At this moment, Saldod had even seen the scene where Jiang Fan was flying across the board!

However, the moment his fist touched Jiang Fan's back!

His fist penetrated Jiang Fan's body without any hindrance!


Beat him so easily?

As soon as Saldod thought of this, his heart trembled!


This is a ghost!

When did this guy disappear, how could he be so fast?

Could it be that he will teleport too?

The idea of ​​Saldod just appeared!


A muffled sound!

His entire lower body, including his legs, has suddenly exploded into countless pieces of meat!

How rich is Jiang Fan's combat experience!

Just now, at the moment when Sardod started the ringing, Jiang Fan also started teleporting at the same time!

Saldod thought he was behind Jiang Fan, but the real Jiang Fan had already ran behind him!

The moment Saldod blasted the virtual bullet, Jiang Fan also slammed an electric flint punch at his back!

Four times the charge detonated and almost didn't beat Saldod to death!

With only half of his body left, Saldod, who was blasted into the air, was horrified in his heart!

so horrible!

Forget about such a formidable battle prediction, how could this guy's fist have such an exaggerated power!

If it weren't for the special steel-skinned defense ability of the Intermediate Daxu, the punch just now was enough to knock yourself into flying ash!


That's it!

Saldod suddenly roared!

Being in the air, his body was starting to heal and rebirth with an extremely terrifying speed!

This is another skill that is unique to Daxu, speeding regeneration!

"Human! You can't kill me! And once I recover, I will let you know what the real horror is!"

Accompanied by Saldod's roar, his spiritual pressure has skyrocketed, almost reaching the limit of level nineteen!

However, Jiang Fan only shook his head, first gave Rukia Kuchiki a meaningful look, and then looked at Sardod again:

"You who haven't broken your face, even if you have wisdom, are still just-beasts!"

As the voice fell, Jiang Fan's figure had disappeared!

Saldod was taken aback!

Then turn around to defend!

But before he turned around, Jiang Fan's cold and merciless voice sounded in his ears:

"Five times, charge up to detonate!"

At this moment, Saldod's heart suddenly gave birth to a great horror that the world is about to end!

will die!

This time, I must die!

He suddenly wailed:


Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan's fist already carried an infinite power, and it hit his back!


A loud noise!

Saldod's entire body was almost buried in a nuclear bomb, completely exploded into countless smoke and dust!

It's a spike again!

Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia stared blankly at Jiang Fan, who was as powerful as a demon in the sky!

For them, Sardod, who is as powerful as a god, is actually not even qualified to let Jiang Fan continue to strike a second punch!

This kind of strength has completely surpassed their cognition of strength!

This man, his power, seems like there is no end!

Unlike the two shocked faces, Jiang Fan seemed to have just done a trivial thing, slamming his fists lazily!

"It's finished!"

Smiling at the two, Jiang Fan waved his hand:

"I'm off work, don't forget to order my takeaway if you have trouble in the future! Goodbye!"


Both of them were taken aback!

However, with a flash of white light, Jiang Fan was gone!

"Who is he?"

Kuchiki Rukia stared blankly at Jiang Fan who had disappeared.

So powerful and mysterious, this matter must be reported to the Soul World!

And Kurosaki Ichigo stared at the place where Jiang Fan disappeared too!

Jiang Fan, I also want to become as strong as you!


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 6548 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beating 106 Kilian Daxu and successfully obtaining 212,000 Karma Points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading the Akukas-class Great Xuthaldod and successfully obtaining-Xuxian (change)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the worship of Kurosaki Ichigo——Zanpakuto!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the worship of Kuchiki Rukia-Yikun Maru!"

"Ding! Because the host killed Sardod, causing the virtual circle to shake, all the big virtual hatred against you increased! When the host enters this world next time, it is likely to incur a high-level virtual attack!"

This time the order actually got more than 200,000 causal points?

Kylian Daxu is worth two thousand?


I knew I would wait a while before leaving!

This world must be the same as the world of Resident Evil in the future. Pay more attention!

As for the last one, Jiang Fan just laughed!

Come on, come on, come on as much as you want!

But the dead ghost of Sardod actually burst out a false flash to himself, which was unexpected!

[Virtual Flash] (Revised): A powerful ultimate move that concentrates energy and bursts out!

Description: After learning this skill, the host will master the virtual flash skill!

Note: The virtual flash attack power is equivalent to the limit attack of the host without state! And can be launched arbitrarily, no cooling delay!

The strongest attack without state? No cooling delay?

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

Although this trick is mediocre, it might be of great use!

Jiang Fan immediately chose to learn!

Next is Kuchiki Rukia's reward!

[Yihunwan]: A pill that can force the soul to escape from the body!

Note: The soul is out of state for up to three hours!

This thing is interesting!

Jiang Fan carefully collected it, and finally saw the last reward!

It is a small black long knife.

[Zan Po Dao]: Retreat will only make people aging, and timidity will surely invite death! Scream, my name!

Remarks: Insert it into the heart, you can learn the state of death of the transformation type ability, and release your own Zanpaku Knife!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

Sure enough, I got it!

In the world of death, the highest force Zanpaku knife!

Staring at the knife silently for a long time, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and suddenly pierced the knife into his heart!

For a moment!

Jiang Fan's blue veins jumped on his forehead, his face flushed!


It hurts too much!

Although not comparable to the genetic pain of the T virus, this pain seems to come from the soul!

But this pain comes quickly and goes quickly!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan burst into a dazzling light like the sun!

In the space, the magpie standing on the Zen garden, always unresponsive, finally had some reaction and looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

With the disappearance of the light, Jiang Fan, who has completely changed his image, has suddenly appeared!

At this moment, Jiang Fan is completely different from the images of the other gods of death. What he wears is no longer that kind of ancient costume, but an incomparably exquisite black windbreaker!

The inner lining is a close-fitting black scale armor!

This scaly armour is pitch black, with only a thin layer covering his neck!

In his hand, there is a weird Zanpaku with a slender, double-edged blade that resembles a knife and a sword!

Unlike other cultivation systems, if you want to use the power of the Zanpaku Sword, you have to master the initial solution, or even the **** solution!

Regardless of the situation of liberation, you must first know its name!

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