God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 187: Harmony is the most important thing

This middle-aged man has a thin body and a refined temperament, yet he is vaguely sinister! The face profile is similar to Qiu Mingyue, and when he was young, he must have been a beautiful man!

This person is Qiu Mingyue's father, Qiu Yuanshan!

"Niezhe! It's getting more and more presumptuous!"

Qiu Yuanshan, put down the phone, and then looked at the secretary behind him!

"Although Mingyue did not agree before, the reaction was definitely not so strong. Let Los Angeles look up and see what the reason is!"


"This wicked kind! The same virtue as her mother! Don't listen to me! Back then, it was better to strangle her directly!"

Qiuyuan Mountain looked gloomy, and his murderous intentions passed away in a flash!

The secretary was so frightened that she didn't dare to speak at all!

for a long time!

"Mr. Qiu, Shao Ning just called and said that I have an hour of free time at 7 o'clock tonight. Look..."

Qiuyuan Mountain looks happy!

"Okay! Ask them to prepare all the information. As long as Ning Shao nods, once this business is completed, my Qiu family will be the strongest family in Los Angeles!"

"Now, so are we! Thanks to your wise!"

The secretary hurriedly complimented!

"Do not!"

Qiu Yuanshan narrowed his eyes!

"Compared with the Jiang family, it's a far cry! The Jiang family back then, even if the other six of us joined forces, it wouldn't be as good as someone else's finger!"

"But! After my Qiu family, I will definitely be more brilliant than the Jiang family!"

Qiu Yuanshan's eyes are full of ambition!

And here in Los Angeles, too, it's not peaceful!

The Yang Family and Wu Yue have already fought again!

The Yang family sent someone to rob a casino owned by Monopoly, while Wu Yue sent someone to burn a factory in the Yang family!

The two parties, now, have completely red eyes!


Yang Zhen slapped heavily on the table!

"Wu Yue! How dare you do it! What a daring thing!"

"Patriarch, Wu Yue is so presumptuous, I think it's better to be him directly!"

Yang Fu has a grim look on his face!

"No! The underground forces in Los Angeles are all balanced by Lu Zhenglong. Without him, he would kill Wu Yue, and that would be a mess with the entire Los Angeles city!"

"Then, just let them be arrogant?"

"Humph! Of course impossible! Since he dares to protect Jiang Fan, he has to pay the price!"

"what do you mean?"

"Wu Yue started his career by gambling, as long as he uproots his casino, he is a skinless egg! Since he likes gambling, then gamble with him! Find me the top thousand hands in China, and I want him to pay for it. No return!"


"Right! How is Xiaoqi?"

"Tao Yuan said that he can wake up by tomorrow at the latest!"

"Okay! When Xiaoqi wakes up, you will know who killed him! At that time, not only Jiang Fan, I will let the person who harmed Xiaoqi not live as well as die!"

On the other end, Wu Yue also had a cruel expression!

"Yang Zhen, this old thing! In order to protect Jiang Fan, he dare to fight with me!"

"Boss, we absolutely can't bear this matter!"

"Hmm! Don't worry, I burned him a factory, just the beginning! Next, I want to let him know that without the Yang family, who is the backer of the Jiang family, it is rubbish!"

"What are you going to do?"

Shi Kui looked excited!

"Hey! I want..."

Before Wu Yue finished speaking, the phone suddenly rang!


"Hello boss Wu, I'm Xu Chuan!"

Xu Chuan?

That is, Lu Zhenglong's henchmen!

Wu Yue's voice couldn't help but softened, and he took a bit of flattery!

"Hello Mr. Xu! Excuse me, what's your order?"

"Boss Wu is polite, it's not me, it's Master Lu! Master Lu said that peace is the most important thing in everything, and Los Angeles is too messy, I'm afraid everyone will have no food to eat!"

Wu Yue's complexion condensed!

"Please don't worry, Master Lu, I understand! The matter with the Yang family, that's it!"

"Hehe, Boss Wu is really witty, then, as a friend, I personally give you a suggestion!"

"Mr. Xu, please say!"

"The young master of the Jiang family, Master Lu gave him a good comment!"


Wu Yue was shocked! What does this mean, isn't it, Lu Zhenglong is very optimistic about Jiang Fan?

However, Jiang Fan abolished Huang Qian. According to Lu Zhenglong's character, not slaughtering Jiang Fan is already a gift! What's more, Jiang Fan is just a ruin, how can he make Lu Zhenglong favor him?

Hanging up, Wu Yue suddenly looked solemn!

"Tell my brothers to shrink the line of defense and ignore all the provocations of the Yang Family! Also, tell them to go down and let them not provoke Jiang Fan again!"


And Jiang Fan is not clear about these things!

At this moment, he was looking at the students in Class 3 with a gloomy expression!

These little rascals, one of them couldn't stand it, and they started to make trouble!

Just now, headed by Lu He, these boys actually had a fight with the third-year seniors!

"Let's talk about it! What's the cause this time?"

"Because of playing football!"

Jiang Fan is speechless!

"You guys at the beginning of noon are really interested! To be more specific!"

"Originally, we played well. Class 6 came to find something and said that we were kicking like shit. We didn't accept it and we had a match. Who knew that these grandchildren were playing yin! It hurt Feng Jin!"

Lu He, with a look of indignation!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan actually smiled coldly!

"Fart! I don't know what virtues you are? To be honest!"

Lu He shuddered in shock!

"Then, um, they played like shit, and they occupied the football field, we, we went to drive people..."

Jiang Fan is so angry!

These bastards! It's almost the same as the bandit!

"Don't you like to play football? Okay, you guys don't go to class this afternoon, just play football for me!"


A group of students, overjoyed!

How is this punishment, this is just playing!


Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

Everyone immediately got a scalp numb, knowing that something bad happened!

"Divided into two groups, whoever advances five goals, whoever can go home, kick and lose, clean my classroom for one month in a row!"


"Damn! This is too cruel, right?"

"One month!"

"Huh! I'm not doing it!"

A group of students talked a lot!

Jiang Fan grinned!

"You don't want to do it, do you? Okay, then I'll buy you a new pill!"


A group of students looked horrified!

"Don't, I, let's go!"

This group of guys are ill-trained, and only Jiang Fan can hold them!

In the afternoon, Jiang Fan was lazily watching a group of hapless children playing football hard, the phone suddenly rang!

"Mr. Jiang, do you have time?"

"Boss Ding?"

This call was actually made by Ding Xuan!

"Is there a problem?"

"That's it, I want to treat you to a casual meal!"


"Great! Then I will send someone to pick you up now!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone, but he was taken aback!

Ding Xuan, how do you know where you are?

It seems that he really did the same as he thought, by no means, an ordinary company boss!

After a while, a Cadillac Escalade had stopped at the door of the Blue Eagle!

"Remember! The loser cleans for a month!"

As Jiang Fan said, he walked out directly!

A group of students gritted their teeth angrily. Unfortunately, they do not have the courage to provoke Jiang Fan at the beginning!

Can only be hostile to each other!

"Lu He, don't blame brother, don't talk about loyalty!"

"Feng Jin, cleaning is destined for you to do it!"

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