God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1877: If you want to say it's insidious

Zhao Xiaochuan shook his head:

"I don’t know about this. You also know that although I am a candidate for the head of the family, there are only twelve managers in the family that I can contact. This is because my father is also one of the managers. Human reasons."

Jiang Fan nodded.

Zhao Xiaochuan spoke again:

"But Mr. Jiang, even though that one hates your Jiang family and stopped the Patriarch from helping you, she has never done anything to harm you on the initiative. Today's affairs should be those two stewards making their own decisions!"

"It doesn't matter, go back and do what you should do."


Seeing Zhao Xiaochuan left, Curtiston leaned close to Jiang Fan:

"Master, don't be fooled by Zhao Xiaochuan! If you want to help but can't help, I think Quante is nonsense! They just look at you now and want to..."

Jiang Fan glanced at him:

"Xiongqi? When have I been soft?"

"Ahem, master, I'm serious, why did you get in the car?"

"Nonsense, it's not your start!"


Curtis laughed twice:

"Master, the pair of fish family and the Feng family who haven't shown up now..."

Jiang Fan smiled coldly:

"It doesn't matter whether they are alive or dead, but with them, you can catch the heavens!"

"What does the master mean?"

Curtis' eyes lit up!

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, but two cold glows could still be vaguely seen in those eyes!

"Two months...should be enough! The day when Tianwen starts with these two companies is the best time for us to destroy them!"

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

What Jiang Fan will do this time is the oriole behind Tianwen!

No matter how terrifying Tianwen's strength is, I would never think that two months would definitely be a reincarnation for the Jiang family!

Because Jiang Fan's biggest hole card is the system!

The system is in hand, I have the world!

But Curtis was a little confused at this time:

"Master, two months, is Tianwen going to be so anxious?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"of course not!"

"Huh? Then you were lying to Zhao Xiaochuan just now?"

"No, as I said before, the next time Tianwen makes a shot, it will definitely attack the fish and the wind at the same time. Once one is destroyed, the other is likely to be burned. Tianwen will not risk this. Risks, so I will definitely be more careful in the layout! If it were me, this time should be half a year!"

"Half a year? Didn't you just say that you didn't lie to him?"

"Of course not, so I have to help them and advance the time!"

As Jiang Fan was talking, he had already taken out the iron mask and changed his clothes. With the help of the ancestor tyrant virus, his body shape began to become thin and low!

"Master, are you?"

"Tell them the news of Tianwen! With the skills of the Yufeng family, once the investigation is started, Tianwen will definitely be stimulated and forced Tianwen to shorten the time of hands-on. This is the reason why I said they will do it in two months. !"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"The fish family has twenty-fourth level, and the wind family must have them too! God wants to eat two at the same time, so they can only divide into two groups!"

"The most likely thing is that Tianzun will personally lead a team to destroy the more powerful Feng Family, and let another team contain the Yu Family!"

"But their time is only about two months, so when they shoot, they will definitely not be like destroying our Jiang family and Huo family, so fully prepared!"

"And once you are not prepared enough, you have to divide your troops into two ways. It is absolutely impossible to be intact. If you don't say it, you have to lose a few masters!"

"Of course, it doesn't matter. What's important is that after the Feng Family is eliminated, Tianzun will definitely come to the Yu Family whether he wants to help the people here or for that thing!"

"And what we have to do is to eat the team that attacked the fish family first, and then wait for the tired Tianzun to arrive and fight him!"

"At that time, Tianwen, who is only half capable, will be destroyed easily!"

Jiang Fan said that there was no emotion, but Curtis was gurgling in cold sweat!

To be insidious, you have to be the master!

Take advantage of the layout to catch all questions in one go!

As for the life and death of Feng Family and Yu Family, what is it to do with him? It's just bait!

It's so cruel!

That's so special...beautiful!

The necromancer's admiration for the master is almost stubborn!

But Jiang Fan had already finished changing his clothes, buckled the mask on his face, and suddenly jumped into the sky, heading straight to the sky!

At this moment, in the Huo family, the three of Yu Xiu were looking gloomy, watching the master who was good at tracking unearth clues!

But at this moment!

The nineteenth-level Extreme Anliang seemed to feel instinctive, and he looked towards the sky abruptly!

And the next moment, an extremely intense killing intent had already enveloped the entire Huo Family!

Everyone was shocked, and at the same time they raised their heads, and suddenly saw a short, skinny man with a skull mask above the sky, his eyes floating there with gloomy eyes!

Seeing this man, everyone didn't know what was going on, only felt that their hairs were standing up!

Even Anliang is no exception!

"who are you!"

A fish master asked in a deep voice!

Jiang Fan glanced at him indifferently, and spoke slowly with a sullen hoarse voice, as if someone in his seventies or eighties had:

"Huo family, when did it disappear?"

"I am asking you now!"

The master's face sank!

The other party is indeed terrible, and even very likely, is a figure in that realm!

But they are from the fish family!

The hidden family, but the pinnacle family of this world!

However, as soon as he spoke his words, An Liang's expression changed!

And the next moment!


No one knew what was going on at all, the eighteenth-level grandmaster, his head was flying high!


The three Yu Xiu were stunned!

If you didn't agree, the other party would dare to kill!

"An Liang! Kill him for me!"

Yu Xiu suddenly shouted!

An Liang looked ruthless, he must do it!

But at this moment!

However, Jiang Fan glanced at him gently with those indifferent eyes:

"You want to die too?"


An Liang's just taken steps were directly set in place!

The other party is definitely not threatening!

He has a very strong hunch that once he lands on his foot, he will definitely die!

Under this strong wings of death, Tai Shan collapsed Anliang, who had not changed his face for a long time. At this moment, a thin layer of cold sweat was directly oozing out on his forehead!

Seeing An Liang reacted in this way, the expressions of the three managers in Yu Xiu changed completely!

The one who can frighten An Liang, who is at the 19th level, can even freeze his footsteps. The opponent's strength is probably really at that level!

And seeing the other party's action is so vicious and decisive, if you don't do something, the fish family, I am afraid all of them will die!

Yu Xiu took a deep breath:

"This gentleman, we are from the fish family!"

"Yujia? What about Yujia!"

Jiang Fan sneered:

Everyone in the fish family trembled!

What is the identity of the other party?

Knowing that the fish family is so arrogant!

And Jiang Fan looked at Yu Xiu coldly:

"Just now, did you order to kill me?" The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Worlds Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/book/113664.htmlThe full text of the god-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms read address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/ 113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1877 is to say that it is you who are insidious ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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