God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1818: Depressed vomiting blood

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Even if no one believes it, but after killing Tianqingzi, I actually came to you again, did you say you explained it clearly?"


Qian Yunzi opened his mouth, and there was nothing to say!

This kind of thing, even if he tells the truth, can Shanhai Branch believe it?

He and Jiang Fan do have a contract, but who can believe that Jiang Fan has a treasure like Tianhe Weaving?

The key is that the material of that thing is obviously not something that should be in the mortal world!

As long as Jiang Fan doesn't take it out, his mouth is full and he can't say it clearly!

But Jiang Fan's next words are even more terrifying!

"Of course, these are all trivial things. If you make a **** oath, you may be able to fool it, but have you thought about another problem? I didn't come by myself, I also brought... people!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Qian Yunzi's heart was pumped!

"Elder Qianyun, if there are only you and me, then everything is easy to say, but if you count the Fengnian side, this situation can be very messy! You and the Shanhai Branch Sect have both competed with the Xuanguang Furnace, and the Shanhai Branch Sect. What if you suspect that you are trying to combat your competitors and then send a letter to Fengnianbao?"

Qian Yunzi's pupils shrank, but when he was about to speak, Zhao Xiaochuan directly stabbed him in his heart!

"Yeah! What Mr. Jiang said is very reasonable! But Mr. Qian Yunzi can rest assured, I will send a statement immediately, Biyunzong absolutely has not cooperated with our Fengnian, and has beaten competitors!"


Qian Yunzi was depressed and wanted to vomit blood!

It's okay not to make a statement during the harvest season. Once the statement is issued, it will be yellow mud wipe the crotch, not **** but shit!

Even if Shanhai Branch Sect does not trouble him, the head can't spare him!

"Of course! This is the kind of possibility that I was killed by the Shanhai Branch!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly changed his words!

"What if Shanhai Branch can't kill me, or even be killed by me?"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, everyone's eyes changed!

Especially Yu Tan, this old man has read countless people. Although Jiang Fan made an understatement, for some reason, he actually felt that Jiang Fan would really fight back!

Damn it!

Where does this kid's confidence come from?

Could it be...

He frowned and looked at Zhao Xiaochuan calmly!

However, Zhao Xiaochuan just looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

As for Qian Yunzi, when he heard Jiang Fan's words, his heart pumped even tighter!

I have said so clearly about the strength of the division of mountains and seas, don't you think you really won't die?

But thinking of the previous bet, he didn't know why, and there was a glimmer of expectation in his heart!

Jiang Fan was self-consciously speaking:

"The strength of the division of mountains and seas is certainly strong, but the resources are equally rich. You and I are a front line. When the time comes, I will divide your benefits, and I will speak up!"

Qian Yunzi looked at Jiang Fan incredulously:

"You, do you still want to swallow the mountains and seas?"

"No way?"

"Haha, haha! Jiang Fan, you are crazy! Don't dream!"

Qian Yunzi sneered!

"Okay, do you want to keep betting?"

Jiang Fan laughed!

Qian Yunzi's expression changed!

Now he hears the bet that both words are weak!

But he still speaks hard:

"What are you betting on?"

"Bet that I can destroy the branch of the mountain and the sea!"


Qian Yunzi screamed suddenly and almost didn't fall off the chair!

The look he looked at Jiang Fan was exactly the same as he looked at a lunatic!


Jiang Fan is absolutely crazy!

He actually thought of destroying the branch of the mountain and the sea!

At first, Qian Yunzi only thought that Jiang Fan was going to bet on a second pursuit of the mountain and sea branch, but he did not expect that he would dare to bet such a big one!

But Jiang Fan was still smiling:

"Do you want to bet?"

"Bet! Why not bet!"

Qian Yunzi was immediately resurrected with full blood!

Anyway, this time, Jiang Fan will definitely lose!

"Jiang Fan, if you lose this time, you will not only have to give me Tianhe Weaving, but you will also have to cancel your previous bet!"

"Yes! But if you lose, not only will you count on the previous bet, you and your forces, but also have to deal with me..."

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly became extremely terrifying:

"Fell, head, proclaim, minister!"

Qian Yunzi's heart trembled!

Jiang Fan actually wanted to put him under his men!

However, now that the arrow is on the line, I have to send it. If you don't bet, you have to bet!

Qian Yunzi gritted his teeth:

"Okay! As long as you destroy the branch of the mountain and the sea, I, Qian Yunzi, will be your eagle dog under Jiang Fan, and will never betray!"

With that said, he has cut through his fingers and directly wrote a floating blood curse in mid-air!

The agreement between the two is vividly vivid!

This is the manifestation of the Heart Demon Blood Oath, the Heart Demon Blood Curse!

Once signed, the violating party will be completely destroyed!

Jiang Fan did not hesitate to sprinkle a drop of blood!

Qian Yunzi was also imprinted with his soul!

The blood curse suddenly turned into two red glows, which immersed in the two eyebrows respectively!

"Hey, Jiang Fan, I'm waiting for you to destroy the Shanhai Branch!"

The previous gambling appointment was suspended, Qian Yunzi was full of joy!

Jiang Fan just smiled meaningfully, turned around and left!

The branch of the mountains and seas must be destroyed anyway, and Qian Yunzi was collected easily, and a hidden child was buried in the super sect, which will only be more useful in the future!

As for whether Zhao Xiaochuan and Yu Tan will say it, at least not now!

The cultivation world has always seldom interacted with the secular, and there must be something to beg for in Feng Nian, and will never sell oneself before discussing things!

The most important thing is that no one believes that they will win, right?

Ha ha, the mountain and the sea are divided?

I don’t know how many causal points there will be!


Just as troublesome as Qian Yunzi before, and even more troublesome than him, it was Li Zailie who used wine to dissolve his sorrows at this moment!


Smashing a bottle of red wine fiercely, Li Zailie glared at his group of men!

"A bunch of trash! Even now, I haven't found Mr. Yin!"

"Are you pig brains?"

"The outside of Lumingyuan is so big in total! Mr. Yin is such a big living person, he can still turn into dust!"

A group of subordinates were all trembling, bowed their heads, and didn't even dare to let go!

As soon as Li Zailie saw their appearance, his anger became even more intense!

"Fools! A bunch of idiots! What are they doing in a daze! Don't keep looking!"

A group of subordinates all agreed, and they were about to rush out again!

But at this moment!

"Master, Mr. Yin, will it..."

Talking is a middle-aged man!

This person's name is Song Zaichong, and he is the confidant of Li Chengquan, the head of the Li family. Even Li Zailie doesn't dare to be too presumptuous with him!

This time in China, although Li Zailie is nominally headed, in fact, Song Zaichong's right to speak is not low!

"What do you mean?"

Li Zailie frowned.

"Master, I mean, will Jiang Fan already give Mr. Yin to..."

Song Zaizheng lowered his voice and made a gesture!

"You mean, he has been killed by Jiang Fan?"

Li Zailie shook his whole body!

Song Zaicong nodded, and his voice suddenly became louder, until he made those subordinates hear clearly:

"Master, Mr. Yin is our only master in Korea. The Chinese people are very likely to be afraid of our strength. Together with Jiang Fan, he will kill Mr. Yin!" The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realm Takeaways txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1818 Depressed Hematemesis), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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