God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2050: Heavyweight new clues!

"Ancestor Qingyang?"

Master Lonely was stunned, but his complexion changed drastically right after that!

In the realm of cultivation, the younger generations may not know it, but old guys like them are too aware of the weight of these four words!

The ancestor of Qingyang was one of the evil overlords in the realm of comprehension.

It's just that he later used the blood of thousands of people to sacrifice and provoke the sky thunder to a great calamity, and was wiped out by the ashes of that generation of Tianding ten extremely. He should have died long ago!

Why is he still alive?

"You, you should have been..."

"Hehehe, the old man is so easy to die, how can he die so easily!"

The ancestor Qingyang smiled proudly.

In the last great battle in Ma's family, Jiang Fan had to use the mask of the evil **** to advance to the realm of heaven and human.

With one blow, the ancestor Qingyang who was hitting didn't care about the risks, and directly used the spirit of the soul to activate the big move technique!

He just wanted to run as far as possible, but he didn't expect to go directly to Southeast Asia!

Even if he was lucky, not long after he showed up, he unexpectedly found a young man with good aptitude and directly took away the opponent.

Moreover, Southeast Asia is a small country, with a small country and a few people and no masters. For Qingyang ancestors who are in desperate need of recuperation, it is simply a treasure!

He even used spells to confuse the locals and launched a blood sacrifice. Not only did he fill up the blood soul orbs, but it also increased the power of the soul!

The rejuvenated ancestor Qingyang suddenly felt that he could do it again.

At this moment, Jiang Fan happened to spread the news of his presence in the City of Qiqiu, and Qingyang Ancestor was overjoyed when he learned about it.

Of course he could tell that Jiang Fan was able to ascend to the Celestial Realm at the beginning by absolutely using some kind of secret treasure, but this kind of thing that can instantly promote a great realm, Jiang Fan will never have another one!

So facing himself this time, he will definitely die!

Of course, Jiang Fan would naturally want to kill, but his body must be left behind!

Once a body with this kind of aptitude is obtained by oneself, coupled with the immortality effect conferred by the blood soul orb, then in the future, all the heavens will be rubbish!

He set off from Singapore at the moment, and only waited to reach the city of seven hills before seizing Jiang Fan, but he did not expect that he would encounter a cultivator in the Yuanshen realm here!

After all, his current body is still too weak to display his true strength at all. If Master Lonely Peak is taken away, Jiang Fan will never be his opponent even if he can enter the Celestial Realm again by then!

Master Lonely Peak became more and more nervous:

"Then, the senior came here, I don't know what you are doing?"

The corners of Qingyang's ancestor's mouth curled up, revealing a wicked smile:

"Although the body of this seater has good talents, it is a pity that it is not a person of cultivation after all, but you are..."

Master Gufeng suddenly reacted, his complexion changed greatly:

"You want to take me away!"

"Hehe heh, rest assured, as long as you hand over your body obediently, the old man can let you enter the blood soul orb to warm up the soul, and when he takes the thorny body of the old man, he will naturally return the control of this body to you at that time! "

"You, don't think about it!"

Master Lonely screamed, and directly pinched a seal with one hand!

However, he was seriously injured after all, and he was casting a spell with one hand. Before his spell was formed, the ancestor Qingyang had already cried out:

"seal up!"


In an instant, Master Lonely Peak only felt his body stagnated!

And at this moment, Old Ancestor Qingyang's forehead suddenly cracked, and immediately after that, that blood soul orb had already carried his soul, and suddenly rushed into the mouth of Master Lonely Peak!


Master Lonely Peak suddenly let out a cry of horror!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The noisy telephone ringing suddenly rang.

Jiang Fan rolled over and opened his sleepy eyes, only to realize that it was already bright.

Stretching hard, he finally picked up the phone:


"Jiang Fan! I found it!"

Yin Binghua's voice suddenly sounded.

Jiang Fan was stunned, and suddenly sat up:

"Have you found the origin of that Heaven and Human Realm?"

In the Jinghu Courtyard, Zhou Yandao was killed by a celestial and human realm that suddenly appeared. After Jiang Fan killed the opponent, he got a lot of clues from the corpse. Later, he asked Yin Binghua to investigate, but he didn't expect news so soon.


Yin Binghua's voice was tense:

"That person is called Cheng Kong."

"Cheng Kong?"

Jiang Fan has never heard of this name.

"Yes! Cheng Kong, you may not know this person, but his master, you must know!"

"who is it?"

"Ten Ding and ten poles, nine sides dominate!"

Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank, and his mind was completely awake.

He didn't even dream that he would be a disciple of Tianding Shiji in this celestial and human realm!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"Anything else?"

"According to what we have learned, this Cheng Kong had already died ten years ago. It was the Nine Hegemony who buried him personally. He should never be resurrected from the dead!"

Jiang Fan sneered:

"Then if the nine parties dominate and know that he is not dead!"

Yin Binghua was stunned:

"You, what do you mean, the Jiufang Domination deliberately wants him to die? What's the purpose?"

"That's not important, thank you, help me find this news."

Jiang Fan said he was about to hang up.

Nine parties dominate!

There is a new clue!

If I remember correctly, Uncle Xuan challenged him 30 years ago!

Seeing that the phone was about to be hung up, Yin Binghua suddenly said:

"Wait, my family wants to have a word with you."

"Your family?"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up suddenly, and the next moment, on the other side of the phone, there was already a gentle, gentle, gentle male voice on the other side of the phone:

"Mr. Jiang, hello."

"Hello, are you..."

"My name is Nangong, Nangong Jinghai!"

Tianding ten poles!

Nangong Jinghai!

This person finally showed up!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath:

"Senior Nangong, hello."

"Mr. Jiang is polite, but I don't seem surprised to hear your voice. Could it be that I have known the relationship between Binghua and me?"

Jiang Fan's fingers trembled, and Tianding was ten poles, there really wasn't a simple role!

But he smiled softly:

"I was too shocked to receive a call from Senior Nangong. How can I think about other issues?"


Nangong Jinghai smiled:

"Mr. Jiang, you said that this person has something to do with the Huo Family Miemen. I wonder if you can talk to me?"


Jiang Fan quickly recounted what had happened before.

Nangong Jinghai was silent for a moment before speaking slowly:

"Mr. Jiang seems to know some deeper inside stories, can you tell me next?"

"There is nothing to say, the force behind Cheng Kong is named Tianwen, and Tianwen also has a leader called Tianzun! The fire family destroys the door, and even the disasters of my Jiang family back then are all led by them!"

Nangong Jinghai fell into silence again, and she said softly after a long time:

"Before Mr. Jiang, you suspected that I was also a member of God?"

Jiang Fan did not hesitate:

"Yes! To be honest, even now, I still have doubts."

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