The room of Naomi and others at the moment is located on the 32nd floor of the hotel!

At such a high distance, there is only one possibility for Naomi to open her mouth outside the window!

Outside the window, there is definitely an existence above the master!

And as Naomi spoke, the huge French windows in front of them melted like a stream of water!

Immediately afterwards, in front of a few of them, an old magician who was wearing a mage's robe and seemed to step into the coffin with half his foot, appeared like a mist, slowly!

This person is Joshua!

As soon as Joshua appeared, Kazuo Narita almost knelt to the ground without being scared!

too frightening!

This old guy's magical fluctuations all over his body are like a roaring tsunami!

Although Yoko Ikeda was not likely to kneel down, he was also full of horror and sweating!

His strength is at level 19, although it is only a beginner level, even if the limit of level 19 is here, it will not shock him to this point!

In other words, the old guy on the opposite side is level 20 or above!

damn it!

This level of magician, he has seen it for the first time in his life!

Only Naomi's expression remains unchanged!

She looked at Joshua coldly:

"What do you call your Excellency? What are you doing here?"

Joshua did not answer, but grabbed the messy hair, and at the same time sniffed vigorously!

After doing all this, he looked at Naomi meaningfully:

"It turned out to be Dongying's sedition technique, no wonder there is such a strong smell of gods!"

Naomi's cool color is getting colder and colder:

"Your Excellency, who are you on earth!"

"Hehe, my name, even if you say it, you may not have heard of it. My name is Joshua."


Nao's brow furrowed, then her face sank:

"You are from the Sword of Thorns, that legendary mage!"

Kazuo Narita was at a loss as soon as Naomi spoke out, but Yokogawa Ikeda's eyes suddenly twitched!

At the same time, there was a hint of despair in my heart!

damn it!

what is the problem!

How did you bring out this old monster!

Perhaps many people have never heard of Joshua’s name now, but decades ago, everyone was like a thunderbolt!

When this old guy was young, he had a poor magical talent, and he lived until he was fifty years old before he could reach the tenth level!

However, after crossing the tenth level, he successfully awakened the magic talent that all wizards dream of—

Elemental affinity!

After entering the fifteenth level, he awakened for the second time and realized another magic talent—

Fury of the elements!

Whether it is Elemental Affinity or Elemental Fury, as one of the five talents of the magician, as long as any one of them is awakened, it is almost even a domain-level ticket!

However, many magicians can hardly awaken any of them in their entire lives!

But Joshua has two!

Elemental Affinity allows him to master magic faster, increase magic resistance, and upgrade his level, while Elemental Fury uses a terrifying increase to strengthen magical power. After that, Joshua is almost as if he is on the hook!

His most brilliant record was against the Guild of the Great Mages. Among his peers, one out of eight!

Win without injury!

To be precise, he was standing in place, without even opening the magic shield, and he had a fight with the other eight!

The eight beaten vomited blood and ran away, but Joshua didn't have anything to do!

Among the top 100 in the world list, Joshua is ranked 47th!

Although Huaxia did not participate in this ranking, its gold content is still recognized as the highest one!

Yokogawa Ikeda never dreamed that he would meet such a legend today!

"Huh? It seems you know me!"

Joshua chuckled, and then, his face suddenly sank:

"Tell me, why do you want to check Jiang Fan!"

Naomi has recovered her calm, even if the other party is Joshua, for her at this moment, there is nothing terrible!

The power Amaterasu gave her is beyond imagination!

At this moment, she is purely a clone of Amaterasu in terms of strength!

But the other party actually knows Jiang Fan?

Friend or foe?

Naomi said coldly:

"It has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Hehe, girl, you better tell me!"

"What if I don't!"


In Joshua's eyes, two groups of flames suddenly burned!

It was not an exaggerated description, but a flame actually burned in his eyes!

As soon as this flame appeared, Naomi's complexion changed abruptly!

She suddenly lifted her right hand, and slapped her back with her palm!

At the same time, Yoko Ikeda and Kazuo Narita ignited a group of scarlet flames weirdly!

Naomi's palm was slapped just when the flames appeared on the two of them!


A muffled sound!

The flames of the two of them have been completely extinguished!

However, in such a moment, the two have been burned out of pigs!

"leave here!"

Naomi yelled, and at the same time she rushed out of the window!

Just now, when Joshua ignited the two of them, he suddenly teleported out of the building!

Elemental Affinity made his magic resistance to an incredible level, but physical resistance was still at a normal level. It was unwise to fight melee with the people of Ise Jingu!

Seeing Naomi chasing it out, Joshua hadn't moved anything, but a light blue shield had appeared all over her body!

The next moment, he suddenly waved to Naomi!


Two meteorites with a diameter of 30 meters suddenly appeared on top of Naomi's head!

Fifteenth level of magic-meteorite!

The normal meteorite technique is done when it is dropped, and there is only one, with a diameter of up to ten meters!

However, Joshua's meteorite technique can not only recruit two at a time, it is more powerful, and it also has a tracking effect!

These two meteorites were actually following Naomi to adjust their directions, tracking and attacking her one after the other!

Nao frowned, and suddenly raised her hand to face the meteorite:



The two beams appeared out of thin air, shining directly on the meteorite!

In the next moment, these two meteorites, which were powerful enough to be worthy of a small nuclear bomb, were directly exploded into a handful of flying ash!

At the same time, Naomi raised her hand to evoke a blood-red Gouyu!

This Gouyu whirled around in the air, and then actually penetrated the space, disappearing without a trace!

Joshua furrowed his brows and suddenly raised his fingers!

In the next moment, outside of his magic shield, a cold ice shield appeared again!

As soon as this ice shield appeared, the water vapor nearby was actually frozen into ice crystals!

And as soon as the ice shield appeared, the blood-red Gouyu appeared strangely in front of the ice shield and rushed up!


This ice shield capable of withstanding a nuclear explosion was directly exploded into countless fragments!

And Gouyu had already smashed the magic shield fiercely!


A sound that seemed to be a symphony of gold and iron suddenly resounded through the sky!

Within a kilometer of the two of them, all the glass was blown to pieces one after another!

The building closest to them was covered with numerous cracks!

On the other hand, a crack appeared directly on Joshua’s magic shield, and the gou jade was shaken to shreds!

"Twenty level? No wonder you dare to be so rampant!"

Joshua's eyes were cold!

"Little girl, I will give you one last chance, tell me why you are looking for Jiang Fan!"

"Huh! I want to be beautiful!"

Naomi smiled coldly and suddenly raised her hand!

In an instant, there were hundreds of blood-colored gou jade that were exactly the same as before!

Joshua took a deep breath:

"Then don't blame me!"

He suddenly raised his hand and squeezed:


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