Throughout Zhou's family, everyone's breath suddenly took a while!

decisive battle!

For them, these two words are both familiar and distant.

If it was in the past, someone said who wanted to fight the Zhou family, they would just listen to it as a joke!

But now, when these two words are spoken from Zhou Yandao's mouth, everyone just feels chilly!

Even faintly gave birth to a bit of fear!

Even the ancestor Zhou Ling returned without success. Now, not only the Zhou family, but also the entire China, almost no one dares to underestimate Jiang Fan!

Zhou Yuanwang opened his mouth. For the first time, a word suddenly appeared in his mind—


For the entire Zhou family, now, this word seems to be the best portrayal.

He forced himself to calm down and asked slowly:

"How long do you think is the day of the decisive battle?"

Zhou Yandao frowned:

"Smashing the stock market is just the first step for Jiang Fan. He has already smashed so much principal down, no matter where the money comes from, he has no reason to stop!"

"Even if he wants to take it, the person who provides him with the funds will never allow this kind of loss of money to happen!"

"So next, the war on the stock market will have to last for a while!"

"This period of time can be long or short, but the shortest, and it will take five days later!"

"Five days..."

Zhou Yuanwang nodded.

He stood up slowly:

"Use all the cash flow to rescue the market, and contact our allies to go to war!"

Everyone couldn't tell what kind of mood they were, but they all nodded:


This time, even Zhou Jing did not ridicule any more.

In any case, he is still a member of the Zhou family after all.

Walking out of Zhou Yuanwang's room, Zhou Yandao returned to his villa without any haste.

Although Zhou Yuanwang respected him on the surface, he didn't give him any real power!

At best, just treat him as a strategist.

Therefore, contacting allies does not require him to come out.

The original owner of this villa was his father Zhou Yuande. However, as Zhou Yuande was placed under house arrest, he was the only one left here.

Sitting quietly on the sofa, Zhou Yandao was silent for a long time, then suddenly laughed low.

In the laughter, there was a hint of playfulness, and more, but mocking.

"Jiang Fan... the Jiang family, you really can't underestimate it!"

He suddenly took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

The phone was quickly connected, and then, a calm, heavy voice suddenly sounded:

"what's happenin?"

If Wan Wu were here, he would definitely be able to hear that this voice was the other person who had been secretly meeting with Qiu Yuanfeng and Zhou Ning, Mr. Pei!

Zhou Yandao spoke softly:

"Jiang Fan is about to attack the Zhou family."

"How long is there?"

Mr. Pei's voice sank!

"Even if it is the slowest, it will not exceed three days!"

Zhou Yandao spoke slowly.

In three days, this was the truest figure he had judged based on Jiang Fan's past!

He told the rest of the Zhou family for five days, just not wanting them to panic!

Mr. Pei's tone is even more gloomy:

"Jiang Fan...Unexpectedly, he was about to start so soon!"

He was silent for a moment, then continued:

"However, it doesn't matter, it's about to end over there!"

Zhou Yandao's eyes lit up:

"Are you going to do it?"

"Well, Master has already ordered it, just tonight!"

"Haha, well, throughout Huaxia, I'm afraid no one can think of it, Jiang Fan is just a **** we use to divert our attention!"

Zhou Yandao sneered.

Mr. Pei also chuckled softly:

"Yes, I let him go before, just because we need someone to divert the attention of those people! But I didn't expect this kid's strength to increase so quickly. Now that it has been properly arranged, then it must not be a problem to raise a tiger!"

His tone was suddenly filled with murderous intent.


Zhou Yandao slowly exhaled a turbid breath:

"So Jiang Fan..."

"Just leave Jiang Fan to us!"

"it is good!"

The two were silent for a while.

After a long time, Mr. Pei suddenly spoke:

"For so many years, I have worked hard...Brother!"

Zhou Yandao was startled slightly, a look of nostalgia suddenly appeared on his face:

"It's been a long time since I heard you call me senior, it seems that it is really the last step."

"Yes, brother, who has endured the humiliation for many years, the master will never forget your credit!"

Mr. Pei said solemnly.

"Ha ha…"

Zhou Yandao smiled, and suddenly asked:

"How often do you come here?"

"Tomorrow at the latest! Since Jiang Fan is going to the capital, let him stay there forever!"

"Well, I'll wait for you."

The phone hangs up.

Zhou Yandao dropped the phone at random and looked up at the ceiling, his thoughts flying!

After so many years, he has endured humiliation, and now, it is finally about to—

However, at this moment, his eyes changed, and he suddenly looked at the stairs leading to the second floor!

There, his younger brother Zhou Yanzheng was looking at himself with a face of disbelief!

Zhou Yandao was stunned!

"Azheng? You, when did you come back? Shouldn't you be in Jinghu Courtyard?"

Zhou Yanzheng's lips trembled, and he spoke a long time later:

"Some things are left at home, I will come back to fetch them."

"You, did you hear it all?"

"heard it."

"How much do you hear?"


Zhou Yanzheng's face gradually became gloomy, and his eyes contained loss and anger:

"Brother, who is on the other side of the phone?"

Zhou Yandao was silent for a long time, then suddenly closed his eyes and let out a long sigh:

"Since you are back, why don't you tell me in advance!"

His face was full of pain, and Zhou Yanzheng had slowly walked down the stairs and stood opposite him!

His face grew gloomy:

"Brother, tell me, who is the opposite! Why did you call you brother? What are you going to do... Tell me!"

He stretched out his hands and was about to press Zhou Yandao's shoulders!

However, at this moment, Zhou Yandao suddenly opened his eyes!

For a moment!

In those eyes, the energy skyrocketed, and the coldness suddenly appeared!


Zhou Yanzheng was shocked!

But the next moment!


Zhou Yandao has pointed at his Tanzhong acupoint!

The dignified fourteenth-level pinnacle was hit by a man who had completely abolished martial arts. This is nothing short of a fantasy!

However, Zhou Yandao did it!

Zhou Yanzheng trembled all over, then took a step back suddenly, and then fell to his head!

"Azheng, I'm sorry, when you wake up, I will explain to you again!"

Zhou Yandao supported Zhou Yanzheng with a sigh on his face.

You must never let others know your own secrets.

At least, not now.

Everyone has noticed the shock of Zhou's stock market.

Of course the big shots know that in the entire Huaxia, only Jiang Fan dared to attack the Zhou family!

And those little people are speculating about who has such courage!

But in any case, everyone knows that a storm is coming. The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1849 Wind and Rain) reading record, and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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