God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1862: I am the only one in the world

Everyone looked in the direction she was pointing, and suddenly the corners of their eyes twitched!

In the distance, large black shadows are whizzing out!

The majestic man in the lead is the master of the Qin family, Qin Lei!

And beside Qin Lei, there was a woman who had no breath below him, even more fierce!

Qin Xiao!

Unlike other families, there are two nineteenth-level limits on the Qin family's paper!

And it is said that the Qin family also has a real world of heaven and humanity!

This is also the reason why the Qin family has always been low-key, but no one dares to provoke it!

Zhou Ling's heart gradually sank!


Qin Jia is also Jiang Fan's helper!

With the intervention of the Qin family, the four families of Wei, Song, Lu, and Yan can never count on it!

In fact, when Qin Yi appeared, the Wei family was the first to withdraw!

Just a few miles away!

The Yan family followed closely!

The two remaining Luzons looked at each other and finally gritted their teeth unwillingly!

Qin Yi glanced at Jiang Fan, but his eyes didn't show any kindness, but a trace of disgust!

At the same time, Jiang Fan's voice was already in his ears:

"Jiang Fan, I'm here just for Yan Yu. From today onwards, she owes you everything she owes you. You have nothing to do with you anymore!"

Yan Yu?

Jiang Fan looked at Li Shanshan's face, and suddenly realized that she had changed her name and surname.

But how did she get to Qin's house and how did she become Qin Yi...

Is it a couple?

At this moment, Jiang Fan couldn't tell what it was like.

He took a deep breath, and passed the same sound transmission:

"In any case, I have written down the favor of the Qin family!"

Even if the Qin family does not come, he still has a way to deal with the four, but the loss will be larger.

Qin Yi didn't say anything any more, just glanced at him coldly, and turned Li Shanshan away!

The Qin family has already expressed his attitude, he has no need to stay!

Jiang Fan looked at Lu Huaisheng:

"Still to explain?"

Lu Huaisheng's eyes twitched, but he didn't say a word!

Jiang Fan smiled, and finally looked at Zhou Ling coldly!

"Ten months ago, the Zhou family destroyed my Jiang family and Zhou Ling. At that time, have you thought about today?"

Zhou Ling gritted his teeth, and after a long time, he gave Jiang Fan a bitter look:

"Winner and loser! Jiang Fan, you won! But..."

Zhou Ling suddenly looked at a group of rich family members:

"Everyone, Jiang Fan can destroy my Zhou family today. In the future, I am afraid that he will destroy the wealthy family!"

"You guys, get ready early!"

Everyone's faces have changed!

Jiang Fan frowned:

"Do it!"

Uncle Xuan did not hesitate anymore and rushed towards Zhou Ling!

But at this moment!


A breath of horror to the extreme, like the collapse of the sky, suddenly enveloped the audience!

Uncle Xuan stopped almost subconsciously!

Suddenly looked towards the sky!

The rest of them all looked at Gao Tian in horror!

There, I don't know when, there is a man with a cold face wearing a blue gown!

The man just stood there at will, but it seemed to become the center of the whole world!

What's more terrifying is the breath he naturally exudes!

It's like a volcano, it looks calm, but once it erupts, it can definitely destroy the world!

Everyone is in fear!

Only Jiang Fan, his complexion is always calm, and the ancient well has no waves.

The man glanced down quietly, his gaze finally fell on Jiang Fan:

"Jiang Fan, you have to be forgiving and forgiving!"

Jiang Fan looked at him silently, and suddenly smiled:

"Ten Tripod, who are you?"

Tianding ten poles! !

As soon as these four words came out, everyone's breathing suddenly stopped!

Indeed, there are only those ten people who have this kind of power!

The man gave Jiang Fan a slightly surprised look, and finally spoke:

"Strong Fengling!"

Three words shot, everyone gasped!

Sure enough, it is Tianding Ten Extremes!

But what is even more shocking is the name!

Li Fengling didn't seem to have had any complicated experiences in his life, in fact, he only shot once!

That time, he personally killed a strong man who broke into China!

And that strong man is called Benedict!

Benedict, in the entire Council of Illumination, ranks second only to the Pope. At that time, the Council of Illumination recognized the strongest person except the Pope, the Knights of Glory, the commander of the legion!

But Li Fengling killed him with just one move!

Jiang Fan had long thought that Tianding Shiji would intervene. After all, the general situation in the capital has been stable for a long time, and once the Zhou family is destroyed, it may cause chaos in the entire capital!

The existence of Tianding Shiji is to stabilize China, and if they make a move by themselves, they will definitely stop it!

But he didn't expect that the first one would actually be sharp!

However, it doesn't matter what comes first!

Today, no one can stop him!

"Jiang Fan, stop!"

Ling said with an indifferent expression of Li Feng, and the tone was like an imperial decree.

The facts are not too different. In China, no one dared to disobey Tianding Shiji's wishes!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan!

Even Yu Lie and Chen Kuang sighed at this moment!

Don't talk about destroying the Chu family, this time, I am afraid that the Zhou family will not be destroyed!

Only Zhou's family is overjoyed!

With Li Fengling's intervention, the Zhou family was really saved this time!

Survival from desperation!

But at this moment!

"Stop it? What are you kidding me!"

Jiang Fan still had no expression on his face, but the words he uttered were as cold as frost!

He stared at Li Fengling coldly with an undaunted, even presumptuous look:

"Ten months ago, Zhou Jiali was so eager to kill my Jiang family. At that time, why didn't you tell them to stop?"

"I'm almost alive, but the Zhou family wants to cut the grass and root out the roots. At that time, why didn't you say to stop!"

"I have walked step by step to this day. The people who want to kill me are like crucian carp who cross the river. To them, why don't you say to stop!"

"Now, I want revenge, but you ran out and told me to stop?"

"Li Fengling, remember! You are not Jackie Chan, and I am not Azu! Let me play this set with my mother!"

"Today, Zhou family, I'm dead!"

Everyone was stunned!

With his mouth wide open, he looked at Jiang Fan with a dull face!

Don't talk about them, Zhou Ling was stunned!

Even a group of people in the Jiang family were equally stunned!

This, this is, stunned Tianding Shiji?

It's crazy!

Do not!

This is not crazy anymore!

Facing Tianding Shiji not only is not afraid, but also dares to speak and spray, this is no longer something that arrogance can do!

This requires courage and more domineering!

No matter who it is, the look in Jiang Fan's eyes at this moment is already full of admiration!

This is the real ruthless person!

Li Fengling looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief, but after a long time, his face became angry!


This low growl turned into a billowing thunder when he exited!

The ruins of Zhou's house were full of smoke and dust!

But everyone below the grandmaster screamed and slumped directly to the ground!

Even Jiang Xuan and others can't bear it anymore!

But at this moment!

"You are so presumptuous!!"

A roar like a dragon roar suddenly resounded through the audience!

next moment!


An overbearing and majestic atmosphere has reached its limit, and it has soared into the sky!

Jiang Fan looked directly at Li Fengling, his momentum skyrocketed, and even Li Fengling's heart palpitated with that majestic momentum!

Emperor Wei!

I am the only one in the world! ! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1862 is the only one in the world) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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