The moment Jiang Fan spoke, there was a tinge of blood in the surrounding air that was originally full of the smell of sulfur!

at the same time!


A crisp sound suddenly sounded in the golden coffin!

In the empty and unoccupied corridor, in a weird golden coffin, there was a sound of gold and iron. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid it will be scared to death!

However, Jiang Fan's smile became more excited!

He almost couldn't wait to rush to the front of the golden coffin, waved his hand and cut off the chains above it!


The golden coffin fell heavily to the ground!

And like the golden coffin of the God of Darkness, this coffin is also engraved with strange cultivation talisman!

Jiang Fan didn't bother to care so much, kicked it out and overturned the coffin board directly!

In the next moment, in the golden coffin, a tall man had suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

The man's height is over two meters tall, so strong and exaggerated, even his skin has a metallic glow!

Needless to say, this corpse is the Mayan God of War, Huizillo Pochetli!

He is wearing a wolf fur coat and a hat with a bear head on his head!

With the opening of the golden coffin, these things are rapidly disappearing.

Jiang Fan grinned and reached out to lift the God of War!

However, he hasn't waited for any close communication between him and the other party, right now!


God of War suddenly opened his eyes!

At the same time, an astonishing breath burst out of him!


"Come out! I finally came out!"

"Damn Trakhupan!"

"I must cut you a thousand knives!!"

The God of War laughed wildly, and the vigorous and fierce aura shook the entire mountain wall!

But immediately, he realized that something was wrong!

Opposite him, a young man was actually pinching his neck!


"Damn ants! How dare to be disrespectful to God!"

"You must be controlled by God—"


Before the God of War finished speaking, Jiang Fan threw it up with a big mouth!

The loud applause echoed in the corridor, and the golden coffin on the shaking ground was humming!

The God of War was directly beaten and stunned!

Two lines of nosebleeds flow down even more!

Wiping his nose, the God of War looked at the nosebleed on his hand a little sluggishly, and then looked at Jiang Fan blankly:

"You, are you hitting me?"


Jiang Fan's backhand is another big mouth!

God of War only felt that his brain was almost never taken away!


The God of War suddenly roared, and slammed Jiang Fan's head with a fierce punch!





The fist of the God of War hit Jiang Fan's head. Jiang Fan had nothing to do, but the wrist of the God of War was directly broken by the earthquake!

The gap between the two sides is really too big, the God of War at this moment is only sixteenth level!

And at the same time the God of War screamed, Jiang Fan had already rounded his arms, and his big mouth was like a torrential rain!

"Papa Papa Papa!"

The God of War could roar in anger at first, but later, the voice became lower and lower, and finally it turned into a sob of grievance!

"Don't fight!"

"What the **** are you doing!"

"If you have something to say, can't you?"

"We can communicate!"

"Violence has no future!"

"I beg you, I finally came out, can you give me a chance?"


Jiang Fan's dog's head was drooping for a long time, and he was tired, and finally stopped!

It's just that at this moment, the head of the God of War has completely become a pig's head, and the two front teeth don't know where they are going, and his mouth is full of air.

Jiang Fan rubbed his swollen hands before finally speaking:

"Let's talk about it, how did you get locked in!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Huizilo Pochetli spoke honestly:

"I was poisoned by Trakhupan. Fortunately, my body was strong, and because I belonged to the God of War, I was resistant to all injuries, so I just fell into suspended animation."

"Initially I planned to suppress the toxicity first, and then I would kill Trakjupan, but I didn't expect that guy actually built two golden coffins."

"This golden coffin doesn't know what's going on. As soon as the natives put me in, my strength was suppressed to the limit."

"In the past few years, I can only fall asleep, wake up a few times occasionally, and have accumulated a certain amount of strength to break through, but it's all useless."

"All the way, until you just opened the golden coffin..."

Jiang Fan thought for a while and continued to ask:

"The golden coffin was made by Trakhupan himself?"

"I don't know this. The guy has a mysterious origin, not a local god, but a later one."

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows:


"Yes! I can't remember when it was, anyway, he came over from the East Sea a long time ago."

"Tell me more about him!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The poor God of War didn't know why Jiang Fan would be interested in the Demon God, but he started to introduce it honestly.

"I don't know his original name. Trakhupan's name was given to him by the feather snake **** Kukulkan."

"When he first came to this continent, he took the initiative to seek refuge in Kukulkan, and because of his wisdom, he won the trust of Kukulkan."

"In the beginning, everything was normal."

"But many years later, one day he suddenly found me and DiscoTripoca, bewitching us to overthrow Kukulkan's rule."

"DiscoTripoca and I didn't know what was going on at the time, so we actually listened to him!"

"It was originally planned that everything went well, and Kukulkan's power of faith suffered a devastating blow!"

"Even Kukulkan himself has suffered a great loss!"

"However, at this moment, the **** Trakhupan actually poisoned the wine between DiscoTripoca and I!"

"Damn! This **** beast! I must kill him!"

Huizilo Pochetli gritted his teeth!

But Jiang Fan directly snorted:

"Don't force the useless ones, what will happen later?"

"...I don't know what happened after that! Don't hit me! I really don't know!"


Jiang Fan pondered for a moment:

"What are the tricks of Trakhupan?"

"He has a lot of abilities, but the most amazing thing is that he can demonize all objects!"

"Huh? To be more specific!"

"Yes yes yes! Simply put, the objects touched by him, whether it is a tree, a beast, or even a stone, will have sage and become a loyal warrior to him!"

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, the power of this demon **** was really weird!

"What about combat effectiveness?"

"The combat effectiveness is average, some are not even as good as an ordinary person, and most of them don't have a long lifespan and cannot practice cultivation."

It turned out to be just a spoiler!

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Where is Trabalan?"

As soon as this problem came up, Huizilo Pochetli's complexion changed abruptly!

He first glanced at Jiang Fan in fear, then reluctantly smiled:

"This, me, I don't know."

"Ha ha…"

Jiang Fan smiled like a spring breeze.

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