The car had stopped slowly at this moment, and as the door opened, a young man with a baby face and an unusually kind smile got out of the car.

Seeing Coppola walking by, he suddenly smiled:

"Hello, Chief Coppola."

Coppola was startled, but then he hurriedly spoke flattered:

"Hello Hello…"

"Introduce myself, my name is Mike, is Mr. Jiang Fan there?"


"Thank you for an announcement, and your Majesty summoned him to meet."

"Your Majesty... See you?!"

Coppola exclaimed, but he reacted immediately:

"I'll go!"

Obviously it was not because of today's troubles that the Pope was able to see him, otherwise the people who came would never be so polite!

In other words, Jiang Fan is going to post it!

And Jiang Fan is developed, that is, he is developed!

It also represents the development of Nicholas!

Made it!

Really posted this time!

Now, he finally understands the meaning of Jiang Fan's previous "no thanks"!

And the group of powerful figures in the Nicholas family who followed Coppola clearly understood it too!

At this moment, everyone looked at Coppola in different eyes!

All panic and horror!

Coppola glanced at these people coldly, everyone trembled and didn't dare to look at him at all!

Coppola at this moment is so refreshing to fly!

Even before, these people had never treated him so respectfully!

The feeling of hugging your thigh is really cool!

Apologize to the court and the temple, MB!

Isn't the time to turn now?

Jiang Fan!

How many good things have I done in my last life before I can meet you!

thank you!

Coppola's heart was refreshed to the utmost, but her face was calm, and she strode upstairs.

But just as he walked up the stairs, Jiang Fan actually came down.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Coppola's eyes lit up:

"Your Majesty calls you to an audience!"

"I see."

Jiang Fan walked down the stairs and looked at Coppola with a smile:

"It's cool now?"

Coppola chuckled:

"It's so cool!"

But he was a little worried right away, and said quietly:

"Mr. Jiang, will you be in trouble?"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"You should die in the well, you can't die in the river!"


Coppola was taken aback, Jiang Fan had already walked towards Mike.


"Hello, Mr. Jiang."

Mike smiled more kindly, and even helped Jiang Fan to open the rear door intimately.

Jiang Fan looked at the sky, and there was only a touch of afterglow left in the setting sun.

He suddenly smiled at Mike:

"Will your Majesty keep me for dinner?"

Mike was startled, his eyes became a little weird:

"Your Majesty has never eaten with anyone."

"Then do you think he will have dinner with me?"


The smile on Mike's face was completely frozen.

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Just kidding, let's go."

He got into the car on his own, but Mike changed his eyes a few times before he regained his kindness and got into the car.

With a slight roar, the car soon left the Nicholas Manor and went away quickly.

Only then did Coppola finally look at the crowd coldly, and now it's time for him to reorganize the family!

The car galloped all the way to the holy city, and Mike didn't even say some rules for meeting the pope, instead he started talking with Jiang Fan like a small chat.

And Jiang Fan also didn't inquire about any news about the Pope, just chatted about interesting things.

During the chat between the two, the car had already arrived outside the holy city.

Looking at the tall and ancient walls surrounding the entire holy city, Jiang Fan's eyes finally became solemn.

The car stopped in front of the majestic gate, and Mike motioned Jiang Fan to get off.

In the holy city, no car is allowed to enter.

Led by Mike, the two passed through the gate, and the scene of the holy city finally appeared in front of Jiang Fan.

At this moment, Jiang Fan had the feeling of turning back in time and space and returning to the middle world.

The ground of the holy city is paved with ancient stone bricks, and a huge statue of **** stands on the large square.

The idol is full of traces of time. It wears a crown of thorns, and its eyes are full of charity and kindness. Its arms stretch out as if to welcome every life that is ready to enter its embrace.

This idol is the Supreme God of the entire Council of Light, the God of Light!

And behind the idol is a huge steeple church.

The height of the church is almost over thirty meters, majestic and majestic, just like a palace.

In fact, its name is the temple!

And between the temple and the statues, many clergymen wearing crude linen robes and holding the temple are shuttled back and forth.

These people all have solemn expressions, and occasionally pass by the idols, all of them are on their foreheads and left and right chests.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the holy city."

Mike spoke softly.

"quite splendid."

Jiang Fan put his hands in his pockets and looked at the idol, but he didn't have the slightest gesture of saluting.

Mike twitched the corner of his eyes and immediately spoke:

"Your Majesty is waiting for you at the back, please come with me."


Mike hesitated for a moment, and deliberately took Jiang Fan around the idol, before thinking about walking to the side of the temple.

And as he came to the back of the temple, a paradise suddenly entered Jiang Fan's eyes!

Unlike the empty square in front, the back of the temple is actually lush with trees and trees.

These tree species are not uniform, but they are scattered and not messy at all.

And among the trees, there are more than a dozen huge and ancient buildings.

Here, all are the residences of priests who practice in the holy city.

Among these buildings, there is a magnificent palace that is very conspicuous. There is the destination of Jiang Fan's trip, the Pope's palace!

Standing under this palace, Jiang Fan glanced at the dilapidated buildings around him again, his face all over.

Don’t say anything else about the Pope’s bedroom, it’s just that what he sees right now, even the exterior walls are painted with gold paint!

It's not paint, it's the gold paint that is covered after the real gold melts!

As for the rest of the buildings, it seems that even the exterior walls are almost leaking!

Are you sure it's okay?

It seems that there is no problem. Every clergyman who walks nearby, their eyes look at this palace, there is no emotion of hatred for the rich, but full of fanaticism!

At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly wanted to be the pope!

This kind of life that can be extravagant but also adored by fanaticism is more suitable for you!

"Mr. Jiang, go in!"

Mike suddenly spoke at this moment.

Jiang Fan took a few steps forward, but found that Mike hadn't followed up:

"You won't come in?"

Mike shook his head, his face solemn:

"Your Majesty is the incarnation of our Lord in the world. Without His Majesty's will, I am not qualified to enter casually."

Good guys!

This is compelling!

Write this down, I will do it again in the future!

Jiang Fan was full of bad thoughts, but he nodded and pushed open the door of the bedroom!

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