The Zhou family never thought that someone would dare to start with their property.

Therefore, the stock market sell-off at the beginning was only understood by the heads of the various groups as someone who was harvesting retail investors.

Anyway, this kind of thing has happened countless times this week, and the stock market has not fluctuated sharply.

As for the retail investors, they are just leeks, and they will harvest them if they are fine.

Anyway, those leeks who dream of making a fortune will never be less!

It will even cut more and more!

However, the price paid for arrogance and contempt has never been greater than everyone imagined!

It was not until an hour later, when the tsunami roared into disaster, that they knew they were wrong!

And yes, so wrong!

This time it’s not a story about wolves, but a pack of real wolves!

Zhou's senior executives were alarmed, but before they could take any action, the stock market, which was extremely icy, suddenly added a large amount of funds and began to continuously buy stocks from retail investors!

And the forces that had been selling wildly at the beginning did not even make any more moves!

Seeing the stock market slowly stabilized, the Zhou family thought it was just a false alarm!

But just as their nerves relaxed, another bigger storm appeared!

All Zhou's stocks are being sold desperately!

Including the forces that sold off at the beginning, as well as the forces that they mistakenly thought to come out to rescue the market before, they were all selling like crazy!

One hit to the end!

Even Zhou's mobilizing large sums of money to rescue the market is useless!

What is even more frightening is that the group of companies that originally belonged to the Jiang family organized a strike without knowing what was going on!

How exaggerated the Jiang family's industry is!

Far bigger than the Zhou family before!

As soon as the news of the strike came out, the stock market became more chaotic!

Zhou Zhen is one of the powerful figures in the Zhou family.

The reports of all Zhou's company groups will be summarized here, and then sorted and submitted to Zhou Yuanwang.

It can be said that he is a real big shot.

However, at this moment, he stood tremblingly in front of Zhou Yuanwang, his face pale and cold sweat covered his whole body!

However, even though he was sweating, he only felt cold in his heart!

In this room, in addition to Zhou Yuanwang, there are Zhou Yandao and Zhou Jing as well as several other big figures in the Zhou family.

After closing the report in front of him, Zhou Yuanwang finally raised his head and looked at Zhou Zhen:

"When did it start?"

"One, a week ago."

Zhou Zhen's lips trembled, trying to restrain his fear, and spoke quickly:

"Since a week ago, many grassroots figures in our Zhou family's industry have been exposed to scandals. It is also from that time that the equity changes in the hands of retail investors have become frequent."

Zhou Yuanwang nodded:

"Why don't you report it earlier."

His tone was calm, but Zhou Zhen trembled all over:


"Do you think that no one dares to attack our Zhou family?"


"Do you know what your job is?"

"Know, know..."

"No! You don't know, you only care about how many new outskirts of heaven and earth are here today, which female celebrities will participate in the charity dinner tomorrow, which auction will have famous wines, and even how to balance the pregnant female student? !"

Zhou Yuanwang's tone was still plain, but Zhou Zhen's knees softened and he almost fell to his knees!

Zhou Yuanwang sighed:

"I can tolerate your greed, or tolerate your madness, and even tolerate your **** trouble! But I can't bear your stupidity!"


Zhou Zhen directly knelt on the ground!

Zhou Yuanwang waved his hand weakly:

"Family Law, take care of it!"


The door opened, and two young disciples from the Zhou family walked in and directly dragged Zhou Zhen away, who had become a mess.

Zhou Yuanwang turned and looked at another man with a paler face.

That was Zhou Lian, and he was also a big man!

"The stock market crashed. With our Zhou family's financial resources, it shouldn't be difficult to rescue them, but can you tell me what happened to those industries that originally belonged to the Jiang family?"

Zhou Lian trembled all over and knelt directly to the ground!

"Patriarch, I, I..."

Zhou Yuanwang sighed and waved his hand again.

Zhou Lian was also taken away quickly.

Until then, Zhou Jing said coldly:

"It's Jiang Fan!"

Zhou Yuanwang frowned:

"Jiang Fan, it is impossible to have such huge financial resources!"

The other powerful figures in the Zhou family looked at each other and all nodded.

It is true that Jiang Fan is indeed rich now, but it has not yet reached the point where it affects the entire Zhou's stock market!

Even if it is ten times bigger, it won't work!

However, Zhou Jing sneered:

"If this is not the case, how do you explain the strike?"

Without waiting for others to speak, he already said to himself:

"Indeed, when we won the Jiang family property, we have replaced all the high-levels with our own people!"

"But we have overlooked one thing. It is never the high-level but the grass-roots that can really affect the entire group!"

"If you want to strike, you must be led by the grassroots and respond to the old employees!"

"Except for the old master Jiang Fan, I can't think of anyone who has such a great energy!"

Everyone's complexion changed slightly.

Zhou Yuanyi shook his head:

"It's impossible. In this society, if you have milk, you are a mother. The benefits we give to those employees are not low. They have no reason to do this!"

"Do not!"

Zhou Yandao, who had been silent, suddenly spoke:

"If others don't say, Zhou Zhen and Zhou Lian's style, you should be very clear, they are both like this, let alone the others!"

"I'm afraid, those high-level people stationed in the Jiang family industry..."

Zhou Yandao didn't finish speaking, but everyone clenched their fists!

Zhou Yandao is right. The welfare provided by the family to the grassroots is indeed good. However, with the existence of that group of pigs, will this benefit really be implemented? Who knows?

When taking over those industries, because the Jiang family was too large, the Zhou family almost used all the available manpower!

Those people have mixed good and bad, so it's not surprising to do anything extraordinary!

Coupled with the instigation of interested people, it will indeed turn into a disaster!

Zhou Yuanwang sat weakly on the chair, and suddenly felt that today's chair was awkward everywhere!

He suddenly missed Zhou Yuande, who is still under house arrest.

If he knew that the situation would develop to today, he would rather be under house arrest!

But more, it was a burst of unspeakable exhaustion.


Over the past few months, too tired.

To the Zhou family, Jiang Fan is like a bamboo.

Before, his root system had been spreading and growing in the soil that no one could see, and then inadvertently, he had absorbed enough nutrients to start growing.

In just half a year, he has risen steadily, and he is about to...

"Patriarch! Patriarch!"

A voice interrupted his contemplation.

"Patriarch, what should I do now?"

Zhou Yuanwang reluctantly picked up his spirits and looked at Zhou Yan and said:

"Say, you come and talk."

Zhou Jing raised his eyebrows on one side.

Zhou Yandao pondered for a moment, and then he spoke:

"If it is really Jiang Fan, his movements are so big, then it seems that there is only one explanation."

"These big moves are just foreplay. His real purpose is to—"

He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled two words:

"Decisive battle!"God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway The latest chapter address: .htmlReading address of the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1848 is just foreplay) and open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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