According to the historical trajectory, this little tree should have been cut off, but because of its own crossing, it survived, and it grew so majestic!

Is it this way that has affected the trend of history and made yourself more of the enemy of the George family?

Strictly speaking, in other historical worlds, although I have grasped the general direction, I haven't dealt with the details much. Why didn't those crossings create enemies for me?

This question is destined to have no answer.

Jiang Fan patted the cherry tree again, and finally left with Naomi!

The big deal is done, now it's time to pick peaches!

In the huge meeting room of the Onassis family.

At this moment, the members of the Onassis family here, except for Cyril, the patriarch of Onassis, there is only the number one master of the family, Cedric.

Sitting across from them were Jiang Fan and Naomi who were smiling.

The atmosphere in the conference room is not dull, but it is definitely not friendly.

After all, it is difficult for anyone to laugh at Level Twenty!

Most importantly, the news that the George family was bloodbathed had long been heard by them!

When he heard the news at first, Cyril was first shocked!

He did not expect that Jiang Fan actually did it!

And secondly, it is joy!

After all, the George family was destroyed, and that huge wealth was enough to bring the Cyril family to the next level!

In the end, there is a touch of fear from the bottom of my heart!

Since Jiang Fan can even destroy the George family, what about them?

In the face of such a terrifying Murder King Jiang Fan, and still a Murder King with a level 20 escort, no one can calm down!


Silence is always not the answer, Cyril coughed twice, finally breaking the silence.

He looked at Jiang Fan with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Jiang, the George family promised you 40% benefits, I'm afraid I can't keep the promise!"

"Huh? Mr. Cyril, what do you mean?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

And Naomi already looked at Cyril and Cedric with a cold expression!

Although Cedric was at the nineteenth level, but Naomi watched him, at this moment, he only felt that he had become an ant at the feet of a giant!

Although there is only one step between the nineteenth limit and the twentieth level, it is this step that is the difference between the giant beast and the ant!

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, Mr. Jiang, it's not that I don't want to keep my promise, but something unexpected happened!"

Cyril hurriedly explained!



Cyril nodded, aggrieved all over his face:

"I don't know what's going on, just when we started with the George family, the rest of the families didn't know where they got the wind, and they actually started at the same time!"

"Although we have already made the deployment, we will not hesitate to turn our faces with the other companies, but only 10% of the George family's huge industry is grabbed!"

"Of course, Mr. Jiang, I will keep my promise, even if it is only 10%, we will also have a score of 4 or 6!"

Jiang Fan looked surprised:

"How could this be? How did the rest of the family know?"

"That's it!"

Cyril looked gloomy:

"Damn it! The news of our negotiation was only known to a few of us at the beginning!"

"Although I sent missions to the people below, even if the news is leaked, the rest of the family shouldn't do it so quickly!"

"They look like us, they are clearly prepared!"

"There must be an inner ghost among the senior members of our Cyril family!"

"Damn it! It cost us so much. Once we find out this ghost, I must make him look good!"

Cyril became more excited as he talked, and his face was full of anger!

Jiang Fan's complexion gradually became colder!

"Mr. Cyril, no matter what the reason, the inner ghost has nothing to do with me!"

"I took such a big risk, but now, you tell me that the original benefit of four hundred yuan has become forty!"

"Do you think I might accept it?"

Cyril was sweating profusely:

"Haha, Mr. Jiang, don't worry, you might as well think about this in reverse!"

"Think about it the other way around?"


Cyril's persuasive temptation:

"Although we have received fewer benefits, the crisis has disappeared!"

"Before, if all the benefits were taken by us, then the rest of the family would definitely not give up!"

"Even the Occult Research Institute will end up intervening!"

"But now, the George family is indeed finished, but it is all divided by us!"

"Even if the Supernatural Institute wants to trouble someone, who can he go to?"

"Now, it's equivalent to you, me, and the entire nine families, all tied together!"

Jiang Fan frowned:

"What you said seems to make sense!"

"of course!"

Cyril was excited:

"Let me put it this way, although the benefits are less, you can rest assured that no one will trouble you anymore!"

"The most important thing is that even if the patriarch of the George family leads the family master to return, then our nine major families will handle it!"

"I can call the shots on this matter, and I will be responsible for contacting them! These guys will all help you and me, so don't even want to run!"

Jiang Fan obviously moved!

He nodded:

"In this case, it won't work if you divide into four or six!"

Cyril nodded repeatedly!

"Yes, five to five points! Five to five points!"

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head vigorously!

"Three seven! My three, you seven!"


Cyril opened his mouth wide and doubted that he had heard it wrong!

Cedric was also dumbfounded!

Jiang Fan actually took the initiative to give the Onassis family a point!

What is this operation?

"Don't be surprised, I said before that I hit the Onassis family at first sight! I don't care about wealth, all I care about are multiple friends!"

Jiang Fan is deeply affectionate:

"Mr. Cyril's words just now made me realize that I did not misunderstand the person. The benefits of this point are the hard work of the Onassis family! The rest is left to you!"

Cyril was stunned!

He and Cedric looked at each other, and then looked at Jiang Fan solemnly:

"Mr. Jiang! You will always be a friend of the Onassis family!"

"Of course! The Onassis family will always be friends of my Jiang family!"

Jiang Fan held his hand with Cyril with a solemn expression!

Then, he thought about it again:

"Well, all of my three-point benefits will be put under the name of the Onassis family! You set aside 10% of the income from these industries as labor fees every year, and just call me the rest!"

Cyril was completely shocked!

Not only did Onassis trust these industries to take care of them, but they also gave 10% of these three-thirds as labor fees!

Jiang Fan, too many friends!

Cyril was moved by tears!

"Mr. Jiang, we must not ask for this 10% labor fee! Don't worry, these properties will be handed over to us, absolutely no problem! If anyone in the family dares to covet a penny, I will personally apologize to you!"

"Mr. Cyril is serious, we are friends!"

Jiang Fan slapped Cyril on the shoulder heavily:

"By the way, I have something to leave as soon as possible, Cyril, goodbye!"

"Jiang Fan, goodbye!"

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