God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1870: The background is too hard

And the moment he saw the man clearly!

"Master! Run away! He will be the one who chases me!!"

Uncle Xuan suddenly roared!

At the same time, the whole person rushed towards Jiang Fan with the fastest speed!

At the same time, the man looked at Jiang Fan coldly, and suddenly raised a finger!

"You all are going to die!"

As the man spoke, his fingertips had already burst out with a thrilling flash!

Everyone knows that once this blow is issued, everyone has only one dead end!

However, at this moment, let alone escape, they can't even move their fingers!

The man is too tough, that kind of infuriating pressure has already crushed everyone on the spot!

Heaven and Human Realm!

This is the realm of heaven and human!

Even the nineteenth level is just ants in front of them!

Even Jiang Fan, there is no time to open the Universe Bow at this moment!

It seems that everyone will die!

at this time!

A trace of murderous intent suddenly flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Just watch him staring at the man, coldly spit out a word:


The moment the word Jiang Fan was uttered, the man's hairs all stood up!

And the next moment, in front of him, there suddenly appeared a phantom of a majestic man wearing a golden armor and a green robe, his face like a jujube, and a long sword with a blue dragon in his hand!

Although only a phantom, this man is not angry and domineering!

His phoenix eyes just glanced at the man, the next moment he raised his long sword, and suddenly slashed!

"Do not!!"

The man screamed miserably!

Suddenly raised his hands, burst out all the true energy desperately!

However, under this indescribable slash, all the resistance was useless!

Void, Zhen Qi, and even his arm, everything, even the qualifications for the moment of sluggishness!


The man's head suddenly flew up!

To death, he opened his eyes wide in horror!

Everyone stared blankly at the phantom that appeared suddenly!

Too tough!

The dignified Heaven and Human Realm was killed by him with a single shot!

The key is, why does this person look so familiar?

After slaying this celestial and human realm, the phantom was so murderous that he looked back and smiled at Jiang Fan.

"Brother righteous!"

Jiang Fan also smiled and bowed slightly!

"Second brother!"

The phantom gradually drifted away.

And the same item in Jiang Fan's hand disappeared completely!

[Wu Sheng Yidao]: Cut! ! !

Level: Legendary!

Explanation: Use this item to summon the Wusheng phantom. If the opponent is a treacherous and hypocritical person, he will be beheaded by a single blow! If the opponent is a loyal and magnanimous person, the phantom disappears!

Remarks: When used, this item can only be effective if the host possesses Guan Yu Temple within a hundred miles of its body!

Just now, Jiang Fan used this item!

If possible, he really wants to keep this celestial realm. After all, a celestial realm knows far more things than Zhou Yandao knows!

But relying on his current strength, it is absolutely impossible to capture a celestial being alive!

And the crowd was stunned!

"The phantom just now, shouldn't it be..."

"It can't be wrong!"

"He, is he called Brother Fan Yidi?"

"Brother Fan's background is so hard!"

"My God, my scalp is numb!"

"It's so scary! Brother Fan is too awesome, right?"

A group of people all twitched at the corners of their mouths!

That's Guan Yu!

Saint Wu!

Did Jiang Fan recruit him just now? !

What hole cards does Brother Fan have?

"Jiang Fan, who was the person just now?"

Until now, Xiang Yu had only been relieved from the power of that knife!

Jiang Fan hadn't spoken yet, but Lu Bu spoke sourly:

"Huh! That's Guan Yu, I am defeated!"

"Don't brag!"

Xiang Yu glared at him directly!

The rest are even more rude!

"Bo, haven't you sobered up yet?"

"As long as you have a peanut, you won't drink it like this!"

"My dear, I can't tell, when did you learn to brag?"

Lu Bu opened his mouth, that was a grievance!

What I'm telling is the truth!

No one believes it!

A group of people said something nonsense, but they all looked at Jiang Fan.

Although the father and son used Zhou Yandao to elicit the people of Tianwen, but because of the sudden appearance of the heaven and the human state, it fell short of success. Jiang Fan's current mood will never be too good.

But seeing Jiang Fan's appearance, everyone was taken aback!

There was no disappointment on Jiang Fan's face. On the contrary, he had fallen to the ground, and he took the initiative to examine the corpse of the Celestial Realm.

"Master, don't be discouraged, sooner or later you can still..."

Curtis leaned over, ready to comfort Jiang Fan.

But Jiang Fan smiled:

"The appearance of a celestial and human state is indeed beyond my expectation. I thought that there would be a nineteenth level limit, but there must be gains. Although there is only one corpse left in this celestial state, But there are more clues to us than those two people combined!"


Curtis and the others were taken aback, and Jiang Fan had already taken out his mobile phone, first took a picture of the man, and then took off all his clothes directly!

"Master, this, is this a bit..."

Uncle Xuan was embarrassed.

But Jiang Fan didn't seem to hear it, and after checking it again, he actually took out the Shuiyu Zimu Sword and unloaded the man!

Don't talk about Uncle Xuan this time, the rest of the Jiang family trembled!

Jiang Fan waved to Curtis again, and the two looked at the corpse for a while!

"Master, look at the skeleton, it should be less than forty years old!"

"No, he is in the realm of heaven and human. You can't distinguish it by ordinary people. Look at the degree of tooth wear..."

"I have had a facelift. It should be done to hide my identity."

"The calf muscles of the right leg are slightly denser than the left leg. He seems to have practiced legwork before."

"There are traces of broken ribs, it should be the injuries suffered before Jin entered the Heaven and Human Realm."

"There used to be a tattoo on the back, but it was erased. I will try to restore it."

"The food in my stomach is almost digested. I haven't eaten for so long. It seems that Yu Cheng also participated in the battle."


A group of people watched Jiang Fan's hands up and down, peeling the skin and tearing the bones, analyzing without emotion, they only felt chills!

That's a realm of heaven and humanity!

In Jiang Fan's hands, there is no pig with dignity!

It took a full half an hour before Jiang Fan finally stood up.

The crowd was stunned as they listened to the continuous analysis of the two!

Jiang Fan talked about the value of corpses a long time ago, but now, these talents have a personal experience!

Jiang Fan first compiled a text message and sent it to Yin Binghua, then said:

"Male, Heaven and Human Realm, between the ages of 65 and 75, I have practiced leg exercises. Looking at the muscle strength, it should be a tough one. In addition, he has a flame tattoo on his back..."

After quickly finishing the information obtained, Jiang Fan looked at everyone:

"Give the picture of this man and the information I just mentioned to all the wealthy families!"

Everyone was taken aback!

"My lord, didn't you say that a wealthy family might have someone from them? Once this news is released, wouldn't it be a surprise?"

"Yes, we still investigate secretly!"

"With so many characteristics, it should not be difficult to find out his identity!"


Everyone spoke one after another.

But gradually, looking at the smile on Jiang Fan's face, everyone realized that something was wrong. The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1870, the background is too hard ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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