God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 206: Target average forty points

What does it mean?

Everyone was stunned!

Zhang Wentao's eyes were even colder!

No wonder Jiang Fan, just signaled to himself not to stop!

"Du Yuming! What does Mr. Water mean?"

Du Yuming looked at a loss!

On the Internet, someone has already offered a high price of three million for Jiang Fan's true appearance!

Before he blackmailed Jiang Fan three million, that's why!

Since Jiang Fan is unwilling to give money, then he should get the money from another place!

But now, obviously, it's impossible!

Moreover, his future is completely over!

Although Zhang Wentao gave them a lot of face, it definitely does not mean that both sides are at the same level!

This time, he has broken the rules. If Zhang Wentao speaks, in the future, no one in the entire entertainment circle will dare to use them!

Seeing Du Yuming's face was ashen, at this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly took off his coat and put it on Du Yuming!


Du Yuming, I don't know what Jiang Fan is going to do!

"You are also my fan? No wonder you want to see my true face so much! But Guidance Du, in the future, you must be rational when chasing stars!"

Du Yuming's eyes widened suddenly!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"Wow! No wonder!"

"I'll just say how Director Du looks at Takeaway Star's eyes, it's always weird!"

"Yes, it's like looking at a pile of banknotes! It turns out, it's a fan!"

"I should have thought about it a long time ago, but the takeaway star is a bit too much, how can I be so to my fans?"

"Yeah! I ruined everyone's clothes!"

A group of people talked!

"Shut up! No one, don't speak ill of Mr. Water!"

Du Yuming, suddenly, roared!

"Mr. Water, I..."

"Okay! I reacted too violently just now, so go and change your clothes!"


Du Yuming was moved, a mess! Tears are streaming out!

I have a bad heart, but the takeaway star, unexpectedly, repays grievances with virtue in this way!

Not only did he save himself, he would rather bear the infamy!

This kind of tolerance is absolutely worth it, to follow it to the death!

Su Lingyu walked over to Jiang Fan at this time!

"Mr. Water, Du Yuming, but I owe you great favor!"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Okay! When I didn't say anything!"

"Well, the plumbing in your room is repaired?"


Su Lingyu's face suddenly became like a ripe cherry!


Su Lingyu groaned and left in a slight embarrassment!

Everything went smoothly. The crew did not finish filming until midnight!

Zhang Wentao wants to invite everyone to dinner, but Jiang Fan will go straight home because there will be class next week!

The next day, Blue Eagle!

Ning Changan Office!

"What are you talking about? Xia Fanxing, can't you come back?"

Tang Zhiyuan looked astonished!

"She said, over there in France, I can't get away busy!"

"But, if she doesn't come back, how can this board meeting be held? We, isn't it a waste of effort?"

"That's no way! Only wait!"

"Damn it! This little girl, don't you, have you heard anything about it?"

"No! However, since Xia Fanxing is still chairman for the time being, Jiang Fan can't move either!"

"I know! Just let that kid be arrogant for two more days!"

And Jiang Fan, at this moment, is having a morning meeting in the third shift!

"Combined with everyone's performance during this period, I decided to conduct a mock exam this Friday!"


"Have you made a mistake?"

"Jiang Fan, what are you doing?"

"Don't be nonsense! Everyone is so busy, how can there be time for exams?"

"You have to take your own exam! We agreed to take the exam at the end of the term!"

As soon as Jiang Fan announced the news, Class Three was immediately shocked!

In an instant, the noise became one!

"Shut up!"

"If the exam is not good, you will know the consequences without telling me!"

"However, if you do well in the exam, I can take you to Qiyun Mountain this weekend!"

Everyone froze for a moment, and then booed!

"Cut! Teacher, the shabby place of Qi Yunshan, we Los Angeles people, who hasn't been to it?"

"Yes, what's so rare about that place?"

"It's almost the same if you change to Zhouhai!"

"It would be great if I could go to Siam!"

"That ghost place is such a shit?"

"Fool! Watching the **** show!"

There was a mess underneath, but at this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded!

"A group of idiots! You don't want to think about who is in Qi Yunshan now!"

It's Murongcui!

The others were about to get angry, but at the same time their eyes widened!

"Su Lingyu!"

"Li Tianlin!"

"Zhang Wentao!"

"Most importantly, the takeaway star is filming there!"

"My God! Hey! Jiang Fan, is it true what you said?"

A group of students looked suspicious!

Jiang Fan casually took out a work card and shook it in front of a group of students!

"The crew of "Yi Jian Wushuang", professional, takeaway?"

The students in Class 3 are dumbfounded!

The crew, and this profession?

However, the mark above is indeed true!

"Jiang Fan! You, tell me! How many points can I get on the test!"

"Yes! Make a price!"

"But you can't go too far!"

"Yes! Exceed the pass line, no talk!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"This time, I won't be difficult for you. As long as everyone's average score exceeds forty points, I will take you there!"

"The maximum score outside the language number is 150, and the average score of the rest is 100, 40, is it not difficult?"


"Okay! I'm fighting it!"

"Yes! For the sake of Su Lingyu, I will fight it out!"

"Brother Tianlin! Wait for me!"

"Takeaway Star! Finally, I can see him in person!"

"Jiang Fan, if you dare to shame, we will fight you!"

A group of students, gearing up their hands, don't talk nonsense, just take out the book and start memorizing it!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Sure enough, this kind of encouragement is surprisingly effective!

He was about to go back to the office, but suddenly saw Fang Ting's face gloomy, as if he didn't react at all to what happened just now!


This little girl is the most admired takeaway star!

"Fang Ting!"


"Come to my office!"

In the office!

At this moment, only Jiang Fan and Fang Ting!

"Fang Ting, have you been doing something lately?"

"I, I don't have one!"

Fang Ting's eyes were obviously, a little flustered!

"Fang Ting, if you have any difficulties, you must tell the teacher! Don't hide it!"


"Fang Ting, do you know? The teacher was so bad when he was in school! But even then, I respected the teacher very much! Because my teacher, she really cares about us from the bottom of my heart!"

"I admit that there are many teachers who are not qualified at all, but among these people, I must not be included!"

Fang Ting trembled all over!


"Teacher! Please, help me!"

Fang Ting suddenly burst into tears!

"I, woo... I was lied to!"

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