God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1878: I'll tell you all

Yu Xiu's heart trembled!

He barely mentioned a smiling face:

"This gentleman, it was just a misunderstanding just now!"


Jiang Fan snorted coldly:

"Tell me, when did the Huo family have an accident!"

"Yes, yes, about four hours ago!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and exhaled a word coldly:

"God asked, it was them!"

The expressions of Yu Xiu and others changed drastically!

They all looked at Jiang Fan incredulously:

"Sir, do you know who did it?"


Jiang Fan spoke indifferently:

"For the entire Huaxia, apart from God, who can have this kind of ability!"

God asks?

The three of Yu Xiu looked at each other and hurriedly spoke:

"Senior, God asked about this organization, we have never heard of it, please say a few more words!"

Jiang Fan seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, he sighed:

"Fine! Your fish family is still a bit useful, I will tell you for the time being!"

"The origin of Tianwen, the old man hasn't checked it out yet, but he knows that their head is called Tianzun. It is very likely that he is one of the ten poles of Tianding!"

"As for the purpose, it's something like yours!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was shocked!

God asks! Tianzun! One of the ten poles of Tianding!

Any news is absolutely explosive!

Several people still wanted to ask something, but Jiang Fan suddenly shouted at Dongfang at this time:


The group of people were all taken aback, and the next moment Jiang Fan seemed to be chasing someone, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

A group of people in the fish family were at a loss!

After a long time!

Yu Xiu looked directly at one of his subordinates:

"Immediately send the news back to Yu's house!"

"Tell Feng's family by the way!"

"You must spare no effort to find out the news of this day's question for me!"

The subordinates left, but Yu Xiu and the others looked in the direction where Jiang Fan had disappeared!

"Who is this strong man anyway?"

"I don't know, but it must be a senior expert!"

"If it weren't for him to remind us, we would never be able to find out the news from heaven!"

"But the head of Tianwen is actually one of Tianding's ten poles. Is this news reliable?"

"It's very likely that you and I know the strength of the senior of the Huo Family, and you won't have it if you can get him out of the phone, it can only be the ten monsters!"

"Check! Be sure to find them out!"

A group of people are excited to get the news!

Jiang Fan had already sneered and returned to the capital with Curtis!

As for Pei Qing's news, he didn't say a word!

Once Pei Qing's name is released, Tianwen will most likely know that the intelligence is flowing out from her side!

The current Jiang family doesn't have enough strength yet, and Tianwen is tough!

Jiang Fan will use the spies of Solomon's Key to investigate this secret line secretly!

More than an hour later, Jiang Fan had taken Curtis back to the Jinghu Courtyard.

And at this moment, all the subordinates of the Jiang family have also conveyed the intelligence of the heaven and human realm to the wealthy family, and they have returned here!

At this moment, the Jinghu Courtyard has been destroyed in many places due to the attack on the Heaven and Human Realm, but the whole is still intact, and the cleaning has been completed.

Looking at his group of subordinates, after a long time, Jiang Fan finally laughed!

"Contact Los Angeles, we, congratulations!!"

Los Angeles!

The moment he put down the phone call, the old man of loyalty cried!

He knelt to the ground, howling and crying!

"Master! Master! Have you seen it?"

"The Zhou family is gone!"

"Master gave you revenge!"

"Everyone from the Jiang family, you can all look at you!"

"You can... just look at it..."

Wang Yi stood aside, letting Uncle Zhong cry and vent.

Compared with Jiang Fan, Uncle Zhong's feelings for Jiang's family are deeper.

At this moment, he is getting revenge, his mood can be imagined!

Except here in Los Angeles, and within Jiang Fan's control, the news of the destruction of Zhou's family has not yet been heard at this moment.

On the one hand, this matter, according to Jiang Fan's intention, has been concealed by a combination of aristocratic family members.

On the other hand, Jiang Fan, one person and one arrow, forced the five Heavenly Tripods and Ten Extremes away. No one dared to spread this kind of news!

This is a feat for Jiang Fan, but for those five Tianding Shiji, their faces are so shameless!

If they irritated them, they wouldn't know how to die!

Whether it’s Jinghu Courtyard, Los Angeles, even Shencheng, Xichuan, etc., etc., tonight, all are celebrating!

Jiang Fan won. As Jiang Fan's subordinates, their status will surely rise in the future!

Everyone was very happy, only Bai Xia was scolding her mother!

In the previous stock market war, he used his own power to hold the attention of the entire Zhou family. Now that the overall situation is set, he has to deal with the mess himself!

Bai Xia cursed while approving the official document, but the corner of his mouth was always with a smile that could not be concealed!

Brother Fan, after today, our uncle loyal chicken soup, how should we rise up in a fair manner?

Bai Xia has no interest in the rest of the industry. His ambitious ultimate goal is to open the storefront of Uncle Zhong's Chicken Soup to the universe!

Of course, if conditions permit!


Thirty miles outside the capital, there is a huge white building.

The cold environment and the towering, black smoke pipes remind people that this is a funeral home.

The city of Beijing, which is not far away, is still bright in the moonlight, but here is always covered by dark clouds.

Occasionally, when the night breeze blows, I don't know where it came from, but there will be a few weird calls that make the scalp numb.

Suddenly, the clouds in the sky slowly dissipated for a moment, and the moonlight fell directly onto a figure floating in the air!

Over the cold and weird funeral home, there was a figure floating in the air. If it were seen by the staff here, I would be scared to death!

The bright moonlight finally illuminates the figure.

This is a man.

He looks more than forty years old and handsome, but his face is extremely gloomy.

And on his side neck, there is a hideous scar, which is very eye-catching!

If Jiang Fan were here, he would definitely recognize this man at a glance!

He is exactly Mr. Pei that Jiang Fan has been tracking down, Pei Qing!

However, just looking at the breath he exudes at this moment, it is definitely not the seventeenth level mentioned by Zhou Yandao!

Zhou Yandao really lied at that time!

Standing quietly for a while, Pei Qing finally fell slowly, and then strode into the funeral home!

At this moment, in the incineration room, two men are burning their bodies, and one of the strong men is scolding his mother!

"Fuck! I haven't worked overtime until this time!"

"What's the situation today, why are there so many dead bodies?"

Another older, short, thin man handed him a cigarette, and then sneered:

"Still need to ask? Obviously something happened in the capital!"

He pointed to one of the corpses:

"I have seen this person, do you know who it is?"

The strong man took a sip:

"Damn, just half of the body is left, I don't know who he is!"

"Hey, tell you to be scared to death. His name is Qi Rongchang and he is the president of Galaxy Entertainment!"

"What?! That, that Galaxy Entertainment?"

The brawny man was stunned!

"It is said that behind them is the Zhou family! Who dares to move the subordinates of the Zhou family?"

The short and thin man sneered:

"Move Zhou's subordinates?"

He pointed to another corpse in the distance:

"Do you know who it is? That's from the Zhou family! Zhou Yu, the nephew of Zhou Yuanwang, the master of the Zhou family! And not just him, the ones we just burned were all from the Zhou family!"

The brawny man was stunned!

My mind is blank!

But at this moment!


The door of the incineration chamber was suddenly kicked open! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1878, the old man will tell you ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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