Lin Bugui was confused:

"You know this, but you still want to show up?"

"if not?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Actually, it's easy to guess whether I'm dead or not. If I really suffer an accident, the Jiang family can't be so calm!"

"The other party did this, just wanting to be sure again!"

"If I die and destroy the Jiang family, it will be considered as a disaster!"

"If I am not dead, then he will kill me again!"

Lin Buhui took a deep breath:

"Have you thought about it?"

"Of course, this kind of thing that attracts the other party's attention, I have done it once in Goryeo, and I am familiar with it!"

A gleam of light flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes:

"But after the other party did this, I caught a little tail! According to what we discussed before, you can now check the news of my death and who released it! The person who released the news, It must be their people!"

Lin Buhui's heart trembled!

Does Jiang Fan already count on this day?

The two communicated extremely fast, and they both didn't mention Tianwen and Tianzun's name tacitly!

Lin Buhui took a deep breath:

"I see, at most one day, I will give you news!"


"It's not necessary, it's just a transaction! But you should be careful, you may not be able to handle it, a master of the Heaven and Human Realm!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's them who won't be able to hold it in the end!"

Hang up the phone!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and suddenly looked at Joshua:

"Release the news that I am Lord of Thorns!"


Two hours later.

The plane of Jiang Fan and others has landed steadily at Los Angeles Airport.

And the news that he is the Lord of Thorns has also been transmitted to every corner of this world through the channel of the Sword of Thorns!

Solomon's Key, in a huge and strange cave.

Pampas was looking pale and looking at the man in front of him--

One of the three stewards of the Bloody Archduke, Stuart!

"Pampas, Jiang Fan is the day, the news of Lord Thorns, have you known it a long time ago?"

Stuart's eyes were filled with infinite gloom!

"Big, sir, I, I did know it a long time ago, but, but Jiang Fan forced us to sign the contract, I can't say at all!"

"Humph! Greed of life and fear of death!"

"No, my lord! I..."

Before Pampas finished explaining, another voice suddenly sounded:

"Pampas, you really are a trash!"

Pampas suddenly looked back, and suddenly saw a tall, powerful man walking slowly!


Pampas' eyes were gloomy for a moment!

That man is his political enemy, Angelina's immediate boss, Angus!

Stuart couldn't help frowning when he saw Angus.

This Angus is not his person, but a subordinate of another housekeeper!

"Angus, what are you doing?"

Stuart spoke coldly.

"Master Stuart!"

Angus first bowed to Stuart politely before opening his mouth with a smile:

"I heard that Mr. Pampas was tricked by Jiang Fan?"


Pampas was directly angry!

Angus's face is full of smiles:

"Hehe, don't be so angry, don't worry, I will help you get your grudges!"

"What are you going to do?"

Stuart frowned.

"It's nothing, Lord Griffits heard about this, and expressed a little concern about Pampas' failure to discover Jiang Fan's true identity. He hoped that I would take action to save the face of Solomon's Key."

"just you?"

Pampas smiled contemptuously.

Stuart's eyes moved, and he nodded suddenly:

"Okay, just go ahead and do it!"

"grown ups!"

Pampas is in a hurry!

But Angus was smiling all over his face:

"Thank you, sir!"

Seeing Angus leaving, Pampston looked nervously at Stuart:

"My lord, Angus is only sixteenth level, he is clearly..."

"Yes, Angus is indeed only sixteenth level, but don't forget, there is also that demon **** in his hand!"

Pampas' eyes lit up:

"You're talking about Grasia Rabos?"

"Not bad!"

"But my lord, if he succeeds in killing Jiang Fan, wouldn't the credit be all..."

"Hehe, Jiang Fan is now in Citi, where is the headquarters of the Sword of Thorns. If you want to be successful, how can it be that simple!"

"My lord, what do you mean?"

"Angus is going, although let him go! If it succeeds, that is the glory of our Solomon Key. If he fails, wouldn't it be what you wanted?"

Stuart said meaningfully.

Pampas' eyes lit up:

"Thank you, sir, for your mention!"

"Humph! For the sake of you taking back the Horn of the Demon God, forget about it, do things later, be careful!"


Seeing Stuart leave, Pampas rolled his eyes and suddenly took out a small mobile phone from under the stone table.

After sending out a message quickly, he immediately shook the phone to pieces!

"Hey hey! I'm still worried about how to help Jiang Fan lead Grasia Labos out! Angus, you really did a good thing!"



"Jiang Fan is the day? Is that the Lord of Thorns?"

The Vice President Aldrich of the Supernatural Institute suddenly roared!

"Yes, it is!"

A subordinate opened his mouth cautiously.

Aldrich gritted his teeth, and after a long time, he suddenly cursed!

"McKinsey, this idiot!"

"He told me triumphantly that he had gotten a ground snake named Jiang Fan in China and helped him check the daytime news!"

"But this idiot, he doesn't know that Jiang Fan is daylight!"

"Fool! It's stupid to the limit!"

"The Supernatural Research Institute, how can there be such a fool!"

The subordinate's face was pale, but he lowered his head and said nothing.

Aldrich scolded for a long time before he spit out fiercely!

"Associate Dean, what shall we do next?"

"Nonsense! Of course I will kill him!"

"Mr. McKinsey killed? He, is he not guilty of death?"

"You idiot! I'm going to kill Jiang Fan!"

Aldrich shivered with anger!

Damn it!

Shouldn't the Supernatural Institute be all elites, right?

How come one is stupid than the other now!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The subordinate nodded hurriedly:

"But the deputy dean, the headquarters of the Sword of Thorns is in Citi, so if you want to do something with Jiang Fan, I am afraid it is not so easy."

"Huh! Contact Solomon's Key to see what they plan to do. As long as Isaac and Joshua are held together, no one should worry about it!"



"Grasia Rabos..."

In the car, Jiang Fan looked at the news from Pampas with a smile on his face.

Come on, just take the opportunity to give him up!

The car steadily stopped in front of the Wilson Hotel, the door opened, and Jiang Fan walked down briskly.

Behind him are Joshua and Fiona with complex faces.

This is where Jiang Fan, Libra and Isaac agreed to meet.

"Let's go, Libra should have arrived."

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and walked towards the hotel with his foot up.

Joshua and Fiona looked at each other and could only follow.

As one of the top hotels in Los Angeles, business here has always been hot!

However, at this moment, the lobby of the hotel was empty, with only two people.

Weights, and scales.

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