At the same time, far away Britain.

In the capital of Britain, the fog is south, and there is a huge estate.

Except for roads and a small amount of decoration, the overall image still stays in the Middle Ages.

At the very center of the manor is a huge and old castle.

And at the front entrance of the castle, there is a shallow water pool. On one side of the water pool, there is a large black stone. In the middle of the stone, there is a vaguely deep mark of the length of a finger.

This is the ancestral land of the Arthur family, and the famous sword in the stone was once inserted on that rock!

In the castle, Arthur stood at the top, quietly watching the rising sun that was about to bloom on the horizon.

Compared to the time zone where Jiang Fan is located, the sky here is still not bright.

"Ping Ping Ping~~"

The dull footsteps suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a sturdy man with amazing aura had already walked quickly onto the rooftop.

The reason why the Arthur family has been able to dominate Britain for a long time, and even the Council of Light must give face, is not only the credit of Arthur alone!

In the Arthur family, besides Arthur, there are more famous twelve knights of the round table!

And the one who appeared at this moment was the strongest among the twelve knights, Lancelot!

Like Arthur, every descendant of the Knights of the Round Table, only the most powerful person can get the name of the ancestor!

"what's up."

Arthur asked flatly.

Lancelot first gave a respectful chivalry, and then he spoke:

"My king, just got the news. Four hours ago, Jiang Fan appeared in San Francisco and was spotted by Alves of the George family. He is now fleeing towards the country of Mexico!"

"Jiang Fan!"

The corner of Arthur's eyes suddenly jumped, and he looked at Lancelot!

"He left China?"

"Yes it is!"

Lancelow nodded characteristically:

"My king, do you need me to take action and bring him back?"

Arthur hesitated for a moment and shook his head:

"No, Alves is the number one master of the George family. He is staring at him, Jiang Fan is doomed! Prepare the plane, I'm going to Citigroup!"

"My king, do you want to get Jiang Fan back from them?"

"No! Jiang Fan died when he died, but the Avalon map is still in his hands, I want to get the map back!"

"Yes! But the George family has a lot of influence in Citi, do you need me to summon other Knights of the Round Table?"

"No need, you go with me!"


Orizaba volcano, also known as "Sitraltpeter Volcano", is the highest peak in the entire country of Mexico.

This volcanic mountain has a conical shape, with 3 craters on the top, and an altitude of 5,700 meters, with snow covering more than 4,500 meters all year round.

Although it seems that the volcano has been completely extinguished, it erupted many times in 1545-1566. The last eruption was in 1687, but there was weak activity in 1941.

The natural mood never looks at the human face, no one knows whether this volcano will erupt.

At this moment, under the Orizaba volcano.

Standing in the arbor forest below the mountain, Jiang Fan was quietly looking at the towering mountain peak.

Serop has just told Jiang Fan the exact address of the Mausoleum of the God of War!

Right on the top of Orizaba, in one of the craters!

The team that buried the God of Darkness and the God of War was divided into two teams. One team buried the God of Darkness at the Tulum site, while the other team came to Orizaba and buried the God of War under the volcano.

Even Serop suspected that the multiple eruptions of Orizaba before this were probably related to the Mausoleum of the God of War.

Jiang Fan was non-committal. He reached the Grandmaster level or above, even if he was only at level fifteen, and broke out with all his strength, he still had the ability to affect a radius of more than a dozen miles, or even dozens of miles!

However, the God of War has been poisoned with the same poison as the God of Darkness, and it is difficult to say whether there is such a strength.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan rose into the air and rushed directly to the top of the volcano!

The more upward, the thinner the air and the lower the temperature, but for Jiang Fan, this is not a problem!

After the grandmaster, the fetal breath will flow endlessly, and only a little oxygen can support life without hands!

When Jiang Fan came to the highest point, it was already covered with snow, and there was no trace of life.

There are three craters on the Orizaba volcano, and Jiang Fan’s location at the moment is the largest one!

A piece of the black hole under the crater is like an abyss.

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, and then jumped down!

The wind whistled in his ears, but after only a few seconds, Jiang Fan felt the ground appear below!

Looking at the location of the ground, it is only about a hundred meters away from the crater, and the entire ground is black rocky.

However, Jiang Fan raised his toe and lightly stepped on it!


With Jiang Fan as the center, countless rocks around have started to shatter and fall!

At the same time, from the cracked ground, a large amount of smoke was actually emitted!

It turns out that this place is not the ground at all, but a thin crust made of magma and volcanic ash after the volcanic eruption!

At the moment when the sulphur-smell-filled smoke spewed out, Jiang Fan had already held his breath and continued to rush down!

The lower the temperature, the higher the temperature, and at the same time the thick smoke that had filled the entire volcano began to decrease.

After Jiang Fan had landed for several kilometers, a fiery red lava river finally appeared below!

This magma river is hundreds of meters wide, winding through under the volcano, and the fiery heat it emits is enough to make a normal person dehydrated instantly!

Jiang Fan landed on the edge of the magma river and looked around.

However, it is disappointing that due to the continuous eruption of magma in the Middle Ages, all traces of artificiality have already been destroyed!

Jiang Fan closed his eyes, and his true energy slowly radiated out!

After a while, his eyes lit up suddenly and he looked directly at a rock wall inside the mountain!

This rock wall is next to the magma river, more than ten meters above the magma river!

Jiang Fan floated there, suddenly raised his finger, and lightly flicked at the rock wall!


A crisp sound burst out, and the rock wall was suddenly covered with numerous cracks!

In the next moment, as the black rocks on the rock wall continued to fall off, a stone gate engraved with peculiar symbols had suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan put his hand on the stone gate and felt it silently, then his palms turned into claws, his five fingers plunged into the stone gate suddenly, and then he suddenly exerted his strength!


The whole rock wall shook!

The next moment, in the harsh rubbing of stones, this stone gate has been slowly opened by Jiang Fan!

What appeared in front of Jiang Fan was a dark corridor, and at the end of the corridor was a golden coffin that was locked in the air and hung in the air!

Look at the style of the golden coffin, exactly the same as in the tomb of the Dark God!

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth raised unconsciously, and his eyes were filled with greed for a moment!

"Hey, hello, my lovely God of War, Huizilo Pochetli!"

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