The masters of Chen Yu's family searched for the remnants of the Zhou family throughout the city, and many of them were seventeen or even eighteenth!

But even if the men flew over them, these people didn't even notice it!

The man galloped all the way, and soon he had arrived over the Jinghu Courtyard.

After a glance, the man looked directly at the room where Zhou Yandao and his son were held.

He took a deep breath and rushed down suddenly!

But at this moment!

"Friend, Jiang has been waiting for a long time!"

The man's pupils shrank, and he looked back suddenly!

Just a few dozen meters away behind him, Jiang Fan was actually looking at him with a smile!

And then!

"Swish swish!"

Countless sounds of breaking through the sky suddenly sounded!

In just an instant, all the masters of the Jiang family had been dispatched, directly enclosing this place into a net of heaven and earth!

The man was stunned and looked at Jiang Fan incredulously:

"You knew I would come?"

"Obvious! Otherwise, why should I keep Zhou Yandao father and son?"

Jiang Fan smiled.

"So you were fishing!"

The man suddenly realized, and then he sneered:

"Humph! As expected of Jiang Fan, it really is an exhaustive plan! What do you want?"

"Well, this..."

Jiang Fan touched his chin, looked at the man meaningfully for a long time, and then his eyes fell on the room where Zhou Yandao and his son were imprisoned!

"What I want to do, I have to wait to catch your accomplices!"


The man's face changed suddenly!

And the next moment, there was a sudden explosion in the room where Zhou Yandao and his son were being held!


An extremely powerful infuriating energy erupted, and the room was directly blown to pieces!

In the next moment, the scene inside has appeared in front of everyone!

I saw Zhou Yandao and his son shrinking in the corner in horror, while Uncle Xuan was clasping a strange man's neck tightly!

Just by looking at that person's attire, you know that he and the man opposite Jiang Fan are definitely in the same group!

"Tsk tusk, one person ran out to attract our attention, while the other went to save people. Please, it's me Jiang Fan that you have to deal with. Is it okay to use your brain and walk around? Does this little trick work for me? "

Jiang Fan sneered:

"However, just send two nineteenth levels to save people casually. Your strength is really amazing!"

Jiang Fan smiled very comfortably.

The corner of the man's eyes jumped wildly, but after a long time, he smiled gloomily:

"Jiang Fan, you can actually see my strength, it seems that you should be stronger than the rumors!"

"But since you know my strength, you should know that none of your Jiang family's eighteenth level is my opponent!"

"And Xia Houxuan is so far away from you now, I want to kill you, it's easy!"

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Why should each of you doubt my strength?"

When he said this, he was still far away from the man, but when the last word was finished, the man was surprised to find that Jiang Fan had already put his hand on his shoulder without knowing when!

"Damn it!"

As soon as the man's face changed, he had to act on Jiang Fan!

But before his right hand was raised, Jiang Fan had already hit his stomach with a punch!


A wave of air was directly blown up in the sky!

The man was blasted by Jiang Fan with a punch, and the powerful body guard was infuriated like paper, and he was blasted to pieces without even holding on to it!

And when Jiang Fan's fist fell on him, he felt as if all his internal organs were blasted into dregs!

The man spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was curved like a prawn in a pot!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan grabbed his hair and literally pulled him up again!


The man screamed miserably!

Looking at Jiang Fan, there were all unspeakable horror!


how can that be!

How could Jiang Fan's strength be so strong!

And what shocked him even more was Jiang Fan's next words!

"Nineteenth-level intermediate, it should be considered a high-level in the sky question, let's talk about it, what's the name?"

"How would you know God asked?!"

The man was shocked!

But the next moment, he looked directly at Zhou Yandao below!

"Zhou Yandao! You dare to betray Tianzun!"

Zhou Yandao's pupils shrank!

Hastily screamed:

"I do not have!"

"Asshole! Do you dare to quibble—"


Before the man had finished speaking, Jiang Fan directly hit his stomach with another punch!


The man let out a miserable cry, and another blood spurted out!

And Jiang Fan had already grabbed his hair and brought him directly in front of him!

"Don't say that he is a traitor, don't worry, you will have to say it later, there will be no less than him!"

The man shuddered involuntarily!

And Jiang Fan has already threw him towards Uncle Xuan!

"Okay, I'll be busy tonight..."

Before he finished speaking, a shining infuriating air suddenly fell from the sky and hit the man directly!


The man didn't even have time to make a horrible cry, and the whole person had exploded into flying ash!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank and he looked at Uncle Xuan suddenly:


Uncle Xuan stepped back subconsciously!

In the next moment, another brilliant infuriating energy has fallen to the place where he stood before!


The whole ground trembled, and Zhou Yandao's father and son were directly lifted out in the dust!

Although Uncle Xuan was innocent, the other person he was carrying was shattered with innocent energy half of his body, and the whole person was already dead and couldn't die again!

And at this moment, the third real energy blasted towards the Zhou Yandao father and son who had been lifted off!

"Asshole! I didn't say anything!"

Zhou Yandao was horrified, but at this moment, he suddenly burst into an extremely powerful aura!

The degree of that breath has already surpassed the seventeenth level!

For a long time, he has been hiding his strength, because there is a secret method, his hiding method has deceived everyone!

Originally, according to Zhou Yandao's plan, once the Jiang family master's defenses were reduced, he secretly took Zhou Ning out, but at this moment, he finally couldn't hide!


Because of psychological preparation, Zhou Yandao actually took Zhou Ning and escaped the catastrophe!

However, the anger came so quickly, it still shattered one of his arms!

"Bastard! You guys want to stop talking!"

Zhou Yandao hissed and screamed!

But the fourth real qi has already blasted down again!

This time, he couldn't hide in anyway!

Zhou Yandao shook off Zhou Ning, and at the same time screamed:

"Jiang Fan! Tianzun is a coat—"


The fourth real qi, finally completely blasted him into flying ashes!

At this moment, Zhou Ning, who was thrown out, couldn't control it anymore, and suddenly wailed:


All this happened so fast!

It's almost there, even Jiang Fan can't react!

It was not until Zhou Yandao died that Jiang Fan discovered that there was an extra man in black at the sky, not knowing when!

The whole body of this man was wrapped in a kind of light blue innocence, the breath was weird and powerful, just like the deep seabed, and even just looking at him, there was a feeling that the soul was torn apart!

Heaven and Human Realm!

This guy is definitely a real world! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1869 You Are Fishing), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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