Jiang Feng Yuhuo, four hidden families.

The four have their own strengths, the Jiang family’s money, the Feng family’s knife, the Yu family’s boat, and the Huo family’s punch!

The Jiang family's strength can no longer be used as a reference, but according to the attitude of the fish family towards the wealthy family, Jiang Fan can be 100% sure that they must have masters of the celestial and human realm above level 20!

As for the Huo Family, famous for its boxing, the family is strong, perhaps more than the Yu Family, even stronger!

However, the Huo family was actually destroyed? !

Jiang Fan looked at the Zhou family, which was in ruins, and suddenly felt an absurd feeling!

Could it be that the Huo family was also destroyed by the enemy?

"Zhao Xiaochuan, what is going on?"

Zhao Xiaochuan's voice is still trembling:

"The specific situation, I don't know yet..."

"Where is Huo's house?"

"Yu, Yucheng..."

"Yu Cheng?!"

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched!

According to the news of Angelina and others, it was in Yucheng that the trace of Mr. Pei was found!

And not long ago, Zhou Yandao, also went to Yucheng!

Countless thoughts flashed through Jiang Fan's mind for an instant, but at this moment, another number came in!

That number was given to Angelina by Jiang Fan before!

Jiang Fan slashed away, and Angelina's voice suddenly sounded:

"Mr. Jiang, that person found it!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath:


"His name is Pei Qing, but we only got this piece of news. After that, Yu Cheng didn't know what happened, and all the signals were cut off!"

Jiang Fan slowly exhaled a suffocating breath:

"I know."

Hanging up, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled and looked at Lu Changyun and others:

"Patriarchs, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to today's banquet, I will be the host another day, and I will apologize to you!"

A group of wealthy family owners all smiled and waved:

"Patriarch Jiang is too polite!"

"It's also because we didn't think well, the Jiang family got revenge, and there is indeed a lot to do!"

"President Jiang, you're busy with you, get together another day!"

A group of people all smiled and left one after another.

Yu Zhengming and Chen Qingxuan stayed at the end. They looked at each other, and they all looked at Jiang Fan:

"Jiang Fan, did something happen?"

Now not only the people of the other families walked cleanly, but even Chen Kuang and Yu Lie left with the masters of the family.

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Huo family, kill the door!"

"Huo family?"

The two of them were startled at first, seeming to be a little confused, and then immediately!

"Huo family?!"

"The Huo family was destroyed?!"

Both of them were full of horrified expressions!

That is the fire house of the four hidden families!

Who has such a strong strength!

Who has such great ability!

"Who did it?"

The two asked involuntarily.

"It's not certain now, but soon, I should be able to know!"

Jiang Fan waved to a group of men:

"Go to Jinghu Courtyard!"


Jinghu Courtyard.

Compared with the ruins of the Zhou family villa area, Jinghu Courtyard, the Linhu Courtyard that originally belonged to the Jiang family, still looks the same as when Jiang Fan came last time. The only difference is that the owner has changed.

At this moment, in the courtyard, Zhou Yandao, Zhou Ning and his son were all kneeling on the ground, while Jiang Fan was sitting on the chair, looking at the two with a smile.

Zhou Ning's eyes were dull, and as before, he seemed to have no response to everything outside.

Zhou Yandao's face was gloomy, and Jiang Fan's eyes were full of resentment and hatred!

But in the hatred, there is still a deep fear.

The Zhou family was destroyed, and Jiang Fan used such violent and unstoppable means to destroy it!

Facing Jiang Fan at this time, thinking about how confident he was at the beginning, he only found it ridiculous that he couldn't tell!

Regarding Jiang Fan, he almost guessed everything correctly, but only one was wrong.

That is, strength!

However, who could have imagined that in just a few months, Jiang Fan, who was like a bereaved dog before, developed into such a terrifying situation in a flash!

Damn it!

"Mr. Zhou, you seem a little unwilling?"

At this moment, Jiang Fan opened his mouth with a smile.

Zhou Yandao took a deep breath:

"If you keep our father and son from killing, you will never simply humiliate us. What do you want to do?"

"Huh? Why can't I be simple? The chief culprit who proposed to destroy my Jiang family, but it is your father and son who humiliates you, it is justified!"

Jiang Fan chuckled.

Zhou Yandao's face remained unchanged:

"Indeed, but that was the method of other people! Jiang Fan, I know you very well. People like you will never do something meaningless!"

Jiang Fan looked at him, after a long time, his smile slowly faded:

"You are right, then you might as well continue to guess, what on earth do I want to keep you?"

Zhou Yandao's eyelids twitched, and he was silent for a long time before speaking softly:

"No matter what you are going to do, let Xiaoning go, I will listen to you everything!"

Zhou Ning's expression on one side remained unchanged, but his fingers couldn't help but tremble slightly!

Jiang Fan slapped his hands:

"Okay! What a licking love! In that case, I will give you a chance to tell me who the man named Pei Qing is!"

Even if the city is as deep as Zhou's words, at this moment, the pupils can't help but shrink!

Pei Qing!

He actually knows Pei Qing!

how can that be? !

How did he know?

Or is he cheating me?

Thinking like this in his heart, his reaction was unusually flat:

"Mr. Pei? Which Mr. Pei? What is his full name?"

Jiang Fan smiled and suddenly looked at Zhou Ning:

"Zhou Ning, your father doesn't know, you should know?"

Zhou Ning didn't seem to hear what he said at all, and still looked silly.

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Fool, that's not how you acted! Zhou Ning, have you forgotten that I have another identity? Show acting in front of the takeaway star, you are really..."

He shook his head:

"Curtis, leave it to you."

"Jie Jie Jie ~ ~ Don't worry, the master, I will let him speak out all the things in his mind!"

Curtis smiled sullenly!

The next moment, he shook his right hand and grabbed a blood-red bone knife out of thin air!

The bone knife was covered with dark black blood vessels, and the tip of the knife turned out to be a small skull!

This knife is like a living thing!

And with the appearance of the bone knives, there were bursts of miserable wailing in the air!

"Jie Jie Jie ~ ~ This is a small toy I made with the fangs of the ghost beast of the abyss of Purgatory, the nine-eyed ghost spider!"

"This thing has no other use, but do you see the cutie on the tip of the knife?"

"It will chew all the flesh and blood it touches!"

"The most amazing thing is that the flesh and blood it swallows will still have contact with the swallowed!"

"In other words, as long as it bites you, a part of your body is equivalent to living in this bone knife forever!"

"Unless you die, you will continue to suffer the pain of being chewed on your flesh and blood throughout your life!"

"Jie Jie Jie! Isn't it exciting?"

Curtis was holding the bone knife, and slowly, step by step walked to Zhou Ning!

The bone knife in his hand tremblingly pierced Zhou Ning's shoulder!

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