Ononga was taken aback, but then his face was pale!

When the Iron Palm tribe had news about the location of the tomb of the God of War, even he, the successor of the horse tribe chief did not know, how did the sword of thorns know about it?

Obviously, a traitor has emerged from the Iron Palm tribe!

But today, he spread Jiang Fan's news around the Silver Palm tribe, it is very likely that it will bring unnecessary trouble to Jiang Fan!

Even if it is known by the Sword of Thorns that Jiang Fan privately excavated the tomb of the Dark God, then Jiang Fan will definitely be put in danger!

Ounangana was full of regret and guilt for a while!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I, I, I'm so damn! When you left, you also asked me specifically! I, I..."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"It doesn't matter, what has happened, there is no room for regret, just don't make this kind of mistake again in the future."

"Yes! I remembered it!"

Ononga spoke solemnly.

"It's okay, relax, did they tell you the location of the tomb of the **** of war?"

"Not yet, but the chief of the Silver Palm tribe must know!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked:

"If I guessed correctly, the Silver Palm tribe should already know that your steed tribe is having a good life now?"

"This, Mr. Jiang, I didn't mean to say..."

A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth:

"It doesn't matter if they have said it, on the contrary, since they know that it still looks like this, hehe, things are easier to handle!"


Aonunga was taken aback, and on the opposite side, an old man with gray hair and wrinkled face, but a tall and strong figure with a breath of fourteenth grade, had already brought several men over.

The old man was already smiling before he came over!

"Mr. Jiang, hello, I am the chief of the Silver Palm tribe, Serop!"

Jiang Fan smiled and stretched out his hand:

"Chief Serop, hello!"

Serop held Jiang Fan's hand tightly, his face was even more smiling, he could hardly even pay attention to Aonangana, grabbed Jiang Fan and walked under the grape shelf!

"Mr. Jiang, come and taste the new fruit wine made by our tribe. It tastes very good!"

Jiang Fan's wrist trembles slightly, and he shakes Serop's hand away. Instead, he puts his arm around Onangana's shoulder and smiles slightly:

"Chief Serop, I'm just a friend of Onongana, you don't need to be so passionate."

Serop's face became stiff, but then he chuckled and said:

"Yes, yes, Chief Onongana, bring Mr. Jiang over!"

Although Aonangana is simple, it does not mean that he is stupid. Now, he finally vaguely understands the meaning of Jiang Fan's previous sentence!

Good guy, no wonder Serop never tells himself the exact location of the tomb of the **** of war. This is a good day to see the horse tribe, and he intends to profit from Jiang Fan!

Several people were seated on the grape shelf, and Serop immediately poured a glass of fruit wine for Jiang Fan himself:

"Mr. Jiang, give it a try!"

Jiang Fan took it, but didn't drink it. Instead, he looked around at random, and then smiled:

"Chief Serop, I am a businessman."


Including Serop, the members of the Silver Palm tribe were all startled, not understanding what Jiang Fan's words meant.

Jiang Fan has already continued to speak:

"And businessmen are always chasing benefits... Let me put it straight, I am rich, even richer than you think, and a rich person like me will come here in person, do you know why? ?"

Serop nodded, but hesitated, then shook his head.


Jiang Fan smiled:

"Mr. Serop, I have been very interested in the myths of the world since I was a child. In China, I have personally discovered countless ruins!"

"The feeling of stripping off the coat of myth and restoring the real history is really wonderful!"

"The land of America also has the mystery that I want to solve, and the God of War is the key to all this!"

"And you, seem to have some clues about him. This is the main reason why I will be here today."

Serop and the others looked at each other, showing a suddenly realized expression.

Ononkana was a bit at a loss.

Jiang Fan, is this, packaging himself as an explorer?

He reacted immediately!

Indeed, under the premise that everyone only knows Jiang Fan's name, an explorer from China is indeed a good cover-up for his identity!

Serop hesitated:

"Mr. Jiang, about God of War... we don't know much."

Jiang Fan shrugged and suddenly took out a box out of thin air!

The box opens, and inside are neatly stacked knives!

This is what Jiang Fan asked the people at the airport to bring it before he left San Francisco!

Jiang Fan pushed the box in the direction of Serop:

"There are two million dollars in it. Tell me the exact location of the tomb of the God of War. They are all yours!"


Everyone took a breath and air-conditioning!

Two million dollars, none of them have seen so much money in their lives!

Serop's eyes are even brighter!

Two million is enough to change the life of the entire Silver Palm tribe!

However, he wants more!

At the very least, with the help of Jiang Fan, the Junma tribe even has its own farm!

There are auxiliary facilities such as schools and hospitals!

These, their Silver Palm tribe, want the same!

As for whether selling the tomb of the God of War violated the ancestor's decision, it doesn't matter now!

In this era, many originally simple Indians have also deteriorated.

"Mr. Jiang, the money is indeed a lot, but it's not worth it..."

Serop did not finish speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly drew out a wad of cash from the box, and then, in front of Serop's eyes, he spouted a burst of true energy in the palm of his hand!


A full ten thousand dollars, directly exploded into a pile of shattered pieces of paper!

"what are you doing!"

Serop suddenly exclaimed!

Others are full of heartache!

Ten thousand yuan!

For them, it is already a huge sum of money!

Jiang Fan dusted the confetti on his clothes and smiled slightly:

"I will only pay so much money!"

"Chief Serop, I'll give you one minute to consider whether or not to tell me about the tomb of the God of War."

"And in this, every second, I will destroy 10,000 yuan,"

"Of course, in the face of Aonunga, even if you don't give me news, the remaining money will belong to you!"

"In other words, what I destroy every second is all the money that should belong to you!"

"Now, the timing begins!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, he had already picked up a wad of banknotes and shattered it without hesitation!

Serop was dumbfounded, and even more distressed, he was dripping blood!

Jiang Fan can destroy up to 600,000 yuan in one minute, and Serop can make 1.4 million yuan in vain!

But when Jiang Fan said these words, the nature of the matter had changed!

If Jiang Fan didn't say those things, then Jiang Fan would only destroy his own money!

But now, what Jiang Fan destroyed was the money that originally belonged to them!

Human nature is greedy, especially for people like Serop who have fallen to the bottom!

"Stop it! I tell you!"

Serop snatched the entire box and suddenly gave a low voice!

Jiang Fan looked at Serop with anxious face and smiled in satisfaction.

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