
Jiang Fan yawned heavily, then wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes that yawned too violently.

At the moment he was sitting on the beach, holding a fishing rod, his face was sleepy!

Before delivering the takeaway, in order to complete the compound and coral, he simply drove the iron-blooded spacecraft to the Atlantic Ocean east of the capital of Citigroup!

There is no one in this place, just let the two sea monsters vent!

As for himself, he simply found an island and started fishing.

It's just that the two monsters may have been holding back for too long, and they are almost endless. The sea and the sea are rolling all the way, and now they don't know where they are going!

Jiang Fan looked up at the sunset on the horizon and sighed.

bored! so boring!

Hurry up and black sky!

Kill the George family so I can go back to the Castle of Thorns and take a rest!


The fish is not hooked either!

It's so boring!

Jiang Fan slowly lowered his head, as if he was going to sleep again!

I don't know how long it has been!


The fish float suddenly moved!

Jiang Fan was stunned, and suddenly he was energetic!

Four hours later, I finally got the bait!

Flick the fishing rod suddenly!

A black shadow was suddenly thrown up!

"It's so big—hiccups~~~!"

Seeing clearly what was caught, Jiang Fan was immediately stunned!

What a woman!

She is still a swollen lordosis, her figure is extremely hot, and she is incomparably glamorous!

The most important thing is that he still knows this woman!

This is actually the priest of Ise Jingu, Naomi!

Jiang Fan thought he had hallucinations, so he shook his head vigorously!

But keep your eyes on it—


It's really Naomi!

Why is this woman here?

Did you bite your own hook?

No, I didn't bite it, but the hook was hung on the other party's underwear!

That's right!

Now Naomi's clothes are all in tatters, and large areas of white and delicate skin are all exposed!

There were still a few hideous wounds on her lower abdomen and under her ribs, but in such a short instant, those wounds had healed strangely, leaving no trace of scars!

There was only a shallow scar on her left forehead. Once there was about to heal, a small blue thunder and lightning suddenly jumped out, tearing the wound again!

She seems to be in a deep coma at this moment, the flame pattern on her forehead has disappeared, her eyes are closed tightly, and her face is full of pain!

Jiang Fan threw her to the ground, while touching her chin, his face was covered in circles.

As far as he knew, if there were no accidents, the priest of the shrine would never leave the shrine for almost his entire life!

How did this Naomi run to the far shore of the ocean?

And also suffered such a serious injury?

Could it be that he came out to find a man?

It's possible!

It must be that her buttock last time gave her too much shock, which made her spring heart, but she was dumped by the bearer, gave up on herself, borrowed wine to buy drunk, then fell downstairs, was seriously injured, and then drifted with the crowd. On my own hook!

Hey, I don’t know who’s the guy who can actually fascinate the shrine priest like this!

Isn't it as handsome as I am?

Of course, this is all nonsense. If the Grand Master can be thrown into this way, it would be a real joke!

Jiang Fan added fuel and jealousy to YY for a while, and finally reacted from the trapped circle.

This woman will never go to Citigroup for no reason and suffer such a serious injury!

The so-called unprofitable can't afford to be early, could it be that she came here to make a profit, and an accident happened?

It's not impossible!

Do you want to keep her and see if you can get a share of the pie?

Anyway, she doesn't know who she is, and maybe she can get some other benefits!

More importantly, the last time I met, I remembered that this woman was not very smart. If I could figure out where Gao Tianyuan was, and wipe the Amaterasu guys on his neck by then, it would have to be causal!

Jiang Fan gets more excited as he thinks about it!

Especially this is God wants to make yourself rich!


Thinking of this, Jiang Fan was ready to wake Naomi!

But as he got closer and closer, suddenly a feeling of flustered came into being!


There is a problem with the strength of this girl!

Jiang Fan frowned!

The only thing that can give me this feeling now is the realm of heaven and humanity!

After a while, how could Naomi improve so fast?

After a little hesitation, greed prevailed in the end!

Without saying a word, Jiang Fan stretched out his hands and directly pressed Naomi's body, and started CPR!


With just one press, Jiang Fan was shocked!

What a surprise!

it is good!

As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level Buddha!

Artificial respiration!


"Hey! Hey!"


"Hey! Hey!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan press again!


Naomi suddenly turned her head and spit out two mouthfuls of salty sea water!

She took two breaths and finally saw Jiang Fan.

"Where is this?"

"This is a small island in the Atlantic Ocean!"


"Hmm! Do you remember what happened?"

"what happen?"

Nao's brows frowned, she shook her head vigorously, and then suddenly her face was completely blank:

"What happened? Me, who am I? Why am I here?"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

"Don't you remember who you are?"

"I don't remember, my head hurts..."

Naomi pressed her head hard!

Jiang Fan was startled, suddenly excited!

Damn it!

Amnesia? !

What happened to this good thing!

Almost instantly, Jiang Fan put away everything like fishing rods!

But Naomi rubbed her head, but looked at Jiang Fan a little curiously:

"You, I always feel like I have seen you somewhere, you, who are you?"


Jiang Fan's eyes moved, and suddenly he took a deep breath, and said with a sad expression on his face:

"I'm your father!"

Naomi: "...?????"

"Child, don't believe it! I really am your father!"

Jiang Fan sighed, not knowing where to pull out a small mirror:

"Come and see what we look like!"

Naomi looked in the mirror subconsciously, but found that in the mirror, handsome men and beautiful women, from a purely aesthetic point of view, are not like father and daughter, but more like lovers!

Naomi blinked her eyes:

"Our facial features seem to be different..."

"You're up to your mother!"

"But our age seems to be about the same..."

"No, our family has a special identity, we are not born old and immortal. If you don't believe me, look!"

As Jiang Fan said, with a stroke of his finger, Naomi's skin was directly scratched!

And Naomi's body was as expected by Jiang Fan, and the wound healed instantly!

And Jiang Fan also made a wound on his hand, and then activated the blood of the ancestor tyrant, and the wound healed quickly!

Naomi was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously:


Jiang Fan's eyes are full of tears, and his face is full of affection:


He said that he was going to hug him, but Naomi was obviously still a little wary, and she drew back:

"But Odothan, why are we here, why don't I remember anything?"

Jiang Fan's face was stagnant!

Just now!


Compound and Coral suddenly emerged from the distant sea!

As soon as the two giants appeared, they directly caused a tsunami!

Jiang Fan was overjoyed and pointed at the two big monsters:

"We were attacked by them just now! You were seriously injured to save me, leading to amnesia!"

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