In the world of death, Daxu is definitely one of the top combat powers!

And Daxu is divided into three levels!

The junior Kylian, the intermediate Akukas, and the top Vastoud!

Like the Kuchiki Rukia at this moment, not to mention that her power of death has been absorbed by Kurosaki Ichigo, even if the strength is still there, in front of Da Xu, even in front of the lowest level of Kylian, it is still a good time!

But when she was speaking, the black line suddenly trembled, and then, it suddenly opened like a big mouth!

The scene behind that was single, and it was so desperately dark!

And as the space barrier opened wide, a strange creature with a black body, a huge body, a circular gap in the chest, a white mask and a long nose, slowly emerged from the darkness and appeared in In front of everyone!

Kurosaki Ichigo is full of curiosity, is this Daxu?

Although this thing is weird, it is really different from the horrible image described by Kuchiki Rukia!

"This thing doesn't seem to be special!"

Kurosaki Ichigo smiled.

But the next moment!


Suddenly, Da Xu opened his mouth, and suddenly uttered a harsh roar at several people!

For a moment!


A horror reaching the limit of Reiatsu, suddenly spread to the entire Kazamachi!

Kurosaki Ichigo's hands and feet were cold at this moment, and his scalp was about to explode!

so horrible!

This kind of air pressure is almost a hundred times stronger than the ordinary imaginary that was killed before!

How can there be such a monster in this world!

Kuchiki Rukia looked at that Da Xu in despair!

It was terrible, this kind of monster, she also saw it for the first time!

And this image shows that the other party is only the lowest-level Daxu, Kylian!

That's it!

Completely finished this time!

This kind of big emptiness, only the captain level can kill!

As for them, they are not even qualified to serve each other!

More importantly, this kind of low-level emptiness, they live in groups!

Subconsciously, she suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

Among the three, maybe only this mysterious man from Jiang Fan could escape to death, right?

However, when she saw it, she was stunned!

Compared to Kurosaki Ichigo, who was panicked, and his desperate self, Jiang Fan was touching his chin, looking at that Da Xu with interest!

That kind of relaxed look, that kind of look, as if looking at a monkey in a zoo!

Kuchiki Rukia was stunned!

Too calm!

Simply calm and abnormal!

Even at the captain level, facing Da Xu, it is impossible to relax so much!


Unless the opponent has, for Daxu, overwhelming strength!

With this thought, Kuchiki Rukia was stunned!

how can that be!

If Jiang Fan really had this kind of strength, such a big man, he would have never heard of it!

And just when she was shocked, that Da Xu had already stared at this side firmly!

Then, he opened his mouth again!

Only this time, a little scarlet light suddenly appeared on the tip of its mouth!

As soon as the red light appeared, the hairs of Rukia and Ichigo stood up!

From the light, the two felt a terrifying threat of death at the same time!

And the next moment!


The light trembled suddenly, and it directly turned into a scarlet beam of light, with a terrifying aura that annihilated everything, like a meteorite falling into the sky and impacting rapidly, suddenly blasting towards the three of you!

This horrible flash is exactly the strongest killer move that Da Xu has, virtual flash!

"Hurry up!"

Kuchiki Rukia screamed suddenly!

However, deep down in her heart, she already knew that this time, it was completely over!

The speed of the virtual flash can't be avoided at all!

Almost instantly, he was in front of the three!

However, the main target of the virtual flash was neither Kuchaki Rukia nor Kurosaki Ichigo, but Jiang Fan!

At this moment, both of them were stunned!

Da Xu, why would he attack Jiang Fan?

This thought had just flashed, and the virtual flash had suddenly hit Jiang Fan!


A loud noise!

In an instant, the entire sky almost became blood red!

However, when the light dissipated, Jiang Fan was still standing there!

Even the expression and eyes have not changed!

As for Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia behind him, they are all intact!

The big emptiness in the sky is a little confused, and his imaginary flash is useless?

And Kurosaki Ichigo was completely stunned!

Just now they saw with their own eyes that the fictitious flash hit Jiang Fan, as if the tide had encountered a steel dam and was directly shaken away!

Hard to eat a flicker!


Is this guy a monster?

This kind of physique is even more terrifying than the corpse soul world!

Jiang Fan shook his neck and finally nodded:

"Fourteenth level limit... This is Kylian..."

Glancing at that Daxu lightly, Jiang Fan slowly raised a finger without moving his wrist, and swiped the finger from left to right!


A muffled sound!

That Da Xu seemed to be cut by an invisible blade, and his entire head suddenly flew up with a handful of black blood flowers!


Kuchiki Rukia opened her mouth wide!

This, what means is this!

so horrible!

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes widened!

So handsome!

This is the protagonist!

"Jiang Fan! You are so amazing! Even the Zanpodao is useless, it actually killed a Daxu!"

"That's amazing! My brother Kuchiki Byakuya is like a younger brother compared to you!"

Both of them are full of admiration!

"Small! The game has just begun!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Just started?"

Both of them were taken aback!

And the next moment!


Countless horrible wailing sounds suddenly sounded from the space barrier!

I saw that at the moment that Daxu fell, hundreds of Daxu appeared one after another!


Kuchiki Rukia suddenly exclaimed!

Kylian Daxu does live in groups, but there are no more than a dozen in a group!

How can there be so many of them at the same time?

However, Jiang Fan just smiled:

"Of course it is possible, don't forget, Kylian, it can be controlled!"


Kuchiki Rukia was taken aback!

The next moment, she gasped!


Kylian can indeed be controlled, but they can be controlled only by the more powerful, intermediate-level Daxu with the strength of the captain, Yachukas!

As soon as she thought about it, all Kylian Daxu suddenly separated from the middle, and then, an unprecedented monster had passed through many Kilian Daxu and appeared in front of everyone!

It was a humanoid monster with a slender figure. His hands and feet were all covered by sharp white bones. Starting from the big hole in the chest, it extended towards the chest and abdomen. There were countless white bone armors that were as thin as thumbtacks!

On its face, there is a skeletal mask that looks like a crying face, and three sharp horns extend above the mask!

Compared to Kilian Daxu, who is more than tens of meters tall, it is only more than three meters tall and looks very thin!

However, the spiritual pressure on it surpassed all Kilian Daxu! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1899 Virtual Flash), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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