God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1898: Become a fierce man in seconds

When he moved his feet, Jiang Fan unfolded his figure and rushed towards that side abruptly!

And at this moment, in that direction, a man and a woman are looking desperately in front of them!

The woman has black hair, is short, and is covered in blood!

The man has yellow hair, his back is leaning against a section of the wall, and his hands are shaking holding a huge long knife!

There was fear in his eyes!

These two people are the protagonists Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia!

Opposite the two of them, there was a monster with a stature of two stories tall and extremely hideous!

This thing is unique to this world-virtual!

Kuchiki Rukia chased and killed this imaginary, and became anxious with Kurosaki Ichigo!

But just now, in order to save Kurosaki Ichigo, she, who had no experience in combat, was directly bitten by that Xu and seriously injured!

In desperation, Kuchiki Rukia had to insert the Zanpaku Sword into Kurosaki Ichigo's body, turning him into a **** of death!

When Kurosaki Ichigo just became a **** of death, he was indeed very strong, and his Reiatsu even surpassed him!

But Rukia didn't expect that because her childhood mother was killed by a falsehood, Ichigo had an uncontrollable fear of false instincts!

And this kind of fear can't be smoothed by strength at all!

"Kurosaki Ichigo! Hurry up and cheer up! This imaginary is not your opponent at all!"

Kuchiki Rukia lay on the ground and screamed suddenly!


"no no…"

Kurosaki Ichigo shivered more and more, and normal people would be full of fear when they faced such a monster for the first time!

What's more, his mother was killed by this monster!

too frightening!

too frightening!

Don't want to die!

I don't want to die!

Kurosaki Ichigo was sweating profusely, and his eyes became more and more frightened!

Opposite them, that Xu laughed wildly!

"Hahaha! Grim Reaper, it really scared me just now!"

"Reipressure is so powerful, I thought I was dead!"

"It turned out to be just a coward!"

"But it's great, this kid's Rei Pressure is so strong, eat him, maybe, I can become a big virtual!"

"Hahaha! God helped me too!"

While laughing wildly, this Xu had already bitten at Kurosaki Ichigo!

That's it!

Kuchiki Rukia feels cold!

And Kurosaki Ichimura watched Xu's big mouth getting closer, and his mind was almost blank!

But at this moment!


This virtual movement suddenly stiffened!

It's almost as if being bound by invisible silk threads, fixed in place!

Kuchiki Rukia and Kurosaki Ichigo were all stunned!

However, the next moment, the two of them seemed to feel intimidated, and suddenly looked towards the sky!

I didn't know when, a handsome man appeared in the sky!

With a charming smile on his face, the man seemed to be harmless to humans and animals, but I don't know why, the moment they saw the man, they seemed to see an endless sea of ​​blood and grievances behind him!

Even more exaggerated, it is the breath of this man!

The inexplicable energy that was terrifying to the limit made the two of them almost stop breathing!

The two finally understood why that Xu stopped!

It is not bound at all!

It just froze in shock by the breath of this man!

What a terrible man!

It's even more exaggerated than those captains in the corpse soul world!

Who the **** is he?

"Ichigo Kurosaki?"

The man suddenly spoke.

"You, who are you..."

Kurosaki Ichigo spoke tremblingly.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Fan, and I am a takeaway. This time I am here to deliver food for you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and landed on the ground.

"Outside, the takeaway?!"

Both of them are trapped!

And Jiang Fan had already turned his right hand, and directly revealed the bowl of longan and lotus seed porridge!

As soon as this bowl of porridge appeared, Kuchiki Rukia swallowed directly!

Good smell!

And Kurosaki Ichigo was even more exaggerated. As soon as his hands were loosened, the Zanpaku Sword in his hand fell directly to the ground!

But he didn't even look at it, stretched out his hands, and suddenly grasped the bowl of porridge!

In the next moment, he even picked up the bowl and ate it directly!

Kuchiki Rukia was stunned!

The **** of death does not need to eat, and as a spirit body, it is impossible to eat real food in his mouth!

However, Kurosaki Ichigo not only ate it, but was also excited about it!

"good to eat!"

"too delicious!"

"Fragrant and sweet, with a strange power!"

"Make my heartbeat steady!"

"It's amazing! How can this bowl of porridge have such an effect?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was shocked!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"Because longan and lotus seeds are added in it! Longan replenishes qi and blood, soothes the mind, and lotus seeds can regulate the lack of effort and treat heart palpitations and shortness of breath!"

Every take-out order is not placed randomly, but varies from person to person!

Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned!

"That's it! No wonder, my fear disappeared!"

He has finished the takeaway at the moment, and now he only feels that he is fearless and passionate!

Even the imaginary is right in front of him, he has no fear at all!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you!"

Kurosaki Ichigo is grateful!

"You're welcome, this emptiness, let you solve it yourself!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already snapped his fingers!


In the next moment, Xu, who was frightened by Jiang Fan's breath, didn't dare to move, and suddenly came to his senses!


It roared suddenly, and subconsciously wanted to escape!

But at this moment!


The sharp light of the knife flashed, and this phantom had been split in half from head to toe!

It was Kurosaki Ichigo who shot it!

Kuchiki Rukia was stunned!

A bowl of porridge!

Just to give Kurosaki Ichigo a bowl of porridge, he actually made Kurosaki Ichigo coerced and turned into a hunk in a second!

This Jiang Fan is incredible!

And when he lost this emptiness with his own hands, Kurosaki Ichigo looked at his hands in disbelief!


I really did it!

When I cut the knife just now, I didn't hesitate at all!

It's a matter of course, it's natural!

I really overcome the shadow of childhood!

And this is all Jiang Fan's credit!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! Thank you!"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"You're welcome! Take care of your injuries, see you next time!"

Jiang Fan said, waved his hand, and was about to leave!

But at this moment!


A strange voice suddenly sounded from the distant sky!

Several people looked over there at the same time, and suddenly saw a black line that stretched for hundreds of meters in the originally normal sky!

"Huh? What's going on in the sky? Why is there an extra black line?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was surprised!

However, Kuchiki Rukia screamed!

"No! That's not a black line! The space barrier between the human world and the virtual circle has been opened!"

"Huh? So what?"

Kurosaki Ichigo is still at a loss!

But Kuchiki Rukia is desperate!

She gave a wry smile:

"How about? This space barrier is obviously opened from the virtual circle, and the one that can open the space barrier of this scale, in the virtual circle, there is only-Daxu!"The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1898: You will become a macho), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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