God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1863: I also give you a chance

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with trepidation!

so horrible!

What happened to Jiang Fan?

This momentum is actually stronger than Li Fengling!

The hearts of Lu Huaisheng and others twitched fiercely!

Before, Jiang Fan was as quiet as a rock, with no breath leaking out of his body, he was just like an ordinary person!

But who would have thought that he suddenly broke out now, that aura was actually terrifying to this point!

Can actually fight against Tianding Shiji!

Do not!

Even stronger! More crazy! More domineering!

This monster!

"This kid..."

Li Fengling's eyes twitched, and he couldn't believe how he felt!

This kind of horrible aura of self-respect, is it really from this kid?

At a young age, he is so domineering. If he grows up, in the future, he is just afraid that it will become his stepping stone!

At this moment, as cold as the wind, the heart could not be restrained, and there was a trace of murderous intent!

"Jiang Fan! You want to slaughter the Zhou family for your own selfishness. With such a brutal method and cruel heart, you have fallen into the devil's way!"

Li Feng said slowly.

The Yu family, Chen family and others felt cold!

But Chu Zhaorong, Lin Chongyun, and even Lu Huaisheng and others sneered!

Zhou Ling and others almost laughed out of excitement!

Regarding Jiang Fan's presumptuous behavior just now, Li Fengling had already made a murderous intention!

Tianding made a ten-pole move, Jiang Fan this time, it is inevitable, and it will be forever!

"Jiang Fan, I'll give you another chance to leave the capital and swear never to set foot, I can keep you Jiang family safe! If not, today, it will be yours..."

Li Fengling said every word, every time he said a word, the atmosphere in the air was suppressed!

In the end, this square of heaven and earth seemed to have become a trench with a depth of 10,000 meters, and the terrifying pressure crushed all the gravel on the ground into dust!

In it, even including Lu Huaisheng, everyone felt like they couldn't breathe at all!

Everyone looked at Li Fengling blankly!

This is Tianding Shiji?

Just relying on breath pressure, it is actually so powerful!

Such strength, even if Jiang Fan's strength and influence were increased tenfold, it would be useless at all!

Jiang Fan has no choice at all!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan.

Then, they all stunned.

Jiang Fan is actually laughing!

And that smile was full of disdain and ridicule!

Without waiting for Li Fengling to finish, he already chuckled and said:

"Li Fengling, I will also give you a chance! Honestly hide aside and watch the show, in the future, you will still be the supreme Tianding Tenji! If not..."

As Jiang Fan was talking, a simple and dark longbow appeared in his hand!

The shape of the longbow is simple, it can even be said to be rough, but the moment when they see the longbow, everyone only thinks that it is extremely smooth, and even think that the bow and arrows should be like this!

Jiang Fan gently stroked this longbow, his eyes suddenly became sharp as a blade!

"If not, today, you and the Zhou family will die together!!"


Everyone's eyes widened and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

He, what did he just say?

Is he saying, want to kill Li Fengling? !

Want to kill Tianding Shiji?

What a joke!

He is crazy!

Everyone looked at Li Fengling, and even saw the scene where Tianding Shiji was furious and blasted Jiang Fan into dust!

However, when they saw Li Fengling's expression, everyone was stunned!

At this moment, Li Fengling's expression turned out to be more solemn than ever!

Everyone's breathing stopped for a moment!

How could Li Fengling show such an expression?

Could it be that Jiang Fan can really—

Everyone's pupils shrank!

And at this moment!

However, Li Fengling seemed to feel intimidated and suddenly looked into the distance!

At the same time, an old and a little confused voice suddenly sounded!

"Oh, I finally arrived!"

With the sound of the sound, a sloppy old man with a strong smell of herbs suddenly appeared opposite Li Fengling!

Unlike Li Fengling, the old man does not have a strong aura, it looks like he is no different from a beggar!

However, under his feet, there was a huge centipede that was more than ten meters long and covered in silver with six wings on its back!

This centipede just floated there, the ferocious mighty might have changed everyone's complexion!

Even Li Fengling frowned deeply!

This time, no introduction is needed, everyone already knows who this one is!

One of the ten poles of Tianding, one hundred thousand mountains, ten thousand Gu Witch King! !

Facing the Witch King who just appeared, everyone's expressions were full of shock!

The appearance of a Li Fengling is already shocking enough, and now there is another Tianding Tenji!

And the shock is not over!


In the sky, the air was fluctuating, and immediately after that, an area of ​​more than ten meters in diameter was actually like glass, suddenly exploded!

And at this moment, a man wearing a long gown with a face like a crown jade and long hair flying up into the sky has stepped out of this fragmented space and appeared in the center of the Wan Gu Witch King and Li Fengling!

"Jade Saint?"

Li Fengling was startled slightly.

The crowd below gasped directly!

It turned out to be another heavenly tripod!

But at the moment Jade Saint appeared, a voice full of chagrin suddenly sounded from the Lin family!

"You bastards! If I didn't watch it, you would come out to cause trouble!"

The Lin family were all taken aback, and then they found that opposite Lin Chongyun, there was a young man with a small head, a gold chain hung, and a briefcase in his armpit!

This man is mad and old-fashioned, and coupled with a pair of sunglasses, he is simply a proper mental boy!

Compared with the Lin family, who are full of superiors, it's almost inferior by how many grades!

But the moment he saw this man, everyone including Lin Chongyun fell directly to the ground in surprise!

"Ancestor! You are finally here!"

Chen Yu's heart sank completely!

This person is also Tianding Shiji!

The ancestors of the Lin family, Lin does not regret!

In just an instant, Tianding Shiji had already reached the fourth place!

But this is not over yet!

Including Lin Buhui, all Tianding Shiji suddenly looked at the ruins of the Zhou family!

There, I don't know when, there was an extra man standing in the air!

There was no breath of the man's body, but the moment he saw him, everyone had the illusion of being cut by a sharp blade!

Everyone stared at the man blankly. Everyone present was a master, and the ruins of the Zhou family were laid down by a group of Jiang Fan's men!

However, no one found out when this man appeared!

The man quietly looked at the gully that split the Zhou family in half for a long time, and then he exclaimed:

"What a domineering sword spirit!"

Lin Buhui coughed softly:

"Yo? Jianzong, are you here too?"

Tianding ten poles! Jianzong!

Everyone is almost numb at this moment!

Usually these old monsters can't be seen by one person, but today, there are five in a row! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1863 I will give you again Opportunity) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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