God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2019: I have a better idea!


The woman was furious, and grabbed Jiang Fan's shoulder!

However, Jiang Fan's shoulders just trembled!


The tyrannical infuriating eruption directly shook the woman back seven or eight steps, and almost sat down on the ground.

Until then, Jiang Fan finally swallowed the last bite of food and turned around lazily.

Opposite him, a woman was looking at herself in shock and anger.

This woman, surprisingly, was cut off by Jiang Fan when she was at the strange auction. The paladin of the Paladin Alliance, Adele!

"Ms. Adele, it looks like you are recovering well!"

Jiang Fan glanced at Adele and smiled.

Before Adele's left hand was cut and shattered by Jiang Fan, there was no possibility of recovery, but now, there was an extra steel arm inlaid with a row of magic spars.

This arm faintly exudes a magical atmosphere, it is actually a magic tool!

Seeing Jiang Fan's rehearsal, Adele almost burst into flames in her eyes:

"Jiang Fan! You ruined my left hand, and now I dare to come to Europe!"

"Why didn't I dare? It's you who dare to come to me!"

Jiang Fan's eyes showed a playful smile:

"Believe it or not, last time I could cut off your hand, this time I can cut off your head!"

The corner of Adela's eyes suddenly jumped.

At this time, those strong men also discovered the situation here, and all of them suddenly looked over.

Among Adele's companions, a tall middle-aged man suddenly walked out, patted Adele on the shoulder lightly, and whispered:

"This is the city of seven hills, don't do it casually."

Adele took a deep breath, glared at Jiang Fan, turned around and left.

It was the middle-aged man who gave Jiang Fan a deep look:

"Jiang Fan?"

"who are you?"


The man approached and spoke to Jiang Fan in a low voice:

"You can injure Adela, it's really amazing, but I want to remind you that the nineteenth level peak and the nineteenth limit are two completely different realms. Under my hand, you can't get out with a single move!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Are you threatening me?"

Antonio sneered:

"You can understand that!"

"Well, then, Mr. Antonio, how can I not be threatened?"

"Ha ha."

Antonio smiled with satisfaction, and a haughty look appeared on his face:

"It's very simple, Adele lost her arm because of the map of Avalon. As long as you hand over the map and give Adele enough compensation, I can call the shots and let this matter pass."

Jiang Fan touched his chin and suddenly said:

"I have a better idea! Would you like to listen?"

Antonio was taken aback:

"What idea?"

Jiang Fan's face suddenly sank, and his eyes exploded fiercely:

"Kill you!"

At this moment, Antonio trembled all over, and there was an illusion that his scalp would explode!

He almost involuntarily stepped back a few steps, and suddenly opened the distance from Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan smiled at this moment:

"Don't be afraid, I don't kill. If you want the Avalon map, you can come over and grab it. It's up to you!"

Antonio's eyes twitched, and he glanced at Jiang Fan uncertainly.

Hell, why is this kid so evil?

Obviously the breath is not strong, but just now I actually felt a death threat!


Could it be because of what Adele said before, the bow and arrow in his hand?


Antonio took a deep breath:

"Very well, Jiang Fan, I remember you!"

He turned around and left after speaking.

Jiang Fan snorted disdainfully, turned around and continued to eat.

The conflict between the two sides was not very big, except for those forces, the rest of them didn't even notice what happened here.

Just when Jiang Fan was almost eating, a man suddenly walked out of the exhibition hall.

This person didn't talk nonsense, smiled at the crowd, and spoke directly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the auction is about to begin. Please join us."

His voice is not loud, but it reaches everyone's ears clearly.

Coppola and the people around made a polite sentence, and walked to Jiang Fan's side:

"Mr. Jiang, shall we go in?"


Jiang Fan nodded and strode towards the exhibition hall.

A group of people who had pleased Coppola looked shocked.

They originally thought Coppola was the protagonist today, but now they discovered that he was just a foil!

The character who can make Coppola so respectful, the origin must be terrifying beyond imagination!

who's that person?

Jiang Fan entered the exhibition hall, only to realize that the space inside was bigger than expected.

The exhibition hall is about six meters high, and the area is definitely more than one thousand square meters. It is divided into several spaces by several three-meter-high antique stone walls.

However, the exhibits and booths inside were all put away at this moment, and only a few hanging paintings were left for decoration.

And what was used as an auction was a place on the east side that was originally used for exhibition of sculptures.

At this moment, a high platform has been erected in the front, obviously it is the auction platform, and under the auction platform, there are neatly arranged rows of seats.

The overall environment here is already good, but compared to the strange auction, it is simply the difference between a grocery store and a supermarket!

But Jiang Fan didn't care. Under the leadership of the staff, he went straight to the front row.

Compared with the rear, there are coffee tables in front of the first row of seats with cigars and various drinks on them, which is several times more upscale than the simple seats at the back.

In addition to him and Coppola, there are actually three people in the front row.

Among these three people, one is a young man with a frivolous face, the other is a middle-aged woman with a charming face, and the last is a blank expression, with mediocre middle-aged men everywhere.

The woman and the middle-aged man Coppola didn't even know each other, but when he saw the young man, he frowned and spoke to Jiang Fan in a low voice:

"Mr. Jiang, the young man's name is Danny, the nephew of Bishop Demps."

Jiang Fan didn't even look at Danny, instead his eyes fell on the extremely mediocre man:

"who is he?"

Coppola was startled.

If it is placed elsewhere, this man will not be able to see him at all. However, in this situation, this man actually sits in that position, which obviously proves that the other party's mediocre appearance has a background that is never mediocre.

After looking at the opponent carefully, he said in a low voice:

"I haven't seen it, but his ring is very interesting, the style is ancient, it seems a bit like something from the medieval period of Tsarist Russia, and the appearance of the other party also has the characteristics of Slavs, it should be a wealthy Czarist."

Jiang Fan nodded.

Just at this moment, the woman in the middle of the two sides suddenly looked at Jiang Fan, and then unexpectedly showed a meaningful smile.

Jiang Fan was startled, but he nodded at the other politely.

As a few people took their seats, behind them, the crowd also took their seats one after the other.

As for the powerful forces, they all sat behind them in a patchy manner.

After the crowd was seated, a fat man sweating profusely ran all the way to the auction stand.

He bowed to everyone first, and then he spoke:

"Sorry guys, a few of today's lots are extremely valuable. I counted them again just now. It was a waste of time. Next, the auction begins!"

As the fat man opened his mouth, a staff member had cautiously walked up with a glass cover.

The fat man opened the velvet red cloth covering his face. At this moment, Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

The thing inside was actually a stone man with one arm in length!

That was Tianyuan Shizhong!

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