Seeing a few people coming in, Libra suddenly smiled and pointed at the sofa opposite to him:



Joshua snorted, but it was a backhand!

next moment!


A star-like flash appeared on all of Jiang Fan's trio!

Nineteen level magic-the star barrier!

It is the strongest defensive spell under the Forbidden Curse, plus it is cast by Joshua, this defensive spell is enough to withstand the 23rd-level attack!

And even if the 24th level shot, with this barrier slightly blocking, Joshua has enough time to cast other spells!

Seeing Joshua being so cautious, Libra couldn't help but smile:

"Master Joshua, am I like the kind of person who makes random moves?"

Joshua sneered:

"You are always insidious, so I'd better be cautious!"

"Bastard! Joshua, you are too presumptuous!"

Weight sank!

"Huh, why? Want to do it with me?"

Joshua narrowed his eyes.

Qiang took a deep breath and glared at Joshua, but did not dare to answer.

He knows very well that if you really do it with Joshua, if you can't hold on for half a second, you will have to turn into fly ash!

"Everyone, what are you doing? We are here to discuss business!"

Jiang Fan finally spoke. He smiled and took Joshua to sit down. Then he pointed at the box in Joshua's hand and looked at the scales:

"Master Libra, the Deep Sea Bottle is in this box!"

Libra's complexion remained unchanged, but a greedy look suddenly appeared in his eyes!

If you do it now...

This idea just came up!


A slender and powerful hand suddenly emerged from the air behind the scales silently, and lightly patted him on the shoulder!

However, Libra seemed to have felt it for a long time, and a small black spot appeared strangely and strangely with a slight trembling of his shoulders!

This black spot was only the size of a needle tip, but the moment it appeared, Jiang Fan's hairs all stood up!

Even Joshua trembled, and a fiery red ring on his finger started to burst into light!

However, that big hand just flicked on the black spot!


The moment the finger touched the black spot, there was a crisp sound!

next moment!


The void between the two suddenly collapsed, and countless black lightning bursts suddenly!

Any one of these is enough to obliterate the elementary realm!

However, with a light wave of the palm of the hand, black lightning of less than a few centimeters just broke out, and it was strangely annihilated!

Even the shattered void is completely restored again!

The corner of Libra's eyes jumped.

And the owner of the big hand finally penetrated the air, showing his true face!


Libra took a deep breath:

"Isaac, your injury is healed!"

Isaac smiled:

"Your arm is also recovering well, it seems that it has no effect on your strength."

Libra's calm face suddenly sank!

Although his previous temperament was somewhat dignified, but more elegant, his face sank at the moment, and he exuded an astonishing domineering!

Libra stood up slowly and turned to look at Isaac:

"I'm looking forward to it again!"

But Isaac turned around and walked towards Jiang Fan and others on the opposite side, leaving a word far away:

"You can't beat me!"

Libra's eyes twitched.

But from beginning to end, the weights kept their mouths shut.

He knew very well that even though he was in power in the Throne of Thorns, he was an out-and-out big figure in any top power, but between Isaac and Libra, he had the right to intervene at all!

If Isaac wants to kill him, Libra can't stop him!

It's okay to be a dog, biting people is just looking for death!

"Jiang Fan."

Isaac looked at Jiang Fan with a smile.

"Ha ha."

Jiang Fan laughed dryly and pointed at the position next to him:


Isaac actually sat down.

Libra raised his eyebrows and couldn't help taking a deep look at Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan didn't seem to notice anything, and stretched out his hand to Joshua.

The old man frowned and reluctantly handed the box over.

Jiang Fan put the box in the middle of the table!

Then look at Isaac and Libra:

"Two of you, you should be very aware of your weaknesses."

"Isaac, there is a bottle, I can't open it temporarily."

"Libra, there is an opening technique, but no bottle!"

"So today I will lead, let's work together once!"

Neither Isaac nor Libra spoke.

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Both of them are also members of the thorns, so tired of logging!"

Everyone was taken aback, and it took a long time to understand the meaning of Jiang Fan's empty English.

Jiang Fan raised his hand and directly revealed a contract!

"Come, come, come and have a look, this is my contract!"

No one moved!

Jiang Fan was helpless:

"Sure, let me talk about it briefly!"

"Isaac handed the bottle to Libra!"

"Libra must share with Isaac as soon as it uncovers the secret!"

"The two parties must not stumble behind the back for any reason or by any means!"

"Of course, the most important one, as the notary of the contract, I have the right to enter and exit the two castles at will, and I have the right to supervise the progress of the project!"

The first few sentences were normal, but when the last sentence came out, Libra's face suddenly stagnated, and even Isaac couldn't help but twitched his mouth!

Joshua and Fiona even the weights, all open their mouths!

Good guy, supervisor?

Do you really think of yourself as a middleman?

But whether it was Libra or Isaac, there was no objection at all!

"Two, please sign if there is no problem!"

As Jiang Fan said, he patted the contract directly on the table!

Libra and Isaac looked at each other, and they flicked their fingers at the same time!

Two drops of blood dripped directly onto the contract!


With a flash of light, the contract has exploded into countless golden lights!

The contract comes into effect!

Jiang Fan's expression remained unchanged, but he was relieved!

That's it!

Finally had the opportunity to investigate the **** blood generator, Trakhupan!

Libra picked up the box and took a deep look at Jiang Fan:

"Jiang Fan, I did not read you wrong as expected! Once the second divine blood transformation is ready, I will immediately let people inform you. As for the future benefits, of course you are indispensable!"

This is obviously for Isaac!

"Thank you!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Then my 200,000 points can be paid back to me?"

Libra's face remains unchanged:

"Of course, I'll let the weight pass you over later."

He glanced at Isaac one last time:

"There will be a period!"

The corners of Isaac's mouth aroused:

"There will be a period!"

Seeing Libra and two of them leave, Joshua immediately grabbed Jiang Fan!

"Boy, don't listen to the Libra guy fooling around! That divine blood transformation is an evil way!"

Jiang Fan didn't explain, but Isaac smiled:

"You really have you! I have been fighting Libra for so long, and this is the first time I have sat at the negotiating table."

"Combination brings benefits to both!"

Isaac shook his head:

"Don't say this, why did you blew yourself up?"

"Someone wants to attack the Jiang family..."

Jiang Fan sighed and said briefly, but he didn't say a word about Tianwen and Tianzun.

Isaac laughed:

"This time, Solomon's Key and the Supernatural Research Institute are going to deal with you. Can't you keep a low profile?"

"I want to keep a low profile, others won't give me a chance!"

"Well, do you want me to handle it for you?"

"No! I will do it myself!"

Jiang Fan's eyes sank:

"I want to knock the mountain and shake the tiger. In addition, it is time to refresh, everyone's understanding of me!"

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