God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1902: My loss must be borne by you

With this thought, a name suddenly appeared in Jiang Fan's mind!

Gently stroking this long knife, Jiang Fan was blessed to his heart, and suddenly spoke softly:


The name just spit out!


An astonishing red light suddenly exploded on the Zhanpakuto!

This is exactly the original solution of Zanpakuto!

And the fate is exactly the name of this Zan Po Dao!

With the disappearance of the red light, Jiang Fan already had an extra two-meter-long knife with a blade that was 30 centimeters wide, and the handle was half a meter long, and it was blood-red and hideous!

The beginning of the destiny is actually a domineering, exaggerated, slashing sword!

At the same time, Jiang Fan's aura rose again!

The initial solution state can actually increase Jiang Fan's own combat power!

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows and opened the status bar directly!

At this moment, in addition to the true dragon transformation, the transformation skills have another death transformation!

However, unlike the True Dragon Transformation, there are no restrictions on the use of Death Transformation!

【Death of Death】: Technique

Grade: Gold-Legendary

Type: Two-stage transformation

Attributes: In this state, the psychic class will not be able to get the physical damage save, and the damage to the psychic creature will be doubled!

Beginning solution: Destiny (the initial solution state, the combat power will be slightly improved, and the damage to the spirit creatures will be further expanded)!

Swastika:? ? ? (Call your real name to release)

Hint: The mystery of 卍jie is hidden in a line of poetry.

Note: This is a rare segmental transformation skill, and there seems to be a further possibility.

? ? ?

Jiang Fan's head is full of question marks!

This is the first time I have encountered a skill with floating levels!

And this became the main target, obviously spirit creatures!

However, how about the system for you and me to play guessing?

The mystery of 卍解 is hidden in a line of poems. Is this really wanting me to try all the poems one by one?

"System! Make a price directly!"

Jiang Fan is now rich and rich, so he doesn't bother to bother!

But the system is lazy:

"Ding! Host, you are still young and don’t understand the routines inside. There are some things that you can’t do if you have money. Today, maybe you can do it with a little money, but it will affect your life in the future. Listen to the system’s advice, The water here is very deep, you can't hold it without a curse..."

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Good guy, this guy is so typical of taking revenge for the poisonous thing that didn't make money!

"That's it!"

Jiang Fan didn't want to listen to the system grinding, so he simply left the system space.

Back in the lounge, Jiang Fan began to play with his mobile phone.

Seeing that an hour passed, the glamorous staff member knocked on the door and walked in apologetically!

"Sorry, sir, the procedures have just been processed, but the aircraft seems to have some minor malfunctions. We are currently investigating hidden dangers. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you..."

Sure enough, Jiang Fan didn't expect it, the staff said this is what it is!

Jiang Fan frowned:

"Bastard! What's the matter with you! Do you know how much I will lose if I stop for a second!"

"This... sorry sir, we..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Find your principal right away!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

In less than three minutes, a fat man with a greasy face rushed in!

This person is one of the heads of the George family in San Francisco!

"Sir, I'm so sorry, we..."

The fat man was interrupted by Jiang Fan before he finished speaking:

"Don't talk nonsense! Tell you, now every extra second is left, the lost money is sky-high! Because of your mistakes, I have waited for an hour in vain, so my loss must be borne by you!"

The fat man was stunned!

Are Huaxia people so arrogant now?

Before, they, foreign adults, could be so arrogant!

The times have really changed!

However, the family has already given a death order, and Jiang Fan must be kept!

"Hehe, what the sir said is, we, we compensate!"

The fat man smiled all over his face.

"Huh! Count you guys! According to my robbery-cough cough, the speed of making money, at least 10 million dollars a minute! Now 69 minutes have passed, that is 690 million dollars!"


The fat man was stunned!

Nearly 700 million!

Is this guy here to blackmail?

Jiang Fan smiled coldly:

"What? Do I need to prove it to you...?"

The fat man was sweating profusely:

"No, no, no need, please give us your account, we will arrange it right away!"

As long as you can keep him, give the money!

Jiang Fan snorted coldly, and threw the account number over:

"Huh! A bunch of waste things! The things made by Citigroup are also waste! What are you doing here? Don't do it soon!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The fat man's face flushed, but he was helpless and could only agree to do it.

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"You, what do you want?"

"I don't want **** like U.S. knives, all will be converted into RMB for me!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Seeing the fat man leave, Jiang Fan immediately hooked his mouth!

Anyway, idleness is idleness. If the George family really intends to keep themselves for five hours, then prepare for three billion dollars!

Nearly 20 billion yuan!

This money is so cool!

As expected, all kinds of accidents continued!

While Jiang Fan yelled at him, he kept letting the fat man pay for money, and asked for a lot of food by the way!

The rest of the time will require a long-distance raid. It's not enough if you don't have a little physical strength!

Soon, four hours are fleeting!

At the same time, Jiang Fan suddenly felt in his heart, and suddenly followed the window and looked towards the airport!

There, a private jet is slowly landing!

"finally come!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly, and at the same time, the joints all over his body suddenly rang, and the muscles of his whole body, like rippling microwaves, trembled crazily!

warm up!

Immediately afterwards, he took a deep breath, smashed the glass suddenly, soared to the sky, and rushed directly to the south!

The straight-line distance between San Francisco and Orizaba has exceeded 3,500 kilometers!

And Jiang Fan's current speed, even if he doesn't use teleport, is enough to break through the sound barrier!

Three hours of crazy burst, enough to reach the destination!

But at the moment Jiang Fan soared into the sky, the private plane that was already landing suddenly trembled!

next moment!


The side wall of the plane suddenly exploded!

Immediately afterwards, an old man full of aristocratic aura suddenly rushed out of the plane, also rushing towards Jiang Fan with a speed of breaking through the sound barrier!

This old man is the number one master of the George family, Alves!

"Jiang Fan! You can't run away!"

Alves let out a low voice, just for an instant, the distance from Jiang Fan was already less than 100 meters!

However, Jiang Fan twitched at the corner of his mouth and suddenly stretched out a **** behind him!

Alves' expression remained the same, but the speed actually increased by 20%!

Seeing that he was about to catch Jiang Fan, but at this moment!


Jiang Fan's figure was blurred for a while, and the next moment, he was already a kilometer away!

Wind Teleport!

Alves' eyes twitched!

This kid can actually do this!

His figure suddenly stopped, and then he burst into a loud shout!

next moment!


Accompanied by two explosions, behind him, two three-meter-long bat wings suddenly stretched out!

Ability beastization!

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