Jiang Fan couldn't believe his eyes.

From the first time he got Tianyuan Shizhong, he knew that this thing was extremely rare.

It's even rare that even a character like Libra doesn't know the specific purpose of this thing.

So far, apart from Qiu Yuanfeng, only the Qi family has searched the ancient books before knowing the existence of this thing.

And apart from Jiang Fan, no one knows that every one of Tian Yuan Shizhong has a bronze key hidden in his body!

But the weird place is here.

Obviously it is an unusually rare thing, but Jiang Fan can happen to encounter it!

Up to now, I got the first start from the old house of the Yang family. After the auction of Goryeo, the back mountain forbidden area of ​​the Dangshan Sect, the auction of the Zhou family's wonders, the benefits of the ancient castle of thorns, Libra, Jiang Fan has received a full five!

And the current one is the sixth!

Is this the legendary-providence?

Even Jiang Fan, who has always believed that man will conquer the sky, suddenly felt a chill in his back at this moment.

It seems that there is a big invisible hand in the dark, sending these things into his own hands!

At this moment, the fat auctioneer has already introduced:

"Everyone, this is our first lot today, an ancient stone man statue from China..."

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and looked at Coppola:

"I want this thing!"

Coppola grinned:

"As you wish!"

At auctions, the first lot is usually to test the water, and the value is not high or low. For Coppola, it is easy to win.

Sure enough, as the starting price was thrown out, after Coppola raised his placard, no one raised the price except for a few friendly bidding.

Everyone present was very acquainted. Coppola obviously wanted to start the filming, so he just asked for a little fun, and continued to offend Coppola.

What's more, when shooting with real swords and guns, he may not be an opponent.

And the fat auctioneer has already shouted:

"800,000 euros for the first time, twice, three..."

Seeing that he was about to drop the hammer, but at this moment!

"one million!"

It was the nephew of Bishop Demps, the arrogant young man Danny!

Speaking of Bishop Demps, Jiang Fan didn't give him face in Reindeer Town last night, nor did he give him a good face when he got on the plane, so Archbishop Clarence would ask Felix to see Jiang Fan this afternoon.

Now Danny even gave Jiang Fan a mocking look at the price. Obviously, he should have heard Demps say about the things last night, and now he is deliberately adding to Jiang Fan.

When Danny made a bid, many of the guests' faces changed!

The euro corresponds to the Chinese currency, which is a little more than 7.6. The previous bids were all 10 thousand and ten thousand. Danny added 200,000, which is more than 1.5 million Chinese coins. This is definitely not necessary. Have fun!

More important is his identity!

The Bishop of the Temple, to everyone present, that is simply an existence that can't be climbed!

Danny is clearly facing Coppola. Does this mean that the Nicholas family has offended Demps?

In this case... many people's hearts are suddenly lifted.

But Coppola sneered and held up the sign:

"Two million!"


"what's the situation?"

"Coppola dare to be tough with Danny?"

"Where does he have the confidence?"

The crowd was stunned.

If it was in the past, Coppola would definitely panic when he heard Danny's offer, but now, let alone the bishop's nephew, even if the bishop comes, he doesn't need to get used to it!

You know, his patron is Jiang Fan!

The bishop is a bird!

Danny was also taken aback, but immediately he gave Coppola a menacing look and sneered.

"three million!"

Coppola was about to continue bidding, but Jiang Fan jumped up in one step and stood directly opposite Danny!

The crowd was stunned, and Danny's face was even more blinded.

But the next moment!


With a crisp sound, Jiang Fan was drawn to his face with a big mouth!

"Fuck, groove, groove, groove!"

The crowd suddenly opened their mouths!

The woman and the middle-aged man in the front row also suddenly widened their eyes, and they all looked at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

Is this guy crazy?

This is really an auction!

The minimum rule is to get the highest price!

What's the matter with you going up and giving someone a mouthful?

Besides, that is the nephew of Bishop Demps!

My nephew!

Say hit and hit, aren't you afraid of the Bright Council frying pan?

Danny finally reacted and roared suddenly:

"How dare you—"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan directly grabbed his neck:

"If you dare to say one more word, I will still smoke you!"

Danny shuddered and closed his mouth subconsciously.

Jiang Fan released his hand and said coldly:

"Boy, it doesn't matter if you bid normally, but if you dare to play this set with me, I promise, your uncle will have to follow you, too!"

The crowd is in a big uproar!

Even Demps has to follow bad luck?

This is too rampant!

You treat you as the illegitimate son of the Pope!

Who is this guy?

It was the woman who took a deep look at Jiang Fan, and there was an unexpected look on her face.

Jiang Fan patted Danny on the cheek, returned to his seat, and raised the sign:

"four million!"

At this time, no one dared to bid anymore.

The fat auctioneer waved his hand calmly, and the bodyguards beside him immediately retreated behind the wall.

"Four million, deal! Congratulations to this gentleman!"

The fat man chuckled and waved his hand. A staff member immediately took Tian Yuan Shizhong to the back and put it in a safe place.

Danny gave Jiang Fan a ferocious look, and simply lifted up and left.

After being slapped, he has no face to stay on.

Without Danny, the shit-chucking stick, everything went smoothly for the next auction.

However, the men and women in the front row, and the forces included, never made any moves, as if they were waiting for something.

Jiang Fan became more curious and couldn't help but look at Coppola:

"What are you filming today? You didn't bring a brochure or something?"

Coppola chuckled:

"Mr. Jiang, such small private auctions are different from normal large-scale auctions. They are usually under the guise of charity. In fact, many things are not visible and there is no way to print a brochure."

Jiang Fan sighed, as if a cat's paw was scratching in his heart.

Tianyuan Shizhong got it, he didn't really care about other things, but he was just curious!

Finally, just when Jiang Fan could not hold back, accompanied by the appearance of the same lot, the breath of the masters behind them suddenly became a mess.

And the eyes of the men and women in the front row suddenly burst into light!

Jiang Fan's eyes moved, and he immediately looked at the auction stage.

However, he was taken aback when he saw the lot.

That turned out to be a piece of beautiful jade!

The beautiful jade has a warm color and a faint blue color. Its shape and size are like a broken arm bone of a human being, and even the texture levels that bones have can be seen.

Such jade quality can actually appear in nature, even Jiang Fan has to admire the magic of good fortune, but at this moment!

"Ding! Host! Take it down!"

The sound of the system is with an unspeakable excitement!

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