Seeing that Arthur was about to negotiate terms with Jiang Fan, Hayeston was in a hurry!

"Arthur, don't listen to him! He will definitely not dare to attack us!"

Jiang Fan blinked and smiled at Hayes:

"Why don't I dare to shoot at you?"


Hayes sneered:

"Jiang Fan, don't forget, this is Citigroup! Here, you don't have the slightest foundation!"

"If you kill us, the rest of Citigroup will never let you go!"

"Also, the Supernatural Research Institute will spare no effort to hunt you down!"

"At that time, even if you have this daughter of level 20 or above by your side, it will be useless!"

Jiang Fan showed a dazed expression:

"So it is!"

"Huh! It seems that you want to understand too! You retreat honestly today and ruin the castle, my George family, don't care about you!"

Hayes said inwardly!

And the tension of the rest of the George family was also let go!

Hayes is right, Jiang Fan, absolutely dare not do it!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

The smile is really weird to the extreme:

"Hayes, it's not me who killed you!"


Everyone was taken aback!

And the next moment!

With a meaningful smile on Jiang Fan's face, he suddenly looked at Arthur:

"Didn't you ask me what I want to do?"

He said, pointing to Hayes and others gently:

"Take it, kill me, everyone in the George family!"

"what did you say?!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Arthur was stunned!

Not to mention him, the others were also stunned!

Immediately afterwards, all the members of the Georges family only felt a piercing chill!

Too poisonous!

Actually let Arthur shot!

In this way, Jiang Fan would not have to bear any consequences at all!

Hayes was full of horror and suddenly spoke:

"Arthur will never help you! Stop dreaming!"


Jiang Fan looked at Arthur meaningfully:

"is it?"

Arthur trembled all over, and after a long time, his eyes suddenly became firm!

Oneself, must not be Jiang Fan's executioner!

But before he could speak, Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"Arthur, have you ever thought about it, if you die, what will happen?"

"First of all, I will take your sword in the stone!"

"Without the sword in the stone, the Arthur family is equivalent to breaking the inheritance. In the future, you will only continue to decline, and finally be completely forgotten by history!"

"Secondly, after you die, the Council of Light will never let go of this opportunity to annex the Arthur family!"

"After all, your family can be said to be descendants of the Druids. Although the relationship with the Council seems to be good now, the Druids are always heretics in the mouth of the Council of Light!"

"Finally, you three pillars of the Arthur family are all dead, even if the Council of Light does not take action, how long can you support it? There should be many enemies of the Arthur family, right?"

Arthur looked at Jiang Fan blankly.

After a long time, he finally closed his eyes weakly, just let out a weak moan.

"Jiang Fan, you... the devil!"

next moment!


Arthur looked back suddenly, suddenly drew the sword in the stone, aimed at Hayes and the others, with a heavy wave!


A brilliant sword light is like a bright moon, suddenly illuminating the dim ruins!

Also illuminated, the extremely desperate faces of Hayes and others!

The screams kept ringing!

Arthur just pressed his lips tightly and said nothing!

On one side was the scream of survival, on the other side was the silent killing. The entire George family, almost in a moment, had corpses all over the field!

The crowd in the distance all watched this scene with dull faces.

There is a trance on everyone's face.

The George family, just like this?

Naomi looked at Jiang Fan blankly.

Dad, it's amazing!

With just a few words, these people actually killed each other inside!

Even if the Supernatural Institute really held the blame after the incident, it would never fall on our father and daughter!

After all, it was Arthur who did it!

However, this feeling of not being able to avenge yourself is almost something after all!


Naomi said in a low voice.

Jiang Fan sighed:

"I understand, I can't wait to do it myself, but life will continue, Xiaocui, Dad, this is all for your future life considerations! After all, you will marry someone in the future, and you must never give those people any trouble. Reason!"


Naomi's moved eyes are red!

Dad gave up his desire for revenge in person, just for his own future considerations. This, this is really touching!

"Dad! I won't marry, I want to stay with you forever!"

Naomi hugged Jiang Fan!

At this moment, the three Arthurs have killed everyone in the George family!

"Jiang Fan, we have done what you said, we are done!"

Arthur looked at Jiang Fan coldly.

"Very well, since it's done, let's go back to the fog as soon as possible! Don't let your family members, wait in a hurry!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

Lancelot's eyes were gloomy:

"What about the Avalon map!"

"What do you say?"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

Lancelot's heart trembled suddenly!

And Arthur had already grabbed him and took a deep look at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, Avalon will only open at a certain time each year. Now that it is open, time is running out. If you still want me to do something, it's best to do it as soon as possible!"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Of course! Rest assured, I promise, you will definitely catch up!"

"I hope you believe it! Let's go!"

Arthur glanced at Jiang Fan for the last time, then turned around and left with the two of them!

This time they stole the chicken but failed to eclipse the rice, and they slaughtered the George family. The future is afraid that trouble will continue, but since they have reached this point, it is too late to say anything!

Now I can only hope that Jiang Fan will keep his word, and once the sword in the stone is restored, then...

Jiang Fan!

just wait!

Seeing Arthur and others leave, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled coldly!

He knew Arthur's thoughts too well!

But Arthur can't fight himself now, and in the future, he can't fight himself too!

The Arthur family is a vicious dog in his own hands. As long as the dog chain is still in his own hands, he must be honest and obedient!

Jiang Fan's gaze swept from a distance, and the crowd was all looking at him in fright!

And the ruins of the George family are all corpses!

Hayes looked at the sky blankly with his head in a different place. Until he died, he was wondering how Jiang Fan really dared to attack them!

After scanning, it was confirmed that there was no livelihood. Jiang Fan was about to take Naomi to leave. However, at this moment, his gaze was condensed, and he suddenly looked at a giant tree on the edge.

That is a huge cherry tree.

It's just that there is a striking scar on the trunk of the cherry tree.

The scar depends on the years, I am afraid it has been too long.

Jiang Fan is blessed to his soul, and suddenly he understands!

With a move, he has come under the tree, and then gently put his hand on it.

"It turns are the little tree stewed with peanuts that hasn't been cut down!"

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