"As my cemetery?"

Alves was startled, but then he burst into laughter!

"Jiang Fan, your joke is so funny!"

But Jiang Fan just smiled.

for a long time.

Alves’ laughter became smaller and smaller, and he frowned slightly:

"Are you serious?"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Of course! Mr. Alves, are there any last words?"

Alves' face sank completely:

"Huh! Funny, Jiang Fan, you are so arrogant!"

Jiang Fan shook his arm slightly:

"It seems you have nothing to say, so... let's get started!"

The voice just fell!

Jiang Fan didn't have the slightest concealment anymore, he let out all his breath!


With a burst of breath, it suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan's terrifying aura rushed to the sky, and the clouds all over the sky were shocked into a huge vortex!


Alves' pupils shrank suddenly!

Just exclaim!

Jiang Fan's breath at the moment obviously has not been fully released, but even so, he has reached an astonishing 19th level pinnacle!

It can even be said that the edge of the nineteenth level has been reached!

how can that be!

How could this kid's strength improve so fast!

You know, just over a month ago, when he was on Kauai, he was only level twelve!


This monster!

If you don't kill him today, relying on the hatred of the two families, the future George family will surely be destroyed!

At this moment, Alves didn't hesitate anymore, his right hand had turned into a sharp beast claw in an instant, and he suddenly pierced Jiang Fan's heart!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan lifted his left hand, but he clasped Alves's paw tightly!


Alves' complexion changed!

Caught it!

This kid's combat effectiveness is even stronger than it looks!

His face suddenly changed, and his left hand suddenly waved, slamming directly at Jiang Fan's head!

This punch is still on the way, his fist has suddenly swelled, and it has directly turned into a huge black fist!

Ability beastization, chimpanzee, punch!

This fist hit, it was as if a mountain fell, and even before the fist fell, the immeasurable weight attached to it crushed the large pieces of rubble at Jiang Fan's foot into powder!

However, Jiang Fan smiled grinningly, and his entire right arm swelled up twice, suddenly blasting upwards!

Five times, charge up to detonate!


The place where the two fists intersected suddenly burst into an astonishing wave of air!

On the ground, countless broken stones burst, the river water evaporated, and it was almost filled with smoke and dust for a while!

And where the air wave passed, countless trees were all blasted off!

With just a punch, within a few hundred meters of the two of them, they have completely turned into a wasteland!

At the same time, the two of them were shocked by the terrifying vigor and backed away!


Alves gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Fan dozens of meters away in shock!

And his arm was trembling slightly!

Even the fist is bloody!

However, the pain of his body can't even compare to one ten thousandth of the shock of his heart!

how so!

How could this kid have such terrible strength!

Before Jiang Fan was able to hold his porcupine long needle, he could still understand it, but now, it is hard to hit the limit of 19th level, this is simply impossible for an 18th level!

Between the levels, there are definitely clear barriers!

Even the genius among the geniuses, one level is amazing enough, but Jiang Fan, he has crossed four levels!

If an individual can break the level limit, what level is there!

"damn it…"

The gentleman's expression on Alves's face disappeared completely, and replaced by the hideous hideous look!

Opposite him, Jiang Fan just glanced at his almost half-fragmented fist, frowning slightly.

Sure enough, it was four small levels short after all, and the opponent didn't give his full strength. It seems that simply relying on his current stateless strength, he is really not an opponent at the 19th level!

"Jiang Fan! You must die today!"

Alves suddenly took a deep breath and suddenly roared!

next moment!

His two eyes turned into two vertical pupils at the same time!

At the same time, his body started to expand and change strangely!

Almost just for a second, Alves turned into a first-born monster with sharp horns, a mouth full of fangs, a body full of scales, wings, sharp teeth and claws!

And his breath is even more terrifying to the extreme!

This is the strongest form of Alves, half dragon!

Relying on this form at the time, Alves actually fought Arthur, who possessed the sword in the stone!

However, when he saw Alves in this form, Jiang Fan was a tick at the corner of his mouth!

"Never mind, then I, have some good condition too!"

"Three heads and eight arms!"


In an instant, all Jiang Fan's state was on, and the breath of the whole person broke through the shackles, and completely entered the nineteenth level!


Alves trembled all over, and then suddenly roared, suddenly opened his mouth, and sprayed out the dragon's breath!

In the half-dragon state, the physical attack is second, and the most powerful is this half-dragon breath!

Its power is so powerful that even the normal nineteenth level limit, once hit, it can't resist for three seconds!

What's more frightening is that the half-dragon breath is extremely fast, and it also has the effect of attaching and burning. After it is touched, it will not go out in a short time!

This half-dragon breath spit out, and the mist not far away was like gasoline, and it burned!

Although the ground did not touch Longxi, it was just the high temperature of the dragon's breath that turned the ground into magma!

Jiang Fan on the opposite side hadn't waited for any action, and was completely enveloped by the blood-red dragon's breath!


Jarvis laughed wildly!

However, this laughter couldn't be sustained for even a second, and Jiang Fan's indifferent and crazy voice had already sounded in the **** flames!

"Six times! Accumulated detonation!"

As soon as this voice appeared, Alves felt like falling into an ice cave!

And the next moment!


A terrifying fist full of endless aura of destruction, like a sharp blade that broke the mountain and the sea, suddenly shattered a large piece of dragon's breath, and with a speed that surpassed time, it suddenly blasted into Alves' chest!

Alves was horrified!


How could he be able to hold the half dragon's breath? !

In an instant, his body was slightly to one side!

The next moment, the fist had suddenly hit his right shoulder!


A loud and deafening noise erupted!

Everything on the ground, no matter the gravel, trees, or even river water, all rose into the air!

Even the tens-meter-high waterfall in the distance was rolled back into the sky!

Jiang Fan's fist blasted out, as if it detonated a nuclear bomb!

Alves, who was in the middle of this punch, just had time to let out a scream, with his right shoulder as the center, half of his body has been exploded into a large group of blood mist!

Among the broken body, there was even a huge heart that had been broken in half!

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