God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1865: Revenge for grace and revenge


Lin Chongyun exclaimed directly!

The others were even more stunned!

Is Jiang Fan extorting Solin without regrets?

But Lin Buhui nodded:


With a big wave of his hand, all the members of the Lin family have been rolled up by him and vacated!

Chu Zhaorong made a decisive decision:

"Jiang Fan, the Chu family also gives you half of the family property. Let's just give up today's affairs!"

After she said this, she turned around and left!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan blankly.

With the power of one person, he forced the five Heavenly Tripods and Ten Extremes, and even grabbed half of the Lin Chu family's foundation!

In today's battle, Jiang Fan has definitely become China's top figure!

Everyone in the Zhou family is completely desperate!

Tianding has reached its tenth pole, and it hasn't been able to change the general trend!

Has Jiang Fan reached this level today?

He really didn't injustice at all for destroying the Zhou family!

As for Jiang Fan's offending five Tianding Shiji today, whether those people will retaliate against him, his Zhou family, can't see it!

The last afterglow of the setting sun shed, like thick blood, the Zhou family also carved like this.

No one can save Zhou's family anymore!

"Jiang Fan..."

Zhou Ling was about to say something, but when Jiang Fan's long bow was retracted, his right hand trembled suddenly!


A golden glow disappeared in a flash!

Zhou Ling's head had already flew up suddenly!

As the rest of the Jiang family took the shot, the stern and miserable howl only lasted for half a minute, and it was completely over!

But Jiang Fan's group of subordinates still didn't give up, and according to Jiang Fan's instructions, they did not even leave Gu's body!

As for the capital, the people of Chen Yu's family have long been searching for the remnants of Zhou's family in the city!

The Zhou family is dead!

The crowd watching the game was silent.

They have rabbits and foxes of sorrow, and more, but they are at a loss.

The Zhou family was destroyed and the Lin and Chu families suffered heavy losses. What is the future pattern of the capital? What will be the future of China's structure?

Everyone is waiting for an answer from Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan just stared at the ruins of Zhou's house blankly.

He walked all the way, how many times he survived his death, and how many times he tried to survive. Only he knew the difficulties.

No one is born strong, and no one is fearless. He just hides his emotions better than other people.

However, no matter how many emotions there were before, the moment Zhou Ling's head flew, they all completely disappeared!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had a kind of inexplicable peace of mind, and a kind of ease of unloading the burden.

He raised his hand and slowly relieved Xiaobu on his arm.

As he raised his hand, that Xiaobu had been blown by the wind and floated high into the sky.

"Brothers and sisters of the Jiang family, dear elders, and...old man, the big feud has been reported, you can...look down."

The flying Xiaobu, flying farther and farther, seemed to have taken the news and flew to the kingdom of heaven.

And with the disappearance of Xiaobu, the last ray of sunset on the horizon was also completely extinguished!

The sky was dark for a moment, but brightened again in the next moment!

The sky full of stars and the lonely bright moon in the sky seemed to illuminate a new world.

Jiang Fan slowly turned around and finally looked at the wealthy family behind him:

"I, Jiang Fan, do things, repay gratitude, revenge revenge!"

He looked at Chen Qingxuan and Yu Zhengming:

"Benefits of Lin and Chu's family, you share it equally!"


Everyone gasped!

Half of the Lin Chu family's industry, this is simply the benefit of Splashing the sky!

With such a large industry, the power of the two families will definitely swell to the level of terror!

Chen Qingxuan and Yu Zhengming trembled with excitement!

They accompany Jiang Fan to do this, of course, not just for friendship!

After all, the two families caught up, but the future of the entire family!

And it turns out that they were right!

Although there is a discrepancy with Jiang Fan's previous promise, the return is amazing enough!

Jiang Fan looked at the others again:

"The Zhou family destroyed my Jiang family. This is a sea of ​​blood and blood. My big vengeance has already been reported. The Zhou family once sought to seize my Jiang family's property, so naturally it belongs to me!"

No one spoke, but silence was also an attitude.

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Very good! As for the Zhou family's industry..."

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled:

"It's up to you, are you willing to make my friend?"

Everyone was taken aback!

Immediately afterwards, all eyes lit up!

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Song Hexuan was the first to speak!

"Haha, Patriarch Jiang, you know when things will happen, and when will they be offended. I have offended the Song family in the past, please forgive me."

"The Song Patriarch is serious. Jiang Fan has offended a lot in the past. From today onwards, the Song Family will be my Jiang family's friend!"

"Haha, good, good!"

With Song Hexuan at the beginning, the others are certainly not stupid!

Especially Wei Qifeng, looking at Jiang Fan with a smile:

"Jiang Fan, speaking of you are still my daughter's teacher, we must be friends!"

"Mr. Wei said that for your daughter's grades, we will have to move a lot in the future!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Soon, several companies have all expressed their views.

Until then, Jiang Fan smiled and said:

"Everyone, Jiang Fan has always been generous to my friends, but I was too rushed to come to the capital, and I didn't prepare enough. Why don't you do this? All the properties of the family this week will be given to you as a meeting ceremony!"

As soon as Jiang Fan said, everyone took a deep breath!

Divide Zhou's family!

Jiang Fan, this kid, what a big hand!

And more importantly, it was Jiang Fan doing this, the meaning behind it!

Jiang Fan is expressing his position!

He doesn't want the huge Zhou family, let alone the rest of the family!

Everyone's originally hanging heart, all fell down!

Even Lu Changyun has proposed to sit down and have a few drinks at night!

In the distant high altitude, at this moment, a man with long hair frowned and looked down, and then looked at the sky slightly blankly.

"Strange...Even though Jiang Fan destroyed the Zhou family, he clearly left room for his actions. Isn't he the cause of this calamity?"


Another voice suddenly sounded!

And it was Jianzong who made this sneer!

And beside Jianzong, Li Fengling was there!

"Lu Qinghua, I have listened to your calculations, so I forced the kid to return to Los Angeles! I was moved to kill, don't tell me you are wrong!"

Li Fengling's face was extremely ugly.

However, Lu Qinghua just glanced at him coldly:

"Zhou Tian's deduction is not a prophecy, it is wrong, it is normal."


Li Fengling's face is even more ugly!

And below, Zhenzi suddenly leaned to Jiang Fan's side:

"Brother, caught Zhou Ning."

"Be optimistic about them, I still have something to ask them father and son."


Zhou Yandao and Zhou Ning were left by Jiang Fan, the only two in the Zhou family!

The reason why they are kept is to find out who is behind them, Mr. Pei!

"Patriarch Jiang, the Lu family has already prepared the banquet. Would you like to appreciate it?"

Lu Changyun came and smiled.

"It's natural, I gave you such a heavy gift, how come I have to eat it back!"

"Haha, just let your family master Jiang's future meals be paid for by my Lu family!"

The crowd was joking and laughing, at this moment.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone rang suddenly.

After taking a look, it was actually Zhao Xiaochuan calling.

Jiang Fan smiled.

Isn't this kid really going to defect to himself?

He answered the phone and was about to speak, but at this moment!

"Mr. Jiang, the four hidden families, the Huo family, the Huo family..."

Zhao Xiaochuan's voice trembled, and his tone of voice was full of panic!

Jiang Fan frowned:

"What happened to the Huo family?"

"The Huo family, the news that I just got, the Huo family, the Huo family has been extinguished!" The latest chapter of the God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds Address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of the God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: https:/ /www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m. wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (the first Chapter 1865, you can read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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