God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1934: Too overcast too overcast

Jiang Fan sneaked away from the Onassis family manor, turned his head and rushed to the Cleveland family again!

It's still the old way. Four or six points have become three or seven. The property is all under the Cleveland family, and three points of the other party's 10% of the labor fee are also given!

In the end, the patriarch of Cleveland was so touched that he almost knelt down and worshiped Jiang Fan!

Good people!

What a nice person!

If you want one-third of that as a labor fee, are you still a human being?

No, absolutely not!

Jiang Fan bid farewell to the other party in tears, and then ran to the Mellon family again!

By now, Naomi finally understood what was going on!

Good guys!

My father is too dark!

On the bright side, sharing the benefits with others is because he has suffered a big loss, but in fact, he is earning blood!

At most, others only took 70% of the 10% of the George family's fortune, but Jiang Fan alone took up 30% and turned around!

The point is that these properties are all hung under the names of those families. When outsiders look at it, they can't even think that the owner behind these things will be Jiang Fan!

At this time, it does not count to destroy the George family. Not only can others not trouble him, but they must be grateful to him!

The entire nine big families regard Jiang Fan as a great benefactor!

If this is in China, it is estimated that all of them will have to cut the chicken head and burn the yellow paper and Jiang Fan will worship the handle!

It's too overcast!

But it's so cool!

Dad, it's amazing!

Naomi's admiration for Jiang Fan is almost indifferent!

Soon, several families in the capital of Citi have all been dealt with by Jiang Fan!

The two got on the plane and went straight to the city that never sleeps!

On the plane, Naomi looked at Jiang Fan with admiration:

"Dad, you are amazing!"

"Haha, mean!"

"Dad, I will be able to learn a lot when I'm by your side in the future! It's so fun to be with you!"

Naomi's face was full of smiles.

However, Jiang Fan's face was stagnant when she heard her words!

He thought for a while, then patted Naomi on the shoulder:

"Xiao Cui, when the things in the city of Evernight are finished, you can go back to Dongying!"


Naomi was startled, her heart trembled involuntarily!

"Dad, what do you mean? Do you want me?"

"No, of course not."

Jiang Fan laughed and said:

"Just follow me, it's too dangerous."

"I'm not afraid, Dad, I have the strength to protect you!"

Naomi has a firm face!

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"No, you don't know how terrible my enemy is, let alone you, even if you are ten times stronger, you will never be his opponent!"

Naomi was stunned:

"Why, how could it be like this... I, I finally met Dad, now I'm going to be separated again..."

Her face was full of sadness, and the panic in her eyes was like a stray cat.

Jiang Fan's heart softened:

"Don't worry, we won't be separated. You are only going back temporarily. When the opponent is settled, I will definitely go to you!"

"But the opponent is so strong, in case Dad..."

"No! I promise that no matter how strong the opponent is, he will definitely die in my hands! In this way, we will agree a time, up to a year! Okay?"

"One year?"


"it is good!"

Naomi smiles like a flower, and pulls the hook with Jiang Fan hard!

"One year later, Dad must go find me!"

"Of course, but...you don't want to kill me then..."

In the last sentence, Jiang Fan muttered to himself.

"Dad what did you say?"

"Nothing! By the way, when you return to Dongying, don't talk about your relationship with me, just say that you were kidnapped by me!"

"Well! I know, this is the secret of the two of us!"

"Yes! Xiaocui is so good!"

Jiang Fan smiled and said:

"Xiao Cui, is there anything else you want Dad to do for you?"


Naomi thought for a while, her eyes lit up suddenly:

"Dad, I want to go to the playground!"

"Okay! When we are done, we will go tonight!"

"Long live Dad!"

Just as Jiang Fan flew to the city that never sleeps, Arthur was gloomy on another plane heading to the city of fog.

Lancelot was drinking sullen wine on his own, while Westwood was gently moving his broken arm.

Jiang Fan didn't do everything right, he just cut off his hand. With the strength of the nineteenth-level pinnacle magician, as long as he continued for too long, he could still bond his arms.

However, the flexibility is greatly reduced compared to before. The casting speed of this hand is more than 20% compared to before!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

Arthur stared into the darkness outside the window, his eyes as gloomy as the sky!

This time, the Arthur family seemed to be intact, but the invisible loss was beyond imagination!

The George family was indeed destroyed because of Jiang Fan, but they were the ones who really did it!

All the guests of the George family saw this scene clearly!

Once they publicized it, although no one would dare to do anything to the Arthur family, no doubt, everyone would label them a cruel!

This has completely subverted the image of the Arthur family, who has always been known for being gentlemen and elegant!

Of course, reputation is second, the key is that the patriarch of the George family is still alive!

Although the guy himself wasn't as strong as Alves, he seemed to have something to do with the Supernatural Institute.

Even this time he is said to have gone to a very secret place, and he is also cooperating with the Supernatural Institute!

Once he comes back, and if he encourages the Supernatural Research Institute to take action, at that time, if the sword in the stone cannot be repaired, the consequences will be unbearable!

And if you ask the Council of Light for help, the other party, I am afraid that it will have to bite off a piece of meat on the Arthur family!

Jiang Fan!

This bastard!

I blame you!


Arthur broke the table at hand directly!

"My king, this is the end of the matter, please calm down!"

Westwood spoke slowly.


Arthur let out a deep breath and nodded:

"Don't worry, I'm fine. By the way, what is going on with Jiang Fan's daughter?"


Westwood frowned:

"The two of them are not alike at all, but my king can rest assured that I have burned the image of that woman and sent it back to the family. I believe there will be news soon!

He was talking, but the phone suddenly rang!

Westwood turned on the phone:


A respectful voice sounded on the opposite side:

"Mr. Westwood, find out this woman!"


Including Lancelot, who has been drinking boring wine, his eyes lit up!

"who is she?"

"This woman seems to be Toyo, the priest of Ise Jingu, Naomi!"


The three Arthur exclaimed at the same time!

The priest of Toei Ise Jingu?

Jiang Fan's daughter?

Jiang Xiaocui?


What am I—

The three of them stared at each other, their faces all dumbfounded!

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