Compared with the outside, the interior of the palace is more luxurious.

On the huge dome, a huge "God of Light is Coming" is painted, and the stars behind the God of Light are all real gems!

And the surrounding decorations, even a flowerpot planted with peacock pine, are actually inlaid with pearl jade!

As for the hanging paintings that occasionally appear on the walls, they are all real masterpieces!

The corner of Jiang Fan's eyes jumped, and there was only one thought in his mind at the moment—

This is so if the Pope’s nest is given, he will definitely be able to retire directly!

"Mr. Jiang?"

A voice suddenly rang from Jiang Fan's ear.

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

From entering to the present, he has actually been in a state where he can shoot at any time!

In this state, all his reaction powers have actually been stacked to their peak!

However, before this voice appeared, he didn't even feel the slightest!

Jiang Fan suddenly relaxed. He turned his head and finally saw the master of the voice.

It was a man who couldn't tell his age, with a calm breath and a harmless smile.

However, the moment he saw him, Jiang Fan had the illusion that his heart was pierced!

In this palace, it really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and smiled:

"Hello, I am here to see your Majesty."

The man nodded:

"please follow me."

Under the leadership of the man, Jiang Fan quickly came to a door made of red willow wood.

"Mr. Jiang, your Majesty is inside, please come in."

Jiang Fan nodded, hesitated for a moment, and finally slowly opened the door.

Behind the door is a room that is more than two hundred square meters.

The room was slightly empty, but the tables and chairs all revealed the traces of time.

However, it's just that. In this room, there is nothing that can be called luxury. Compared with the rest of the palace, it is surprisingly simple.

And as soon as he opened the door, behind the desk, an old man with reading glasses, looking through the scriptures, slowly raised his head.

The old man looked over eighty years old, his face was very old, his face was covered with age spots, and his eyes were cloudy.

No one can think that this old man who is in his twilight years is one of the most powerful people in the world, and the most supreme in the entire Council of Illumination, the Pope of Illumination!

This is the first time Jiang Fan has seen the Pope.

Before that, the two had never had any intersection, but what was strange was that the moment Jiang Fan saw the Pope, for some reason, a strong killing intent suddenly appeared in his heart!

Jiang Fan himself was taken aback by this feeling, and had no idea where this killing intent came from!

The Pope was also looking at Jiang Fan. After a while, he suddenly took off his reading glasses and waved to Jiang Fan:

"Come and sit down."

As soon as the pope said this, the man outside the door twitched his eyes, but he lowered his eyebrows and even closed the door for Jiang Fan in a little panic.

He who has served the Pope all the time knows very well that Jiang Fan is the first to be invited by the Pope to sit down.

With the door closed, Jiang Fan and the Pope remained in the room.

Before Jiang Fan met the Pope, although there was nothing unusual on the surface, there was still a trace of tension in his heart. After all, the other party was simply the first person in this world.

But now, when Zhen meets the Pope, he is relieved.

Even he vaguely felt that the pope would never hurt himself.

This feels just like the killing intent before, without any reason.

Walking slowly to the opposite of the Pope, Jiang Fan sat down honestly and smiled:

"His Majesty, hello!"

"Ha ha…"

The Pope smiled gently, then looked carefully at Jiang Fan for a while, and suddenly said:

"Like, it's so alike."


Jiang Fan was startled:

"Does your majesty mean who I am like?"

The pope nodded:

"You and your mother's eyebrows are exactly the same."

Jiang Fan's hands suddenly trembled for no reason.

In his memory, the mother of this world seemed to have passed away not long after giving birth to herself.

And the Pope, actually met her?

But then, Jiang Fan only felt his scalp numb!

He suddenly remembered something.

How powerful was the Jiang family back then, the old man’s powers were like clouds, and there were even peerless masters who surpassed Tianding’s ten extremes. They completely crushed all the family forces in China. It can even be said that the old man is just one of the few people standing on the top. one!

How could such a character, his partner, be an ordinary person!

Not to mention the former old man, even if it was Jiang Fan himself, whether it was Qiu Mingyue or Xia Fanxing beside him, although they seemed to be undefended to him, in their bones, these two women were all thoughtful and intelligent people!

Not to mention the mother of my own world!

Damn, why didn't I think about this before!

It is very possible that his mother also has a lot of background!

In fact, this is no wonder Jiang Fan. First of all, he is a traverser after all, and the former Jiang Fan had no impression of his mother, and few people in the Jiang family mentioned it. After the Jiang family was destroyed, Jiang Fan’s thoughts were used to survive, which Are you free to think about these things?

Now being mentioned by the pope, he just feels hot in his heart.


Just these two words have already made Jiang Fan, who is in another world, feel a sense of warmth.

She is even more eager to know what kind of person she is.

"Your Majesty, have you met my mother?"

"Well, I have seen it for many years!"

The pope said with a smile, and his expression became cheerful:

"Your mother is a very good person, but it's a pity that she married your father."


Jiang Fan almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

How did the Pope's words sound sour?

This, this old guy, shouldn't it be...

Jiang Fan desperately suppressed this idea and laughed twice:

"Where did you meet her?"


"Oh... Huaxia?!"

Jiang Fan was startled, and then looked at the Pope in disbelief!

The exact time that the Pope has been in charge of the Council of Light has definitely been more than forty years!

And even if his mother is alive, she will be fifty years old at most!

And in line with the tone of the pope, in other words, when the pope sees his mother, he is definitely the pope!

And the Pope, actually entered China, which has the precepts of Kyushu?

Why is there no record of this incident?

"Don't be surprised, this world is far more complicated than you think."

The pope stood up slowly.

Jiang Fan's eyes moved, and he walked quickly over and helped him up.

The pope nodded in satisfaction and motioned Jiang Fan to support him on the cane chair by the window.


Lying on the wicker chair and looking at the pleasing green plants outside the window, the pope finally sighed comfortably.

He was silent for a long time before speaking slowly:

"I am the youngest pope in the history of the Council of Light."

Jiang Fan was startled, but he didn't expect the Pope to say such a sentence back.

However, the next words of the Pope made him even more puzzled.

"Jiang Fan, how old do you think I am?"

Damn it!

What do you want me to answer?

Jiang Fan told the truth:

"This... Your Majesty should have 80, right?"

"Ha ha…"

The pope laughed:

"I'm actually only...64 years old!"

"Sixty-four years old?!"

Jiang Fan was shocked!

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