God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 205: It’s not that easy to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows and put on the mask again!

"Hehe, Teacher Shui, why don't you eat with everyone?"

Du Yuming came over with a smile on his face!

"Guide Du? Is something wrong?"


Du Yuming sneered and spoke with a proud face!

"Boy, today, you are lucky! However, I advise you, it is better to spend money to avoid disasters, otherwise, next time, you will not have such good luck!"

"I really have no money!"

"Okay! Very good! Then, don't blame me for being impolite!"

"You, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Fan, his eyes were full of panic!

"Hey! Don't worry, I won't touch you now! I want to clean up you, I have a way!"

Du Yuming said, turned around and left!

"Treasure this meal! Hahaha!"

Seeing Du Yuming's departure, Jiang Fan's eyes were full of jokes!

After lunch, take a short break, and the crew will soon enter the state again!

Jiang Fan's role in the drama occupies a large proportion here, and most of the plays are played!

Soon, at the thatched hut where Jiang Fan tried to play, another play began!

It's just that the opponent this time has been replaced by Du Yuming!

Hey, boy, next, you will be out of luck soon!

Du Yuming smiled triumphantly!

"Mr. Water, you can just follow my demonstration in a while. Don't worry, Director Du is very familiar with this scene and will never hurt you!"

Zhao Liang looked sincerely comforting Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan nodded, seemingly vaguely!

"The Battle of the Thatched Cottage, the second scene, the first act! Start!"

Before the hut, Jiang Fan followed Du Yuming a few tricks, but Du Yuming did not take the opportunity to make a move!

The two of you come and go, the fight is very exciting!

A group of actors onlookers applauded one after another!

Seeing that, Jiang Fan only needs to block Du Yuming's stabbing sword, and then sway Du Yuming with his backhand to end it!

At this moment, Du Yuming's sword stabbed Jiang Fan, suddenly speeding up!

Jiang Fan's eyes remained unchanged, and he staggered again. He actually escaped the thorn, and with a random wave of his right hand, he hit Du Yuming's wrist directly!



Du Yuming, unexpectedly, was guarded!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly and took a step back!

"Mr. Water! Are you okay?"

Du Yuming pretended to be surprised, and hurriedly walked two steps to Jiang Fan's side!

However, as soon as he approached Jiang Fan, he suddenly lowered his voice! Sneer!

"Boy, do you think I can't see you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

"If you don't have a little effort, how could it be possible to harm Xu Ning so badly?"

"However, in my opinion, your tricks are nothing more than tricks!"


I can't tell, this guy is quite clever!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and said nothing!


At this time, Zhang Wentao called to stop!

"The previous fight between the two teachers was very good, but unfortunately there was a slight flaw in the end, two, or let's have another one?"

Zhang Wentao smiled!

"I'm OK!"

Du Yuming, a meaningful smile!


Jiang Fan looked a bit hesitant!

"I'm a little uncomfortable, or, change to a substitute?"

"Teacher Shui, didn't you still say that you are an actor? What, what you said just now, now you just let it go?"

Du Yuming has a sneer on his face!

The eyes of other people looking at Jiang Fan also became weird!

Su Lingyu frowned even more!

"You! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Jiang Fan's eyes are full of anger!

"I'm talking nonsense? Then why would you use a stand-in?"

"I, I'm not very comfortable!"

"Hehe, takeaway star, don't pretend! You internet celebrities always like to watch acting as simple as possible! Forget it, use a double! But! Remember, don’t pretend to be B!"


Jiang Fan suddenly pointed at Du Yuming!

"Okay! No need to stand in! Go on!"

It's done!

Du Yuming sneered in his heart!

At the same time, calmly, facing behind, made a gesture!

There, someone is already there, ready to take pictures of equipment!

However, he didn't see that the corners of Jiang Fan's mouth were already hooked!

"The Battle of the Thatch, the second scene, the first act! The second time, start!"


It's still the same routine just now, but Du Yuming's speed has suddenly doubled!

Jiang Fan, support left and clumsy right!

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Zhang Wentao, unexpectedly, did not call to stop!

Du Yuming picked it out again with a sword, and this time, he went straight to Jiang Fan's mask!

Seeing that as long as he is hit by this sword, Jiang Fan's mask will definitely fall!

Du Yuming even showed an expression of extreme excitement!

That's right! Teaching Jiang Fan is false, and discovering Jiang Fan's true identity is his main purpose!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly became cold!

Soaring momentum!


A sharp sword light flashed suddenly!

The long sword in Du Yuming's hand was actually picked up by Jiang Fan!

Everyone was stunned!

Du Yuming's eyes widened in horror!

This, this is impossible!

He is a true swordsman! Once, a sword pierced through a three-centimeter thick steel plate!

If the opponent does not have an overwhelming advantage, it is absolutely impossible to pick up his own long sword!

Du Yuming jumped and wanted to chase his sword!



The long sword in Jiang Fan's hand is as fast as flowing wind!

Surprisingly, I learned from Yu Canghai, Songfeng swordsmanship!

For an instant, Du Yuming had no idea how many swords Jiang Fan had drawn out!


With Jiang Fan's chic flick, the long sword was directly sheathed!

And this is like a signal!


The clothes on Du Yuming's body were blown to pieces!

The whole person, except for the little trousers, is left with a piece of fabric, which is almost impeccable!

Everyone was shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

"God! This, this is not a special effect?"

"Too fast! The takeaway star, unexpectedly, so strong!"

"This is not swordsmanship, this is simply magic!"

"My God, I thought he was scared just now, but I didn't expect that he was acting like a pig and eating a tiger!"

"Too shameless! Too handsome!"

Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, and even more so, was full of worship!

No wonder, his muscles are so strong!

Su Lingyu couldn't help but remembered the perfect touch last night! Then, the face was red again!

Du Yuming looked at Jiang Fan with a look of dementia!

There is no trace of blood on his face at all!

"You, you are so amazing!"

Du Yuming was completely convinced!

With this kind of swordsmanship, even if I use my full strength, I can't handle three moves!

"But, since you are so strong, why didn't you agree directly just now?"

The others were also refreshed, curious, and looked at Jiang Fan!

"You are somewhat clever, I promised too soon, will you still attack me? If you don't, how do I know, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Fan's eyes are full of banter!

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