God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 183: I'm moving bricks


Zeng Liang opened his mouth with hesitation on his face!

"I, I'm a little busy!"

"Hate, how do you plan to compensate them?"

Zeng Liang couldn't help but looked at Jiang Fan!

"Tell the truth!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, knowing that Zeng Liang would not give up!

"Well, Tingting, to be honest, I am actually a poor student! I am not a rich second generation at all!"

"Sorry, I lied to you before! But, you believe me, as long as you are good with me, I, I will let you..."

Zeng Liang is very excited! I feel that my whole person has become taller!


"Bah! Why don't you have any money to reward? Hang a silk! A waste of old mother's feelings!"


Phone, just hang up!

Zeng Liang gave a wry smile, and then looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

"Teacher, I understand! Thank you, if it weren't for you, I would still be tricked by her!"

"Okay, let's go home! In the future, while working part-time, studying, you can't leave!"


Farewell to Zeng Liang, Jiang Fan, once again running on the road to deliver meals!

"Didi, you have a new takeaway order!"

Jiang Fan took out his cell phone and took a look, it happened! This order, the food the customer asked for, was actually from the small shop that Cheng An was in charge of!

At this moment, it is the peak time for dinner, and the food court is full of people, no matter the stalls or the shops!

However, "Cheng'an Food Store" has only a few customers!


Jiang Fan frowned when he came here!

The recipes that I gave to Cheng An, as long as they are made, are delicious, why, there are so few people?

"Cheng An!"

"Hey? Brother Fan? Why are you here?"

Cheng An, a happy face!

"What's the matter? Is the food in the store not tasty? Why are there so few people?"

"This, I don't know..."

Jiang Fan looked around and asked suddenly!

"Opening, are you engaged in activities?"

"Huh? No!"

"Are there any special promotions?"


"Have you been promoting it?"


Jiang Fan has lost his temper!

Cheng An also saw that Jiang Fan's face was gloomy, and suddenly explained with a bitter expression!

"Brother Fan, I'm just a cook. Apart from cooking, I can't do anything else!"

It's a pity that Uncle Zhong and I can't show up. Cheng An's loyalty is okay, but this brain is really not active enough!

If there is someone who knows how to manage...Huh?

Jiang Fan, take out the phone directly!

However, it rang for a long time before someone answered!

"Bai Xia, where are you?"

"Yes, benefactor? I'm moving bricks here in Washington D.C. Phase II!"

"Well, wait for me!"

After Jiang Fan delivered the order, he immediately went straight to the construction site of the second phase of Washington!

Soon, Jiang Fan found the busy Bai Xia!

At this moment, Bai Xia, wearing a shabby white vest and a yellow helmet, is moving bricks on the cart!

"Bai Xia!"


When Bai Xia saw Jiang Fan, she was overjoyed!

At that time, he originally decided to commit suicide, it was Jiang Fan who saved him!

Therefore, he couldn't leave Los Angeles until his life-saving grace was repaid!

"Benefactor, you finally found me! What do you need me to do?"

"Yeah! I have a shop, I need your help to run it!"

"no problem!"

Bai Xia promised very happy!

"However, wait for me, it's time to get off work, I'll go and settle my salary!"


The two came to the foreman's office together!

At this moment, in the office, four men are playing mahjong!

"Liu Gong, I'll pay for it!"


Liu Zhiqiang frowned! Glancing at Bai Xia!

"Did you finish today's work?"

"It's done!"

"I'm busy now, you will come again later!"


"Ah what? Didn't you see me busy with work? If you dare to talk nonsense, get out!"

Liu Zhiqiang looked impatient!

"Liu Gong, I won't be here tomorrow, you should settle for me first!"

"What? Isn't it coming?"

Liu Zhiqiang raised his brows, and the corners of his mouth gradually curled up, revealing a smirk!

"Since it's not coming, what more money do you need? Get out!"


Bai Xia's clenched fists!

Jiang Fanze frowned slightly!

"You guys, are you planning to deduct his wages?"

"Don't! I didn't say the deduction, but I don't have any money for the time being!"

Liu Zhiqiang smiled triumphantly!

"Don't you have it on your desk?"

Jiang Fan continued to ask!

Several men became impatient at once!

"This is Lao Tzu's money, not from the construction site!"

"Who the **** are you? Does this make you speak?"

"What the fuck, get out of here!"

Several men, menacing!

Bai Xia gently tugged Jiang Fan's sleeve!

"Benefactor, forget it!"

"Alright, it doesn't make sense to continue entangled with these **** anyway, just feed the dog! Let's go!"

The two were about to leave, but Liu Zhiqiang was angry! Slap the table fiercely!

"Boy! What the **** are you talking about?"

"I said I should feed the dog!"

"Death, brothers! Beat me!"

As Liu Zhiqiang said, he punched Jiang Fan first!

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously, his backhand was a big slap in the face!


Liu Zhiqiang flew upside down, hit the mahjong table with one head, and broke the table to pieces!

The other men swallowed and spit, and suddenly they wilted!

Jiang Fan walked to Liu Zhiqiang's side and smiled coldly!

"I now think that feeding a dog like you is a bit of a loss, and I will bring it for my wages!"

Liu Zhiqiang shook his whole body in shock, and handed over the wallet directly!

"Here, I'll give you everything!"

Jiang Fan counted three of them and handed them to Bai Xia, and then threw the wallet directly on Liu Zhiqiang's face!


The two turned and left!

"Benefactor, you were so handsome just now!"

Bai Xia looked at Jiang Fan with admiration, and at the same time, in her heart, she admired Jiang Fan even more!

"Small point! I was much better than this back then!"

Jiang Fan didn't blow at all, changed the original, absolutely in a rage, bought the entire construction site and slapped him!

"Benefactor, me, I don't know what your name is yet!"

Bai Xia, a little embarrassed!

"Jiang Fan!"

"Hey? Your name is Jiang Fan? And the Jiang family..."

Bai Xia's expression gradually changed. After looking at Jiang Fan carefully for a long time, she exclaimed!

"Shao Jiang?"

"it's me!"

"You, how are you..."

"It's good to be alive. I was almost killed by the Zhou family at that time! I'll talk about this later. I'll give you an address, and you will be the store manager now!"

"no problem!"

"By the way, don't contact me for nothing. You will do everything in your own name. You need funds to tell me!"

Bai Xia raised her brows! Could it be that Shao Jiang was preparing to——

"Okay! Do you have any more requests?"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, there was a flash of energy!

"Within half a year, open chain stores to me all over Los Angeles!"

And at this moment, in a hospital!

A middle-aged man with an arrogant face, accompanied by Yang Fu, walked into Yang Qi's ward!

This man, named Zhu Tianxing, is a famous doctor of China!

"Doctor Zhu, this is my young master! All the instruments have been checked, there is no problem, but it is just unconscious!"

Yang Fu said, handing over a bunch of inspection reports!

Zhu Tianxing didn't even look at it. He directly touched Yang Qi's veins!


Zhu Tianxing looked surprised!

"Actually, there are people who know how to seal acupoints!"

Yang Fu's complexion changed!

"Doctor Zhu, look at that, my young master..."

"Don't worry, if I take the shot, your young master, it will be saved!"

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