The sunset is like blood!

In this **** brilliance, Zhou Chen almost stiffly walked to Zhou Yuanwang.

Zhou Yuanwang was sitting in the courtyard at this moment, constantly giving orders to his subordinates on one side!

Bai Xia's move was too ruthless!

The trader's methods are even more extraordinary!

Even though Zhou Yuanwang had already given the order to die, the Zhou family mobilized all the traders, but they still did not distinguish between them!

The key is that Bai Xia has already taken the lead, and it is absolutely difficult to bring this round back!

Unless you find him, kill him!

And Zhou Yuanwang is now giving this order!

The hacker organization affiliated to Zhou's family kept inquiring about the source of the trader, but the results found were more desperate than one by one!

Italy, Citi, Dongying, Gaul...too many!

It seems that the other side's trader is full of the whole world!

The Zhou family is like an enemy to the whole world!

Zhou Yuanwang's mood was getting worse and worse, his heart seemed to be burning with flames soaring to the sky!

Seeing Zhou Chen approaching with a pale face, he suddenly frowned and shouted angrily:

"Asshole! My Zhou family is just a stock market failure, and it's about to collapse. You won't go anymore?"

If it were in the past, Zhou Chen would have knelt down for fear of being scared, but now, for Zhou Yuanwang's anger, he doesn't seem to have any fear at all!

Do not!

To be precise, the news he got was far more terrifying than Zhou Yuanwang's roar!

Even so terrible, he really can't walk!

"Patriarch, out, something big happened..."

The expression on Zhou Chen's face seemed to be crying, and it seemed to be extremely frightened, and it was already distorted!

Zhou Yuanwang's heart trembled for no reason.

But he still said coldly:


"Patriarch, let's go inside and talk."

Zhou Chen said tremblingly.

Zhou Yuanwang's expression changed:

"Huh! What else can happen, say! Just say it here!"

Compared to the current situation, what could be worse!

If you really hide inside and talk about it, it will only make these people around you even more confused!

Zhou Chen looked around and suddenly smiled bitterly:

"Patriarch, no more, everything about the Zhou family abroad is gone."


Zhou Yuanwang was startled, but didn't understand:

"Make it clear! What's missing?"

Zhou Chen took a deep breath, his speech suddenly became sharp:

"An hour ago, the Vienna branch, which was supposed to report the progress of the work on time, did not send a message."

"According to family regulations, after five minutes, I had someone contact them."

"However, no one listens to the phone."

"At the same time, my subordinates reported to me that the branch in Paris was also lost."

"And this is just the beginning. Then, the City of Seven Hills, the City of Evernight, Dunkirk, the Green Capital, and Eastern Kyoto... all the branches are lost!"

"I was shocked and asked a friend from the police station in Paris to check it out, and it turned out..."

Zhou Chen opened his mouth, as if he could no longer speak.

However, Zhou Yuanwang slowly asked with twitching eyes:

"what's the result?"

Zhou Chen took out the phone and passed it directly.

"This is the photo taken by their internal staff after they arrived at the scene."

Zhou Yuanwang took the phone, but when he saw the photo above, he was shocked!

In the picture, a dead body!

And Zhou Yuanjie's head is in the center of the body!

Zhou Yuan looked at his feet!

He tried to calm his emotions:

"Well, what about other places?"

"It's almost the same. All the Zhou family disciples have been killed. The scene of Evernight City is the best, and there are no corpses, because the manor of our Zhou family has all turned into magma."


Zhou Yuanwang took a step back and sat down on the chair!

At this moment, his face was pale and his eyes had lost their focus!

Not only him, everyone was stunned.

After a long time, an unstoppable chill came from their hearts!

Are all dead?

Everyone outside Zhou's family is all dead? !

how can that be!

The Zhou family's industries are all over the world!

Even if the Zhou family's power abroad is not comparable to that of China, it is absolutely impossible to encounter all accidents at the same time!

No single force can do it!

"Zhou Chen! Are you sure the news is correct?"

An elderly Zhou family asked with a trembling voice.

Zhou Chen shook his head:

"There can be no mistake, everyone, all dead."

Silence, the entire Zhou family, deathly silence.

for a long time.

"Know, who did it?"

Zhou Yuanwang asked softly, but his eyes were still godless.

"It's not clear yet, no one dares to say."

Zhou Chen hesitated and finally continued:

"But it is said that someone mentioned a name in Vienna."


"Jiang Fan!"

Everyone's bodies trembled violently!


Zhou Yuanwang took a deep breath, his eyes slowly became focal lengths, and after a long time, he gave a low laugh:

"Yes, kill my Zhou family's children, dare to do this kind of thing, and there is a reason to do this kind of thing, and only Jiang Fan, who has a **** feud with our Zhou family."

He stood up slowly, killing intent boiling in his eyes:

"Notify allies, notify everyone, to Los Angeles, I want to..."

He didn't finish speaking, but the phone rang suddenly!

Zhou Yuan frowned and answered the phone.

However, before he could speak, there was already an extremely anxious cry on the other side:

"Patriarch! Something has happened! Tongzhou, Fucheng, Hailiang, Jin'an, Dongliao...Except for the surrounding capital, all the Zhou family's properties in China have been taken away!"


Zhou Yuanwang felt soft and pressed the back of his chair, so he didn't fall down!

But the voice on the other side became more stern:

"And not only is the industry gone, our children in those cities are all dead! All are dead!!"

Zhou Yuanwang looked at the horizon blankly.

The setting sun is like blood.

He suddenly hung up.

"I'm going to see the ancestors, you... inform everyone of this news, and, in any case, this matter cannot be let our allies know.


Everyone agreed!

If these news are made known to allies, I am afraid they will never form an alliance with the Zhou family again!

Zhou Yuanwang took a deep breath and waved his hand:

"Go all!"

He stepped forward and slowly walked towards the innermost house of Zhou's house.

In the setting sun, his back is bleak and desolate.


Zhou Yandao looked at Zhou Chen in front of him, and his whole person was in a trance.

He took a deep breath and asked slowly:

"What did you say?"

"You heard that right. Except for the surrounding areas of the capital, everyone in the Zhou family has died, whether at home or abroad."

Now that the news spread, Zhou Chen has become numb.

Zhou Yandao's lips trembled, and after a long time, he nodded in a dazed manner:

"I see. Go ahead."

Zhou Chen bowed slightly, turned and walked out of his villa, and continued to walk towards the other one.

The news has been spread for so long, and Zhou Yandao's response is considered the best. The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1857 is all dead) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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