God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 188: Throw it into the river to feed the bastard

In the arena, the third shift is full of murderous intent!

Jiang Fan said lightly and split the third class directly!

As a substitute, Murong Cui smiled bitterly!

Jiang Fan is indeed different from other teachers!

Hong Lei and others, at this moment, suddenly came over!

"Murong, Jiang Fan, this **** really doesn't put us in his eyes! Why are you still not taking action?"


Murongcui sneered!

"Even if I shoot and end, it may not be better than Lu He!"

"No? The former head teacher was sent to a mental hospital by you!"

Wu Chengliang was shocked!

Murong Cui shook his head!

"You don't understand, Jiang Fan is different from the other teachers. When he taught Zeng Liang yesterday, I was nearby watching!"

"Ah? I said today, why is Zeng Liang weird!"

"What the **** is going on? Tell us about it!"

Murongcui simply took out the tablet and handed it to them!

"I recorded it all, watch it for yourself!"

A group of students turned on the tablet and suddenly saw the picture of Jiang Fan teaching Zeng Liang's awe-inspiring lesson yesterday!

"...Wrong! I Jiang Fan's life, but please, have a clear conscience!"

"Ni Wen knew he was weak, he became strong for that girl!"

"He Duoduo knew that his family was bankrupt, so he dropped out of school calmly!"

"In order to prevent his classmates from being humiliated, Lu He turned to me, the opponent he has always hated for help!"

"You can say that these people are useless, but they are not selfish!"

"Look at you..."

"... Didn't I help you? If I didn't help you! You would have been beaten to death a long time ago!"

"Selfish! Shameless! You still have the face to question me?"

"In the teacher's heart, all of you are equal! There is no difference between superior and inferior! But you, too disappointed the teacher!"

"You can be stupid, but you can't. There is no bottom line!"


A group of students were stunned!

"This, is this what Jiang Fan said?"


Murongcui sighed!

"The motives of the teachers who came to teach in our third class before are not simple! Even if they grasp the results, they are only for their own performance! And like Yang Jianye, they are just to get close to us and earn profits!"

"But Jiang Fan is different. Look at everything he does. Although on the surface it is to grasp our achievements, in fact, they are all teaching us how to behave!"

"Believe it or not, even if we get a zero score in the final exam, he will never get angry about it!"

A group of students were silent!

"Such a teacher is a real teacher, I don't want to fight him!"

Murongcui concluded, and then smiled slightly!

"I'm going to play, after all, I don't bother to clean up!"

"Lu He, it's a change!"


Ignoring the three classmates who were murderous on the court, Jiang Fan had already arrived at Qingyuzhai at this time!

This place, but the top restaurant in Los Angeles!

As soon as the car stopped, Ding Xuan at the door greeted him with a look of enthusiasm!

"Brother Jiang!"

"Big Brother Ding, this is what you said? Too polite?"

"You are welcome, you are welcome! Brother Jiang, please go upstairs!"

A few people soon came to the private room upstairs!

It's just that Jiang Fan frowned just as he entered!

I saw that there was another person inside!

The man was in his forties, his cheeks were thin, and he looked very familiar!

"Brother Jiang, this is our China, the famous director Zhang Wentao!"

Zhang Wentao's eyes brightened when he saw Jiang Fan for the first time!

This is definitely a born superstar!

With this face, even if the acting skills are worse than Fan Jiqian, it will definitely increase the box office results!

However, you have to do it yourself and provide him with resources!

Zhang Wentao, with a look of pride, stretched out his hand to Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang, look up for a long time!"

Jiang Fan did not stretch out his hand, but looked at Ding Xuan with a cold expression!

"Boss Ding, what do you mean?"

Jiang Fan is not a fool. Combining the fact that the crew looked for him before and Ding Xuan knows his whereabouts so well, there is only one possibility!

Ding Xuan checked him, and, knows, he is a takeaway star!

Seeing Jiang Fan's indifferent eyes, Ding Xuan's heart trembled involuntarily! Even, the legs are weak!

This look is actually more deterrent than the old man's!

"Jiang, Brother Jiang, you, don't be angry! You, listen to my explanation!"

Even Zhang Wentao was terrified!

He has seen countless financial crocodiles and wealthy families, but, like Jiang Fan, such a magnificent one, is unique!

For a time, all that pride was taken back!

"Okay, I will listen to your explanation!"

Jiang Fan said, sitting down for himself!

But Ding Xuan and two of them didn't even dare to sit at all! Even, being overwhelmed by Jiang Fan's momentum, he couldn't even breathe!

"Director Zhang, it's my friend. This time, they came to Los Angeles to shoot a movie. However, you know what happened. He is in urgent need of rescue, so I thought of you!"

"However, I contacted you before, but you refused. That's why he found me and asked me to help investigate your identity!"

"It just so happens. I know you are delivering food, and I have seen the profile picture, so I just checked it a bit and thought of you!"

"Brother Jiang, I really don't mean anything else, your identity, I will not talk nonsense!"

Zhang Wentao also said hurriedly!

"Yes! Don't worry, we will never talk nonsense!"

Jiang Fan's face was flat, but after a long time, his momentum finally converged!

"Forget it, sit down!"


The two finally breathed again!

Sit down carefully!

"Director Zhang, right?"

"Don't! Just call me Lao Zhang!"

Zhang Wentao dare not have the slightest arrogance now! He was almost not scared to death by Jiang Fan just now!

"Whatever, but I won't go there, I don't have time!"


Zhang Wentao was stunned, and then pleaded!

"Mr. Jiang, in any case, you must help me! Whether I can turn over or not depends on this time!"

"You can find someone else!"

"I can't find it! I did find a few before, but they have no schedule now, and in terms of traffic, you are the hottest!"

"Okay, I don't care how difficult you are, in short, this matter has nothing to do with me, and I have no reason to help you!"

Jiang Fan stood up, and then took another look at Ding Xuan!

"Boss Ding, your ability to check people is really good!"

After saying this, Jiang Fan turned around and left!

In an instant, Ding Xuan's face was as gray as death!

"Well, what can I do?"

Zhang Wentao was dumbfounded!

"How to do?"

Ding Xuan suddenly kicked over the table!

"You **** asked me what to do? If it wasn't for helping you, would Laozi offend Jiang Fan? He is my lifesaver! Saved me twice!"

"Asshole! I would have killed you if it wasn't for the reason you helped me! Why the **** asked me what to do?"

"I still want to know what should I do!"

Ding Xuan was so angry!

Zhang Wentao cried a face, dare not breathe!

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Ding Xuan's face was pale, his lungs were almost exploding!

But at this moment, Zhang Wentao suddenly changed his expression!

"Mr. Ding, you said, what if I ask Su Lingyu to beg him?"

Ding Xuan's eyes lit up!

"This is a way! What are you doing in a daze? Do it now! I tell you, if Jiang Fan loses contact with me in the future because of this, I must throw you into the river to feed the bastard!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

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