God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1819: Are you humiliating me

Li Zailie's heart moved!

Of course he knew that Song Zaichong was just farting!

Even Song Zaicong knew it!

In Goryeo, these big people are different from those foolish people!

They really know how much Koryo has a few kilograms, and how capable it is!

However, this hat must be buckled on Huaxia's head!

Otherwise, they won't be able to confess to Goryeo at all!

It can't be said that the number one master of Korea is just a fart. After coming to China for a long time, he was slapped to death by a casual slap!

It's a blow to the Korean people too!

The point is, it is a big disadvantage to him!

In fact, I haven't found Yoon Jae-jeong for so long, and Li Zaiyeol has thought that he is probably dead!

However, if Li Chengquan knew about this matter because he pretended to kill Yoon Jae-jeong, then his life would be over!

The inheritance rights of the Li family will definitely fall to his sister, the eldest princess of Korea, Lee Soo-yeon!

Now that Song Zai filled with the heart to help him, he would naturally not refuse!

"Senior Song is right! It must be so!"

Li Zailie put on a solemn expression!

He looked at a group of men:

"Stop looking for it. Go back to Goryeo tomorrow and report this to my father!"


A group of subordinates also breathed a sigh of relief!

When they first went out to find people, they were as arrogant as they were in Korea at the beginning, but no one in China was used to them. Most of the group of people Li Zailie brought out had been severely taught!

Except for the three missing, the one who was the least injured was the one who was still in Huayang * Enteric Hospital and was attacked by a pervert to explode the chrysanthemum!

Huaxia is terrible!

No need to keep looking for people, it's great!

But before they could retreat, a voice suddenly sounded from outside the door!

"Li Zailie, you are hiding here!"

With this sound, Li Zailie's goose bumps all over his body rushed!

He suddenly looked towards the door, and then let out a scream:

"Jiang Fan?!"

It was Jiang Fan and his party who appeared at the door!

"Hi! Prince, where's the meeting?"

Jiang Fan walked into the room with a smile.

The quality of this hotel is not low, and the power behind it is not small, so it took Zhao Xiaochuan a full half an hour to find out.

After dealing with Qian Yunzi, he was reminded by Zhao Xiaochuan, Jiang Fan immediately hit the iron while it was hot, and came directly.

"Jiang Fan, you, what are you doing?"

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, Li Zailie asked tremblingly.

"Huh? Grandpa, you won't forget our betting appointment, right?"

Jiang Fan chuckled.

"You said that!"

Li Zailie breathed a sigh of relief!

"Senior Song, give him the words to explain Jin!"


Song Zaicong promised that he was going to get it.

But at this moment!

"It's more than this! Prince, you have to help me take three things at the auction!"

Li Zailie's eyes twitched, but he immediately laughed:

"Of course, but the auction is over, so let me settle it into cash for Mr. Jiang, Senior Song, take another one billion card!"

For Li Zailie, one billion is enough to kill Jiang Fan!

However, this product obviously doesn't know what happened at the auction!

As soon as Li Zailie spoke, Jiang Fan was already full of frost!

After that, a mouth touched Li Zailie's face directly!


Li Zailie was beaten up and flew upside down, knocking his head on the bar, directly swelling up a big bag of eggs!

Li Zailie is dumbfounded!

There is an infinite grievance in my heart!

"You, why did you hit me!"

"Beat you? Why did you say I beat you? Billion, are you really humiliating me?"

"Humiliated you?"

Li Zailie was stunned!

One billion!

Why is it a humiliation?

Song Zai-chong boldly stood in front of Li Zai-lie, plucking up the courage to look at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang! Master kindly compensates you, you are too deceiving! Is this the way China treats guests?"

Jiang Fan smiled and suddenly looked at Zhao Xiaochuan:

"Zhao Xiaochuan, tell them how much it cost me to photograph that corpse."


Zhao Xiaochuan nodded and looked at Song Zaichong:

"Two, Mr. Jiang photographed the corpse from Greece, and the bid was 30 billion!"

"How many?!!"

Li Zailie and Song Zaichong suddenly exclaimed!

"Two of you don't need to be surprised. Among the items that Jiang Fan has photographed, the bid price for the cheapest one is 10 billion! And the bid price for the most valuable one is 130 billion!"


The two gasped in cold air, their eyes widened, and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

If this is true, Li Zailie's slap in the face just now is not wrong at all!

Now even if I change my mind and say that it is US dollars, that is not enough money!

"Listen clearly, right? If you don't believe me, go to the harvest by yourself!"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"Li Zailie, I'll give you a middle figure, the middle number between the cheapest and the most expensive, 70 billion! One piece! Three pieces add up to 210 billion! Give the money!"

Two hundred and ten billion!

Li Zailie's eyes were almost staring out!

How can he have this money!

When he came to China, Li Chengquan gave him the highest quota of 100 billion!

He didn't take his **** hair back, and if he added this hundred billion, then just wipe his neck!

The most important thing is that even if this 100 billion is taken out, he can't afford Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang, I, I..."

When Li Zailie thought of Jiang Fan's method of kidnapping him, he felt that his intestines would be knotted!

In this world, for him, Jiang Fan is more terrible than his father!

"Why? Want to fall back on the bill?"

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce, and he suddenly took a step forward!


Li Zailie screamed suddenly and almost didn't pee!

Fortunately, there was Song Zaichong beside him. Seeing Jiang Fan's eyes were not good, he immediately spoke:

"Mr. Jiang! We give money!"


Jiang Fan snorted coldly.

Song Zai turned his eyes quickly, and suddenly waved at a group of men:

"You all get out!"

A group of people were amnesty, and they all left quickly!

Seeing everyone leaving, Song Zaichong said cautiously:

"Mr. Jiang, we, we don't have that much money for the time being..."

"You fool me!"

Jiang Fan's eyes are fierce again!

"No! Let me explain!"

Song Zaichong yelled in a hurry!

"Although we don't have enough money, we have intelligence!"

"Intelligence? What intelligence?"


Song Zaichong hesitated for a moment, then said:

"Mr. Jiang, this piece of information is very important, so look at..."

Jiang Fan said impatiently:

"If it's really valuable, the bet can be cancelled!"

"Many thanks!"

"Don't thank you! If it's not worth the money, hehe..."

Although Jiang Fan was laughing, Song Zaichong felt that his bone marrow was going to be frozen by the laughter!

"Jiang, don't worry, Mr. Jiang, the reward you will get will be more valuable than the 200 billion!"

Song Zaichong opened his mouth cautiously:

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that you just photographed a corpse of a god?"

"Not bad!"

"In that case, are you interested in creatures like gods?"The latest chapter of the God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds Address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlRead the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms Address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Wanjie takeaway txt download address :Https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \"Collection\" record this reading (Chapter 1819 Are you humiliating me?), you can see it when you open the bookshelf next time! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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