
In the ward, Yang Zhen, who had been silent for a long time, immediately lifted his spirits!

"Humph! There is no disease that Zhu Tianxing can't cure yet!"

Zhu Tianxing glanced at Yang Zhen dissatisfied!

"I'm sorry! Mr. Zhu, I'm so excited! Don't blame it!"

Yang Zhen, apologize in a hurry!

Zhu Tianxing's identity is extraordinary, he is one of the elders of Medicine Gate! In terms of status and status, it is by no means comparable to the Yang family!

This time, the Yang family invited him. He was originally Zhu Tianxing's disciple. However, Zhu Tianxing happened to be there and found it interesting, but he came along too!

"Fine, it's not interesting to care about people like you!"

Zhu Tianxing said, directly, take out a small wooden box!

When the box opened, there were dozens of long and short silver needles inside!

"This, but the treasure of the "Quxie Needle" handed down in our medicine! It can be ranked in the top ten in the entire Chinese medicine community!"

"so smart?"

Yang Zhen, shocked!

"Huh! Of course it's amazing! But only a master like me can show its value!"

Zhu Tianxing looked proud!

"That is! That is!"

Yang Zhen and Yang Fu are flattering!

I saw that Zhu Tianxing's hands were up and down, and his hands were like wind!

In just three seconds, more than 30 needles have been pierced in various points on Yang Qi's head!

Originally, Yang Qi, who hadn't reacted, moved his eyelids!

"Oh my God!"

Everyone was shocked!


so amazing!

As expected, Elder Medicine Gate!

"He is all right now, but his consciousness is still not clear, but he will be completely healed in three days at most! At that time, he will be like a normal person!"

Zhu Tianxing put away the silver needle, announcing proudly!

The person who used the silver needle to seal the acupuncture points seemed to be a master, presumably, in order to turn Yang Qi into a living dead, a lot of effort was also wasted!

However, he was unlucky and met himself!

"Mr. Zhu, thank you so much! In the future, but if I want something, my Yang family will do my best!"

Yang Zhen, thankful! At the same time, pass it over, a small wooden box!

Zhu Tianxing opened it with a look of disdain, and his expression was suddenly overjoyed!

I saw that in the small wooden box, there was actually a white jade pendant that was as moist as suet!

The value of this thing is at least several million!

"Mr. Zhu, a little thank you gift, no respect, when the dog is healed, there will be a thin gift!"

Zhu Tianxing nodded with satisfaction!

"It's just a small matter!"

"Mr. Zhu, I have prepared a banquet in Zuixianlou, please!"


Zhu Tianxing had just taken a step. At this moment, tall and thin men in their thirties suddenly came over!

"Master, I just called from Beijing, Miss Yu Jia's condition is not stable, you see..."

"Miss Yu's illness, is it serious again?"

Zhu Tianxing's complexion changed, and he hurriedly said: "Okay, I will rush back now!"

Yujia, that's a real monster!

"Patriarch Yang, I have to go first if I am in a hurry!"

"Huh? Then, Inuzi..."

"Don't worry, my apprentice will stay here!"

He looked at the man: "Tao Yuan, you stay here first, wait until Young Master Yang is cured, and then come back!"

"Yes, Master!"

After the confession, Zhu Tianxing, strode away immediately!

At this moment, the office of Sihai Company!

Ma Sihai looked at a few men with a gloomy expression!

"It's been a whole day! I can't find out anybody, what are you doing?"

"Sorry boss, there are too few clues, Niu Xinghe's subordinates have extremely strict mouths!"

"Now, we only know that Niu Xinghe is in charge of that person. His name is Mr. Jiang. I don't know the specific identity!"

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

Ma Sihai threw the wine glass hard!

"Check, keep checking!"


At this moment, the office door was suddenly pushed open!

Brother Long, walked in with a worried expression!

"Along? Why are you here?"

Ma Sihai looked curious!

Aaron is in charge of the campus loan business. Usually, Ma Sihai rarely finds him!

"Brother Hai, someone is messing up our business!"

"Who did it?"

"Yes, it is a teacher of Lanying!"

Ma Sihai was extremely angry and laughed!

"Hehe, now, even a teacher dare to provoke our company! I want you to waste, what's the use?"

"Brother Hai, that person is extraordinary, he seems to know martial arts, we are not opponents at all!"

Long brother, explain in a hurry!

"Oh? Tell me more carefully?"

"Yes! Originally, today we went to collect a debt from a student of Lanying, but the student's teacher killed it! Not only did he not pay the money, but he beat us up! The five of us didn't even look at it at all. He shot, and he was knocked down!"


Ma Sihai narrowed his eyes, and suddenly pointed at one of his hands!

"Go and see how Bengues is recovering! Tell him that he has something to do tomorrow!"


"Huh! Can you not pay back the money if you know how to do it with both hands? Do you think it's so easy to get my money from Sihai?"

Hearing Ma Sihai's words, Long Ge suddenly looked happy!

Banchai, but Siam's Muay Thai master, although he was defeated by that mysterious man in the ring last time, his own strength is absolutely high!

Damn teacher Lan Ying, tomorrow, you will be beautiful!

On the second day, Jiang Fan had just arrived near the school and was stopped by someone, not surprisingly!

A Toyota overbearing, stopped him directly at the intersection!

The door opened, and a gangster got out of the car with a smug look!

Exactly, Long Brother!

"Hey, kid, I didn't expect, am I here again?"

Jiang Fan looked at him curiously: "What do you want to do?"

"Don't do it! If you dare to offend our company, we must teach you a lesson!"

Brother Long said, waving his hand directly!

Immediately, Ban Guai with a gloomy look, walked down!


Jiang Fan was startled, isn't this the Siamese fighter?

And Ban Guai, when he saw Jiang Fan, he was shocked!

The man in front of him, I don't know why, he always feels a little familiar!

"Hey, kid! This is the master of our Four Seas Company! Don't talk about you, you are a black market boxer and can't hold him a punch!"

"Anyone who is acquainted, kneel down obediently! Take out two hundred thousand! Our business, even if it is written off!"

Brother Long looked like he was holding the winning ticket, very arrogant!

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously!

"What if I don't?"

Brother Long's face suddenly sank!

"Shame on your face! Benguei, teach him how to behave!"


Ban Guai snorted and rushed directly to Jiang Fan!

Muay Thai has a very serious killing intention, and Ban Guess, the shot is just a kick in the air!

Just listen to the sound of the wind brought by this knee bump, once you hit the target, you will at least break your bones!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled, his backhand was a palm, and he smashed Bangui's knee!

Jiang Fan's palm is simply breezy!

But Ban Chai's complexion changed suddenly!

I just felt that the person in front of me had suddenly become a scourge! A feeling of extreme danger filled the whole body instantly!

Just like in the boxing match that night! One carelessness will kill you on the spot!

Ban Chai suddenly yelled, and at this moment of inadmissibility, his whole body, unexpectedly, fell sharply!


With a loud noise, Ban Guai knelt directly at the foot of Jiang Fan!

Kneeling was so cruel that even the hard concrete road was exploded into two deep pits!

Brother Long looked dumbfounded!

Look at Ban Guai incredulously!

"Bang guess, you, what are you doing?"

Banchai ignored Brother Long at all, and instead looked at Jiang Fan with a look of horror!

"You! It's you!"

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