
Alves screamed frantically, when he was alive and dead, his remaining right paw suddenly waved forward!


With all his strength, Jiang Fan, who was too late to breathe, just raised his hand to block, he was directly lifted off by this claw!

However, before landing, Jiang Fan had already turned over, fisted with his left hand, and blasted towards Alves again!

Alves suddenly screamed in fright, the remaining wing behind his back suddenly flapped, and the whole person was like a streamer, rising into the sky!

Can't fight anymore!

If you continue to fight, you will definitely die!

Even if they have a stronger body than the beasts, they will die!

However, he had just risen into the air, but Jiang Fan had already appeared in his hands a simple, dark and hideous longbow!

Universe bow!

Qiankun Bow (Lack of Tool Spirit): Legendary!

Attack power: extremely sharp!


1. Sunder Armor: Qiankun Bow contains a ray of true dragon energy left by the Yellow Emperor. During the idle period of the weapon, it will continue to accumulate dragon energy. When it accumulates to a certain level, it will inevitably trigger a Sunder Armor attack!

2. Full bow charge: When attacking, you can stretch the bowstring to charge up. The longer the charge lasts, the higher the damage, and the attack power can be increased by up to three times!

Sunder Armor Description: Sunder Armor attack status, you can ignore all legendary and below powerhouses with body protection, energy, and ability defense!

Remarks: The Yellow Emperor chose the Zhe of Taishan Nanwu Hao, the Horn of Yan Niu, the Mi of Jing Mo, and the glue of river fish, and finally became this bow!

Tip: Replenishing device spirit can improve the quality of this weapon!

As soon as this longbow appeared, Jiang Fan had backhanded out a piercing arrow from Legolas' enchanted quiver!

And with Jiang Fan's continuous pulling of the bowstring, the second skill attached to Qiankun Bow, Full Bow, has been activated suddenly!

In addition, Jiang Fan is on the arrow, blessing the twelve layers of Qi Jin that has not been used for a long time!

Accompanied by the full length of the longbow, Alves, who had rushed out for more than a dozen miles, suddenly wailed!

Just because he can already feel that his own time of death has come!

And Jiang Fan has suddenly shot this arrow!


Like a streamer, the arrow suddenly passed through Alves' body and passed away in a flash!

In the next moment, Alves above the sky trembled suddenly!

He tremblingly stretched out his hand and grabbed a hand toward the north, where was the direction of the family!

Immediately afterwards, his entire body has completely turned into a cloud of smoke!

"It's really strong, but you have chosen the wrong opponent! Flame...hehe..."

Jiang Fan smiled and put away his bow and arrow.

At this moment, the clothes he was covered in had already been burned out, and even a large piece of dragon's breath that was still burning was attached to his body!

The power of Dragon's Breath is still there, and even just for a while, the ground under Jiang Fan's feet has all turned into magma!

However, such a terrible dragon's breath can't even burn one of his hairs!

All this is just because of another ability that Jiang Fan obtained from the ghost rider world——

Immune to Fire (Intermediate)!

Any flame not exceeding twentieth level could not harm him at all!

It's the same even if it's half dragon's breath!

And let alone half-dragon's breath, even if it's a real dragon's breath, as long as it doesn't exceed level 20, it's no use!

After the flames burned on his body, Jiang Fan then took out a set of clothes and put on them, and then immediately re-entered the dense forest sneakily, and quickly rushed towards Orizaba.

When the war **** Huizilo Pochetli is settled, let's kill the George family by the way!

Jiang Fan thought silently.

Half an hour later, Jiang Fan, wearing a normal attire and a sun hat, had already appeared in Orizaba City.

Orizaba City is located in the valley on the southeast **** of Orizaba Volcano. Although it is a valley, it has an altitude of more than one thousand meters. The climate is humid and the soil is fertile. It is an important textile center and agricultural product distribution center in Mexico.

This place was originally a fortress of the ancient Aztecs. Now that it is backed by this famous volcano and there are so many mineral springs, it has become a tourist city, so people like Jiang Fan are not really eye-catching.

Jiang Fan wandered down the street, stole a few hundred dollars into a tourist's pocket, and walked along with the other's old-fashioned mobile phone.

Turning around an alley, Jiang Fan had already dialed Aonangana's number.

"Aonangana, this is Jiang Fan."

"Mr. Jiang? Where are you now?"

"I have arrived in Orizaba, where are you now?"

"You have arrived? We are on Tricker Street!"

"Okay, I'll go find you."

Throwing the cell phone casually, Jiang Fan immediately walked towards the address reported by Onongana.

Tricker Street is very close to the Carla Farmers’ Market in Orizaba, and Jiang Fan has found a place soon.

It was a large and spacious courtyard. Although the area was not small, for the city of Orizaba, which had a population of only 300,000, the area did not represent value.

In fact, it is far away from the city center and on the fringe of the city. Strictly speaking, although it is not a slum, it is not much different.

In the wide courtyard, there are a few dilapidated small buildings. There are also many agricultural motorcycles parked in the courtyard. A group of ordinary Indians gather in twos and threes. There are only a few people who look a little bit of identity sitting in a grape rack. What was said next.

Jiang Fan only glanced at it and knew that the days of the Silver Palm tribe must have been very difficult.

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, a few young Indians immediately greeted them with unkind expressions.

It can be seen that they seem to be very xenophobic.

Jiang Fan took off his hat.

Several Indians were obviously taken aback!

The same skin tone and hair color all eased their serious expressions.

At this moment, under the grape trellis in the distance, a man suddenly stood up and looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Long time no see, Ononkanah!"

"Mr. Jiang? Jiang Fan?"

Including a few young Indians, everyone showed excitement and looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

And Aonangana had already walked over quickly, looking at Jiang Fan with excitement:

"Mr. Jiang! Great, I finally see you again!"

However, Jiang Fan glanced around, frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice:

"They all know me?"

"Of course! The Silver Palm tribe knows that you are our best friend of the Horse Tribe!"

Aonunga takes pride in her face!

But immediately, he found that Jiang Fan's face was wrong!

"Mr. Jiang, what's the matter with you?"

Jiang Fan continued to ask:

"Do they know my specific identity?"

"I don't know, I just said that you are a friend from China!"

Jiang Fan's face was a little slow, and he tried to speak in a plain tone:

"Ongana, you regard me as your best friend. I am very grateful, but you have to know that not every Indian is like the horse tribe. Don't forget, the Iron Palm tribe, why doesn't it! "

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