Until Zhou Chen left for a long time, Zhou Yandao seemed to wake up suddenly!

"Jiang Fan! Jiang Fan!!!"

"This is my Zhou family! You actually ruined my Zhou family!"

Zhou Yandao's expression was distorted and out of shape!

The look in his eyes is more like eating people!

But he forced himself to calm down.

The more you get to this time, the more you can't panic!

Jiang Fan definitely did this thing!

But, where did he get so much energy?

Starting from the terrible cash flow in the stock market, to the extinction of the strength of the various branches of the Zhou family, this should definitely not be something Jiang Fan can master in a short time!

But things have happened, and now it's too late to track down!

This **** little beast!

I knew it would be like this. From the beginning, I shouldn't keep him in order to divert others' attention!

"Except for the capital of the Zhou family, all domestic and foreign forces have been uprooted, so the next step is to enter the capital!"

"But the battle in the stock market is still going on, why does he want to take action at this time?"

"Judging from the confrontation on the stock market, his capital chain is definitely stronger than Zhou's!"

"It is definitely not a problem to annex the Zhoujia stock market and become the largest shareholder of the group!"

"At that time, almost all of the Zhou family's wealth will be his! Why doesn't he wait anymore?"

"Could it—"

Suddenly Zhou Yandao's pupils shrank, and the cold sweat ran down all over his head!

"This little beast!"

"The battle in the stock market is just to divert attention!"

"He wants us to miscalculate the time of the decisive battle!"

"And since all Zhou family forces have been eliminated by him except for the capital, then..."

"Isn't it the capital?"

Suddenly he woke up, and his whole body trembled!

"Wrong! All wrong! The time for the decisive battle is neither five days nor three days later! Maybe it's today!"

Zhou Yandao felt cold for a while!

A trace of red marks flowed out of the corner of the mouth!

The setting sun outside the window is the same color as the corner of his mouth!

The sunset is like blood!

And in this **** color, an airplane is slowly landing!

As the cabin opened, Jiang Fan, dressed in black, stepped out in one step!

Black clothes are dull, black is dazzling, black, just like mourning clothes!

And behind Jiang Fan, all the Jiang family experts, also dressed in black, walked out of the cabin slowly!

The aura of the crowd slowly diverged, and even the blood of the sky was vaguely clouded!

"finally reached…"

Jiang Fan glanced at the sky, and suddenly rose into the sky, heading straight to Zhou's house!

Behind him, the crowd also rose to the sky!

At the airport, everyone looked at this scene in shock!

The expressions of several men changed drastically, and they took out their phones one after another!

After only half a minute, everyone knew that Jiang Fan was here!

A dark cloud was slowly falling on the villa community of the Zhou family that looked like a steel jungle.

However, until the dark clouds fell, everyone could see that it was actually twenty or so men and women in black!

And seeing the man who took the lead, everyone near the gate of Zhou's house trembled:

"Jiang Fan?!"

As soon as this name appeared, everyone's expressions changed!

The emotion of incomparable fear, even more like a plague, began to spread rapidly!

Jiang Fan!

This devil, he finally came!

Everyone is trembling, all in fear!

But at this moment!

"Little beast! You dare to come!"

With this low roar, Zhou Ling has taken all the masters of the Zhou family and walked out slowly!

In addition to Zhou Yuanhe and several 17th to 18th level masters, there is actually another 19th level!

That was Zhou Yuanhe's son, Zhou Yanze!

Zhou Yanze rarely shows up, and is even a hole card of the Zhou family!

One more nineteenth level is enough to change the whole battle!

Even if Jiang Fan has a nineteenth level limit, nothing can be changed!

But at this moment!

"Zhou Ling, you have lived for so long, and your quality hasn't changed at all. It's rare!"

Along with this voice, a train team suddenly appeared from behind Jiang Fan and the others!

And a man flying high on the motorcade was looking at Zhou Ling mockingly!

Zhou Ling's face was gloomy:

"Yu Lie!"

That person is the number one master of the Yu family, Yu Zhengming's grandfather, Yu Lie!

As the team stopped, Yu Zhengming had taken all the masters from the Yu family and walked out!

Although the Yu family only has a nineteenth level in Yu Lie, the number of eighteenth level has actually reached seven!

Almost twice that of Zhou's!

Zhou Ling stared at Yu Lie firmly:

"Yu family, are you really going to stand on Jiang Fan's side?"

"Hehe, what this said..."

Yu Lie's smile on his face suddenly constricted, and he said murderously:

"That's right! We are here to Jiang Fan!"

Zhou Ling narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly:

"Alright! Then put you at home and destroy them together!"

As he spoke coldly, Jiang Fan's north and south sides actually drove two trains at the same time!

With the opening of the car door, dozens of men and women with amazing auras, with a sneer on their faces, slowly got out of the car!

It's the Lin family, and the Chu family!

"Haha, Patriarch Yu, what a coincidence!"

Lin Chongyun, the head of the Lin family, smiled, but that smile was full of ridicule and coldness!

"Tsk tut, three to two, the winning ticket is in hand!"

Chu Zhaorong, the Patriarch of the Chu Family, also smiled and flamboyant!

Among the seven richest families and the four largest families, only the Patriarch of her Chu family is a woman!

Yu Lie's face gradually became low.

Yu Zhengming's eyes twitched even more!

The cultivation bases of Lin Chongyun and Chu Zhaorong are not even the fourteenth level, but the top combat power of the two is not to be underestimated!

Let alone the one who keeps his eyes closed in the car, Chu Chengzhang, the number one master of the Chu family, the nineteenth-level limit, has a full eight at the eighteenth level, one more than his Yu family!

And the Lin Family, although there are only three eighteenth level, not even a nineteenth level, but no one dares to underestimate them!

Because the number one master of their Lin family, Lin Buhui, is one of the top ten of Tianding!

With this status, no one would dare to kill the Lin family!

Everyone sneered.

The eyes looking at Jiang Fan and Yu's family are like looking at a sheep walking into a pack of wolves!

"Jiang Fan! You are dead!"

Zhou Ling smiled gloomily!

Even Zhou Yuanwang showed a relaxed look.

Fortunately, Zhou Yandao discovered it early, and fortunately Jiang Fan, an idiot, showed up at the airport. Otherwise, if he and Yu's family were raided, Zhou's family might really be gone!

However, one mistake was made and all the games were lost, as Chu Zhaorong said, three against two, the winning ticket is in hand!

Jiang Fan has no room to stand up!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan, who was always silent, suddenly smiled.

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan is laughing!

What is he laughing at?

At this time, he can still laugh?

"Jiang Fan! What's so ridiculous about your death coming!"

Zhou Yuanwang suddenly shouted angrily!

Jiang Fan looked at him, then at Zhou Ling, his eyes finally fell on Zhou Yandao who was hiding behind them!

"Zhou's family, haha...show all your hole cards, otherwise, if I deliberately let you know that I am coming, it will be meaningless!" The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God The txt download address of the first-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlthe god-level one Takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you You can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1858 Show your cards), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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