Xiaochuan:

"Go to the ink painting restaurant!"


In the ink painting restaurant, Jiang Fan and his party of four strode in!

As for the **** corpse at home, Jiang Fan directly called the dust next door to guard it!

It was still the tea room on the top floor, and Qian Yunzi was drinking tea proudly!

Although Xuan Guanglu didn't take the photo, he still found two good things, and the beauty lotion was an instant hit. The key is that only he can make this medicine. Although it needs a lot of materials, it can be regarded as a good way to make money, isn't it?

Of course, it would be even better if Jiang Fan died!

That Tianhe weaving cloth, he was so excited to think about it!

The two have a contract, and when Jiang Fan dies, that piece of Tianhe weaving will naturally come into his hands!

So his mood now can be described as extremely happy!

Even when Jiang Fan walked in, there was a bright smile on his face!

However, this smile only lasted for a moment. When Jiang Fan threw out the corpses of the three people, Qian Yunzi's face was completely broken!

His eyes widened, and he looked at the corpse on the ground in disbelief, his entire brain went down!

Dead, dead? !

The sect master of Fenhai Sect, as well as the elder of Shanhai Fenzong, just died like this? ! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1815) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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